Peer Review has no affiliation with Crowbar Collective, Tripmine Studios, or their respective games.

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After a routine experiment goes catastrophically wrong, Dr. Gina Cross and Dr. Colette Green must fight to survive the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident.

Peer Review is a reboot of Half-Life's third and final expansion, Half-Life: Decay. Return to the Black Mesa Research Facility and relive the chaos from the perspectives of Dr. Cross and Dr. Green. With all missions from the original game and fully functional co-op, Peer Review aims to give a fresh take on classic Half-Life that you can enjoy with a friend. media ico discord

Peer Review and PSR Digital have no affiliation with Valve Software, Crowbar Collective, or Tripmine Studios.
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Hello hellos, yo yos, and how’s it goes?! As usual, we hope you lot have all been having a lovely little life since we last had a chat. We certainly have (for some definition of lovely), and it’s that time of the year again, so let’s jump into the update!

Last year we reached the exciting milestone of every mission being playable front-to-back, with the exceptions of Dual Access, and Rift. After a celebratory break, we’ve been hard at work at tackling major tasks since then, one of the most important of which is this mayonnaise:


Ideal spread for a grilled cheese.

In all seriousness, our focus for this year has been on Dual Access, the game’s opening mission. Way back in Peer Review’s early days we made the explicit decision to work on Dual Access last. This is actually pretty common for most organized development cycles. You can’t make a proper introduction or tutorial for something that doesn’t yet exist after all, now can you? Now that we’ve got the rest of the game to inform our design decision, we’re knocking it out.

Dual Access - Art Study

It’s nice to see someone is on time today.

The gameplay for the two-part mission is coming along quite nicely. In fact, one of those parts is actually in the home stretch! We’ve been testing and iterating and it’s almost there. Meanwhile, being more dialogue-heavy, the other part’s still in the planning and writing phase. Mooostly the writing phase. Good writing takes time, so tha writist girls r doin wat im doin write now accept better. We’re eager to show you when that’s ready!

While the design team's busy doing designer things, the art team is likewise arting up a storm, and sorting out how Sector C should look in Peer Review.

Dual Access - Art Study

Next time, let's try 104%.

Science isn't all lasers and chemical tanks, though. Sometimes you need a space to store copious amounts of books, or store copious amounts of emails, or store copious amounts of copies.

Offices - Art Study

Office Props

And where do you store everything else? None other than the storage facilities over in Surface Call.

Surface Call - Art Study

Safety first!

That's our update! As always, if you've got any questions, comments, concerns, cries of outrage, cries of inrage, or cries of another nature, you can get in touch with us pretty easily in the Peer Review Community Discord Server. We're always hanging about, so you can chat with us and do all the other Discord stuff that we don't need to explain. Pop in, say hi!

And if you really like us, and also happen to have some skills in that pretty little head of yours, you can assimilate! We can always use more 3D artists, character artists, programmers, the lot. Head over to the PSR Team Application Form and show us what you can do. Barring audio and writing positions, we've got space in all roles.

For the rest of the year we'll be chipping away at Dual Access before finally moving on to Rift. We're really excited to see everything coming together, and we hope you are, too. We'll have another check in with you towards the end of the year. Be safe and keep kind in the meantime!

Also hey check out this egg:


this egg

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, We're on the Way to Alpha Three

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, We're on the Way to Alpha Three

News 4 comments

Yo yo yo, and ho ho ho, bros, non-bros and occasional bros! How’s it goes? Hopefully you lovelies have all been great, because holy whoa, have we. We...

2023 Mid-Year Update

2023 Mid-Year Update

News 6 comments

We’ve made it through half of 2023, and all in all Peer Review has been doing pretty darn good throughout. Our levels are inching closer and closer...

2022 Closeout

2022 Closeout

News 6 comments

It's been a biiit since we've checked in, huh? Let's rap about that.

Midway Through 2022

Midway Through 2022

News 9 comments

We’ve somehow all survived yet another quarter, which means it’s time for you to hear about how great we’re doing!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 296)
cherrybuttcheeks - - 66 comments

Do you guys need more level designers?

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Guest - - 698,201 comments

Will you guys be including the deleted mission where we save Gordon to tie up better with the main game or just remaking the official retail missions?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
dky.tehkingd.u Creator
dky.tehkingd.u - - 277 comments


Reply Good karma+1 vote
MordorRat - - 34 comments

I have a question.

How many MAPS there'll be in this mod?

Because you know, nine maps is extremely small amount of maps by modern standards.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
dky.tehkingd.u Creator
dky.tehkingd.u - - 277 comments

Currently the plan involves at least 10 (possibly 11) maps. But our maps are significantly larger and have longer runtime than most standard Source maps (in our playtests, we regularly clock multiple hours of playtime in some of them).

This number isn't set in stone though. We may end up needing to split up some of the maps if our current technical tricks to overcome traditional map limits stop working.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
MordorRat - - 34 comments

Okay. I hope mod will be released sooner than later.

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woopwoop1609067291 - - 15 comments

What about neeeeeeews? ヾ(•ω•`)o

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dky.tehkingd.u Creator
dky.tehkingd.u - - 277 comments

Sorry about that! A series of obnoxious IRL disasters have delayed the update a bit. We'll get that up hopefully within the next few days.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
woopwoop1609067291 - - 15 comments


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Guest - - 698,201 comments

Will the game appear in steam? when the development is completed, of course

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
AgenteP - - 12 comments

That's a big "Maybe?"... It's a bit too soon to tell, because there are some technical and legal issues we'll have to consider in order to publish it, and also the fees... But anyway, we hope we can publish it in Steam some day :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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