Project Brutality is a fast-paced gameplay mod that aims to amp up classic Doom like never before.
This is an alpha version of Project Brutality, it is not representative of the final product.
For the latest updates, visit the GitHub page.
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Relive Doom.
After 8 years in development, Project Brutality has transcended from a simple modification of Brutal Doom, to a fully standalone mod, with bespoke artwork, animations and programming. This file brings together years of improvements to every aspect of the mod into one convenient download, there has never been a better time to play! Thank you for your support during this long development cycle, we hope you enjoy this work-in-progress version!
-The Project Brutality Team.
![Project Brutality Logo]()
lez gooo
Truly epic
awesome mod!!
joder esto sera epico
Awesome sauce!
Super! I play with Delta Touch and the mod is incredibly well optimized for my phone.
Bro the badass addition was cool and no lag but it get cancel, but this mod crash my intired phone went i load the mod and i need to press turn off button and press again to turn on. WTF
It's the same mod but unlike Badass Edition it's not bloated to hell with 1GB of poorly made addons.
ok but the addon is not poorly made bro, it have glory and many usefull thing, im not say ur mod is not good i'm just saying it crash because my phone poorly made lol. WTF
then your phone is bad, get a better one if you want to play project brutality.
the game works fine, you might need to check if your phone works well with the mod if not then I guess try different mod that meet your demands else where.
try that old modified version for phone
Thanks bro
Staging runs perfect
What ever... still waste.. my time.. bye
Run on Lzdoom?
If the player "reborn" via "resurrect" command, won't be able to quick kick anymore (there will also appear a cutted sprite in the bottom left, a glove perhaps).
Used the Staging version from GitHub, not this one
The resurrect command is just a mess in general, accounting for it is hell. I've tried my best to account for it in the HUD but i can't say the same about things coded by other people on the team.
Hello, I play this awesome mod on delta touch mobile but this game get vert hard because I can't find reloading option on menu.
What phone u using, i want to know, is the game crash? is it lag?
The reload button is in Options > Customize controls > Action. You will need to create custom buttons in Delta Touch's layout configurator to bind this.
Thank you for playing.
Sadly this new version broke pretty much every addon that is almost mandatory and also seems like it has even less weapons than previous builds...
It's very unfortunate how some fan favorite weapons(like those from Dox778) or Glory Kills still aren't included in the main branch yet even as optional toggleable stuff and we have to rely on the community for that or to restore removed content.
I wish PB was more community friendly and open to suggestions since the devs pretty much ignores every positive feedback or interesting ideas and be like "my mod, my rules. don't like it, don't play it".
It's not our problem, i dunno what to tell you. If any add-ons were "mandatory" they'd be included in the mod.
Either the project progresses forward or we stay behind forever to support add-ons that we didn't make and aren't up to our standards of quality. For this reason we don't include any add-on content in official builds since we have better bespoke assets made by our artists specifically for our use, not the same revolver again rehased with overpowered damage stats.
And we removed some content because they were old and superseded by new and improved assets, and also to reduce redundancy, e.g. the BFG11K being removed because it served the exact same purpose as the Unmaker, and the Black Hole Gun being rolled into the overhauled BFG.
Addons should stay addons tbh, that way the devs aren't forced to bring whatever addon weapon theres a fucktillion up to the quality and standards of the default arsenal. And a lot of them just use the same damn revolver and deagle model anyway... boring lol.
Also i guess technically there are less guns than previous builds, cuz some are being overhauled currently and will return down the road, the Excavator and Pulse Cannon (M1PR upgrade) for example, as generic said already the BFG11K was made redundant by the Unmaker and the overhauled BFG has a black hole fire mode... with some beautiful ****** sprite work i may add.
I've been in the discord long enough to see some people just... really can't handle change lol.. but good things are cookin and i myself am excited
you are better off playing different mods, no addons will work on it and any suggestion that gets bloated to PB will just get yetted, so you are either playing this mod as it is or play BD, that is it.
IMO the boated stuff that was in PB before crash my game plus, not one is going to use all those weapons anyway so it was a right move what they did so if you want to do an addon then work on making one so the PB devs can focus on improving the quality of the mod then just adding quantity of it which is a waste of time.
Woaa WTH happen here why every body fighting.🙂
Hello, any reason why with "doom_complete" killing the bosses does not trigger the levels to end?
Looks like it work if done with the original wads.
Same thing seem to happen to the spawns set to "Dynamic Progression", does not seem to work with doom_complete, BUT i may be wrong about the spawns, as i did not test this deeply.
Randomic Chaos seem to have no problems, does not matter the wad selected.
Thanks for the costant development, this rocks!
I'm new to modding Doom and I love PB so much.
I know it's tagged as a Doom II mod but is it compatible with the first one?
God bless the creator of this masterpiece :)
Yes, it is.
Thank you for playing.
I would like to deactivate the HUD but I can't, what can I do? And above all, why are there fewer weapons and enemies than the old mod? Is there an addon to bring them back?
To deactivate the HUD you can press = (or + depending on your keyboard layout) until it goes away. There are fewer weapons and monsters because they were either trimmed out because they were bad and didn't add enough to the game to warrant existing, or because they were rolled into or superseded by another weapon.
Thank you for playing.
Hey, I have a question, by chance have you eliminated the allied marines, because with this new version they no longer appear, but are replaced by the invicibility sphere, tell me if it is a configuration of the mod or if they were eliminated. thank you so much
Friendly marines were removed, yes.
Thank you for playing.
i don't really like the new regular imp fire ball.
there is a little annoying high pitched noise when moving.
pinkies doesn't have any sepcial abilities. they act like vanilla.
feels wierd when all the other monsters got a lifting.
the rest is cool.
I have not heard a high pitched sound while a regular imp is throwing a fireball at me, only dark imps. And i don't remember PB pinkies ever having any special attacks, so that will probably be left for the whole enemy overhaul.
Thank you for playing.
brutal doom but with more features, awesome
Everything about this is amazing
Will it work with zandronum?
I'm quite impressed with the quality of this mod. Highly entertaining. However, how does one access the PDA? I can't seem to find a keybind related to it in the options menu.
The PDA button was removed because the PDA wasn't touched in like what, 5 years maybe 6? it was just very buggy and didn't serve much purpose because barely anything had an entry on it, we've held it off until we can get it to a more complete state.
Thank you for playing.
looks like fun,i might play it when i get home!
me cooorrooooo aaaaaa