Need For Speed Underground RTX mod, full path tracing. WIP.
Need For Speed Underground RTX mod, path traced global/direct illumination, more than 2500 volumetric lights added, a lot of custom PBR materials.
- all cars now have head/tail lights, volumetric lights and emissive mask
- huge amount of new PBR textures
- transparent materials fixed
- performance optimizations
- bug fixes
known bugs:
- car reflections still isn't perfect
System requirements:
- GPU -
Nvidia RTX 30** or higher.
AMD RX6000 or higher (not tested)
- RAM -
Minimum: 16GB
Unzip and copy content of mod directory to game root folder
└ .trex
└ d3d9.dll
└ dinput8.dll
└ dxvk.conf
└ FrontEnd
└ NvRemixLauncher32.exe
└ rtx-remix
└ rtx.conf
└ scripts
└ SNDSTREAMS (optional, lossless audio)
└ Sound (optional, lossless audio)
└ Speed[no-cd-optional].exe (optional, if game is not starting)
If you don't like mirror-like car reflections
1. Delete - "rtx.conf"
2. Rename - "rtx(less-car-reflections).conf" to "rtx.conf"
Resolution is set to 4K by default.
To set custom resolution edit "scripts/NFSUnderground.WidescreenFix.ini" file with any text editor.
Game settings:
Video - Set everything to HIGH except shadows and reflections.
![recomended settings]()