The location of the Earth, mythical home planet of the human race, has long since been forgotten. As it fights a bitter war against the Scourge, the Empire is on the brink of being torn apart from within as the Emperor, Spirit Council and Harkbacks, all following their own secretive agenda, battle for power.

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Emperor's Testament Unlocked Free Trial

Emperor's Testament Unlocked Free Trial


The trial version is a deluxe demo that unlocks the entire game for 3 hours of uninterrupted and unrestricted gameplay.

Perimeter: Emperor's Testament Demo

Perimeter: Emperor's Testament Demo


A demo has been released for Perimeter: Emperor's Testament which allows you to check out a single-player mission and a multiplayer map.

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LordDz - - 225 comments

Awesome game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
fritz-schmitz - - 1 comments

Yeahhhhhhhhhh i agree.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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