Experience Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Gordon Freeman awakens amidst the wreckage of a downed helicopter. The Combine is ruthlessly hunting him down. Continue the Half-Life storyline where Episode Two left off.

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Experience Half-Life 2: Episode 3. The final steps towards a demo launch are in motion. Read on for news on the demo, new additions to the soundtrack, and the reveal of a new enemy.

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Our Mutual Goal

Development of the Interlude demo is nearing completion, with the final rounds of playtesting and some last-minute tweaks from me to achieve that signature Valve level of polish. For the first time in the mod’s development, I am truly realising that soon this mod, or at least a part of it, will be playable not only by me but also by you.

But with that in mind - I am not ready to commit to a release date.

What I can assure you is that our next correspondence and the next article posted here will reveal that release date. The demo’s launch will be imminent, if not immediate, from that moment. I am aware of the delicate emotions fans have regarding Ep3/HL3 news and updates, and I don’t want to over-promise and under-deliver. So, as always, Soon™—but more accurately, Very Soon™.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their tremendous support throughout this project, and a big thank you to LambdaGeneration for releasing a 10-minute video covering the history and future of the development of this mod, which as of right now has crossed 18,000 views. This is a huge milestone for the project in terms of getting fans involved with its development.

Your feedback has been instrumental in driving development forward, and seeing fan's reactions to the project has been extremely rewarding. I read every comment, and as with previous articles, I want to take this opportunity to answer some questions and respond to some feedback and criticisms I have seen.

What’s with that Valve intro?

The new ‘Valve’ intro was a very (very) last-minute addition to the second teaser trailer. I had planned on having a unique ‘Valve’ intro throughout development, as the vision of the project is to give fans the feeling of truly experiencing Ep3, including booting up a new Valve title with a new splash screen. I have never forgotten that feeling of booting up Episode 2 and seeing a new Valve intro, and I want to replicate that.

In hindsight, I agree the new version is borderline ridiculous and doesn’t match the standard of Valve’s intros yet. The idea was to continue the messages of the previous intros:

  • Open Your Eyes
  • Open Your Mind
  • Interlude - Open Your Heart

The angle and positioning of the new splash screen does not indicate a heart nor its opening, and I am taking feedback to improve upon its design.

I will continue to work on the splash screen and iterate on it until it matches the quality of Valve’s previous entries and serves to immerse players in launching Episode 3 for the first time.

Other attempts and ideas have been considered, and I must stress that these do not make the cut either, but I believe transparency in this process is important.

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes 2Open Your Eyes 3

These attempts are purely Photoshop mockups and do not represent the final splash screen the mod will use. With a bit more experimentation and research, I will move forward with real photography, including a real valve that matches the exact model originally used by Valve, which has been tracked down and ordered. As always, feel free to leave feedback in the comments or contact me directly, as it will only serve to better the project.

This 'side project' also gives you insight into my development process. As a solo developer working on this full-time, it’s easy to face burnout when creating maps, models, textures, sounds, code, etc. When one aspect of the project becomes overwhelming, I switch lanes to another part of the project. This way, something is always being worked on and improved. Taking a break to work on something like the splash screen allows me to return with a fresh mind when continuing with maps or coding.

Is there going to be original voice acting in the game or is it all going to be reused dialogue and AI?

In some contexts and specific situations, AI may be used to achieve the best effect. However, the mod is embracing original voice-acting, including for existing characters such as the G-Man.

I'm happy to announce that G-Man will be voiced by Kest, who, at times, I suspect may be the actual G-Man. Catch a preview below, on the mod's new official Soundcloud:

I really want to stress my gratitude for Kest's work, and I'm excited for their input and our working together in bringing Interlude's story to life. I believe we can really nail a believable performance of the G-Man, and tweak things to feel really official.

You've discussed the possibility of some beta enemies and content making a return. Will there be any new content such as weapons or enemies for fans to experience in Interlude?

I'm not ready to discuss weapons in detail. In keeping with Valve's progression through the Episodes, I don't want to overwhelm players with too many new weapons. There are a few new toys in the testing phases, and if they provide valuable additions to the sandbox, they may make it into the game. I'll talk about those in the future when ready. To set expectations, think more along the lines of the additions to weapons and enemy rosters encountered throughout the Episodes. However, a new vehicle should excite fans.

As for enemies, this Episode will feature a brand-new enemy type that belongs to an existing Half-Life species.

There has been a lot of new and exciting community content lately regarding Half-Life lore, such as Entropy Zero 1 & 2, or the much beloved Half-Life: OVERWORLD, created by the extremely talented UnknownDino. If you somehow missed it, check it out here:

UnknownDino and I got to talking, and after sharing a closed demo of Interlude, they agreed to share one enemy asset you might've caught in OVERWORLD.


Interlude concept art showcasing the new Headcrab variant

Introducing a new Headcrab species

As a new member of the Headcrab species, this long-legged critter has no problem closing any distance between them and Gordon in the thick Arctic snow.

They prefer the darkness and are mostly encountered inside abandoned buildings, underground, or out in the wilds under the cover of night. They are armoured, hunt in small packs, and detest the flashlight. The rest of their behaviours and hunting patterns, however, will have to wait until you encounter them in-game.

This new enemy features prominently in an entire section codenamed Ravenholm 2.0, set in an abandoned Arctic mine (which unlike Episode 2's mineshafts will not be exclusively underground). Development of this area is well underway. While it won't be in the demo, and nor will this enemy, it should serve as something to look forward to on the road ahead to a full launch.

