A Psychic Odyssey Through the Minds of Misfits, Monsters, and Madmen. This classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin. In his quest to join the Psychonauts--an elite group of international psychic secret agents--he breaks into their secret training facility: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. But this is no average psychic summer camp! A mysterious villain has kidnapped Raz’s fellow campers and stolen their brains. Now he must use his psychic powers of Telekinesis, Levitation, and most of all his ability to project himself into the minds of others--to find the loose noodles and keep them from falling into the wrong hands. Fight mental demons! Uncover hidden memories! Sort emotional baggage! Explore the fantastic realm of the inner mind! Join the Psychonauts!

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Five incredible, best-selling games. Humble Indie Bundle V features five modern masterpieces and their soundtracks. Experience the fear and paranoia of Amnesia: The Dark Descent; the intensity and impact of LIMBO; the zany characters of Psychonauts; the future-retro, audiovisual concoction of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP; and, for customers who pay more than the average price, the exquisitely crafted action-RPG, Bastion.

Pay what you want. If you bought all these games and soundtracks separately, it would cost around $110. But we are letting you set the price!

Humble Indie Bundle V

The games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

System requirements are here: Support.humblebundle.com

You can support charity. Choose how your purchase is divided: between the developers, the Child's Play Charity, or the Electronic Frontier Foundation. And if you like this deal, a tip to Humble Bundle would be much appreciated!

The official website: Humblebundle.com
The ModDB Humble Bundle group: Moddb.com
Bundeals group: Moddb.com

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Psychonauts ReShadElite

Psychonauts ReShadElite

Effects GFX

Small ReShade for better look. Drag and drop all in your game folder.

Psychonauts (Turkish Language)

Psychonauts (Turkish Language)

Psychonauts (Turkish Language) Language Pack 1 comment

Arşiv dosyasını oyun klasörüne çıkarmanız yeterlidir. Ara sahneleri dahil Türkçe yapar.

Patch 1.05 Unofficial

Patch 1.05 Unofficial


The unofficial 1.05 patch for Psychonauts.

Patch 1.04

Patch 1.04


Various bugs were fixed. To see which peek into file details.

Psychonauts Demo 1.01

Psychonauts Demo 1.01


An updated full demo is now available.

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ns-mars - - 614 comments

Haven't gone far

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
hamishwilson - - 138 comments

Where is the Linux version?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
hamishwilson - - 138 comments

It seems to be available now.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
AnomalousMaterials - - 29 comments

Why hadn't anyone made any mods yet?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,203 comments

Because its almost impossible.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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