Post news Report RSS Previewing the Return of the King Campaign

Today we are giving you a first preview of the Return of the King campaign. While this preview will not contain any explicit spoilers, those that want to be entirely surprised when it does come out should click this off!

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We hope you've been enjoying Version 8.0 and its subsequent patches. When we released 8.0, we made a point of mentioning that this was our last proper release and that the Return of the King campaign wasn't happening. The reason for this is that while we certainly had written out a bunch of what we wanted to do for these missions, we weren't sure if we had the manpower to pull them off as epically as we wanted to. Once we realized that yes, we could do it, we announced that the continuation of our epic Lord of the Rings campaign was indeed in development.

That's what this article is previewing. It's not a wordy article like you might be used to from us. We're not discussing objectives or revealing the names or order of the missions. That's all going to be a surprise, and these few screenshots are more of a taste of what to expect in terms of immersion and storytelling.

PotD 01

An eerie glow emanates from a forlorn ossuary...

PotD 02

A king stumbles upon a prince...

Gondorian Tavern 01

A cozy tavern...

Gondorian Market 01

A busy square...

Return of the King already outmatches our previous campaigns in terms of numbers of custom assets made. There's hundreds of new and exclusive props already created - ranging from city structures, doodads, new characters, new animations and many hundreds of new voice lines (and much more) - bringing the story to life in a way that we haven't achieved before.

Like Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers before it, the Return of the King will cover familiar events, but will also feature places and stories never-before-seen in a Lord of the Rings video game adaptation...

RotK Shot 01


RotK Shot 02


We are taking great care in carrying on past story threads, including the fates of those you've managed to save from their doom in prior missions...

Sons of Gondor 01

The Sons of Gondor...

That's all for now. Look out for 8.3 sometime in the near future. The Return of the King, however, will not be released for a long time. But when it is, it will be worth the wait!

The Age of the Ring Team

Post comment Comments
Kark-Jocke - - 14,811 comments

I'm really looking forward to this, you've guys have done an incredibly good job on this mod since day one. Always been a great time playing everything that has been created here, keep up the amazing work. I wish your team all the best!

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Guest - - 698,100 comments

One of the best development teams in existence, thank you for your dedication to Tolkien's legendarium

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
klem - - 280 comments

this last image bring me the feels!
Beautiful work as always! tks guys

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
DragonFCP - - 73 comments

Amazing. Loving it already :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
ulfricstormcloak148 - - 590 comments

"Boromir!!!! Boromir!!!!"

"This city was once the jewel of our kingdom. A place of light and beauty and music and so it shall be once more. Let the armies of Mordor know this. Never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands. The city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed for Gondor!!"

"I would see the glory of Gondor restored. Have you ever seen it Aragorn? The White tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver. Its banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?"

"I have seen the White City, long ago. "

"One day, our paths will lead us there. And the tower guards shall take up the call: 'The Lords of Gondor have returned!'"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Guest - - 698,100 comments

Honestly I do not know what to expect (except for the best, obviously), though if my eyes do not decieve me we are getting some SA flashbacks. Everything looks so beautiful.From the looks of it this will be the crown jewel of this mod.

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Morgoth801 - - 82 comments

maybe those two images are Numenor and Eregion

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Guest - - 698,100 comments

Lets hope this means we are getting some Zigur and (especially) Annatar

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Morgoth801 - - 82 comments

even adventure factions

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dgn - - 770 comments

Wonderful work !

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Guest - - 698,100 comments


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Guest - - 698,100 comments

I like the first picture, I'm looking forward to this mission

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,129 comments


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WAS1 - - 157 comments

Looks amaizing

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Bollivar - - 157 comments

The Pelennor Fields would be epic this time

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Eranshahr - - 25 comments

Greatest Team Development in the world

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Guest - - 698,100 comments

best christmas news, will be waiting for this

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Guest - - 698,100 comments

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oloringrey56 - - 18 comments

i'm guessing fifth picture is Dol Amroth and sixth Rivendell.

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Morgoth801 - - 82 comments

Numenor and Eregion rather

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Random_Musings - - 12 comments

Double yes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Eranshahr - - 25 comments

Is it near to release?

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Guest - - 698,100 comments

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Guest - - 698,100 comments

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