Note that there is a lore reason for a Headcrab reacting to light, and as always with Half-Life their gameplay and behaviours will be grounded in the world through the use of narrative.

So a huge thank you to UnknownDino for sharing this asset and their time. It was great to talk Half-Life with you.

As for further new enemy types - stay tuned.

Will the soundtrack be released on music platforms such as Spotify?

Yes. Under the banner of 'Interlude' - I will be mastering the music and releasing it online for easy listening. The album will launch in 2 parts, with the 2nd part launching with the full episode's release to avoid spoilers. Keep an eye out for 'Interlude Part 1' soon - and in the meantime, enjoy the existing tracks, plus a new track release 'Vortal Plea' on our Soundcloud.

You can also hear the new track, 'Vortal Plea' via the official YouTube channel:

As for some information on the demo. It will take place around an hour into the game, and sharp-eyed observers will catch tidbits as to where Gordon has been, and where he is headed.

While I polish the demo for release, look forward to an official website with more insight into the development of the project, as well as some ARG elements fans have previously enjoyed in the lead-up to Valve's official titles, such as Portal 2.

If you find yourself hungry for more, I will say this. The teasers, and other media, hold secrets and hints as to what lies ahead. Scour the ModDB and other media releases for clues about the story.

Interlude is deeply personal to me, from its narrative, my desire to deliver something special to the Half-Life community, my ode to what Half-Life means to me, and finally the journey in my personal life. I will finish this project, one way or another.

The next time we speak, I will be announcing the demo's release, and until then, I must continue working.

Thank you for your support and patience - and see you on the other side.


Half-Life: Interlude is still hiring! If you want to work on Ep3 and join the team, I'm seeking a:

- Particle guru

- Coder

- Animater


Post comment Comments
MatynosBuritos - - 19 comments

Hell yeah!

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Cvoxalury - - 1,299 comments

Quick note,

I didn't really decipher the custom Valve logo posted before, but of the preliminary versions posted here, I really dig the middle one... really takes me back to the times of fanart from mid to late 2000s...

As for AI, its limited use... I understand how choices have to be made, but personally, as member of the audience, I would embrace anything, ANYTHING not AI, I would embrace half-unpredictable TTS (since I actually use it in modding for sketching out scenes, I grew accustomed to it, I guess), or amateur voice acting of any degree. Again, not being pushy here, but I'm waiting for AI to die one day.

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Pega_Xing Author
Pega_Xing - - 55 comments

Hey, really appreciate the feedback. The Valve logo you're talking about really takes me back to playing custom Quake maps for some reason. It somehow calls back to that era for sure - and some commented it reminds them of HL2's beta period.

I hear you on the AI front, and to be clear so far the closest the mod has come to utilising anything of the sort is a TTS which was then heavily worked on by myself to sound as close to Gordon's HEV suit as possible - so no AI involved.

I haven't used AI in any capacity yet - and would never in terms of asset creation. So I will probably continue with that rule going into the voice acting.

Feedback such as yours helps ground that and make it a final decision. So thank you.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
agreenman - - 50 comments

For what it's worth from a nobody, I don't mind AI and actually encourage its use if the end result is better than human voice acting.

If there's one thing that totally destroys immersion, it's bad voice acting. Even high quality mods like RTBR suffer from the amateurish voice acting (not you, Amicus, you are a gah damn professional).

Honestly, I'm not sure why some folks are so staunchly anti-AI. I get the human "art" aspect of it, but at the end of the day, the goal is to create a professional gaming experience, and if you need AI to accomplish that, so be it. Especially for a free mod since it's not like you're stealing anybody's job.

AI is just a tool and if it can be used responsibly and effectively to elevate gameplay, please do. It only becomes a problem when it's abused and detracts from the experience. Ultimately, I think the player's experience should be prioritized first and foremost and the author should use any means necessary to create the most enjoyable experience possible.

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Pega_Xing Author
Pega_Xing - - 55 comments

Hey. Means a lot to get more feedback regarding the matter - so thanks for your input.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Randy! - - 217 comments

Whatever decisions you make I'll just be happy if the final version is satisfying to play through.

Of course take your time as always, it's no good to rush a mod and I see this mod is years in the making and I'm certain it has gotten better over time, also everyone has their own opinions about subjects and I'd recommend you get them from your best information and not just from a single source or so forth.

Wishing you luck on this though, looks like an absolute doozy of a mod and I'm all for it!

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andoodle - - 80 comments

I must apologize for being a bother at this time, but if there is one question I have in mind, it is this: Is there a chance that there will be Steam Achievements for this project, if said project were to be released on Steam in future???

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Pega_Xing Author
Pega_Xing - - 55 comments

If I can get this up on Steam, I have no doubt I'd add achievements too.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
CW3D - - 437 comments

Exciting stuff! I cannot wait to play the demo once it comes out, the new headcrab enemy is also gnarly (OVERWORLD is such a great video). Keep up the good work!

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Pega_Xing Author
Pega_Xing - - 55 comments

OVERWORLD was such a treat. I always wanted to see something like that, and UnknownDino delivered. Thanks for the support.

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

i hope this project wont get cancelled like all of the other ones

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wmf776759 - - 478 comments

I'll see you up ahead.

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Miguensio - - 11 comments

I am really excited for this. So excited for the demo. Keep up the good work man

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Pega_Xing Author
Pega_Xing - - 55 comments

Thank you. Stay tuned!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
tornadogamah - - 3 comments

Seriously, Kest absolutely KILLS IT as the G-Man. I can't express my excitement enough for this mod.

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