A mod for Carnivores Ice Age featuring a new setting on the planet FMM-UV32: a region of arid deserts, ruled by Triassic reptiles.


The last update to my Carnivores mods, and an open letter to the Carnivores community.

My Last Carnivores Update
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DinoKiller65 - - 107 comments

Oh my...

Just today I was sad because I said "I'm going to never see those models on action, pretty sure they will be dusting themselves on Poha's PC and maybe even got deleted without seeing daylight"

And you just upload everything in a row.

I was sad when I discovered about you leaving the Saga (was a little bit disconected) but if it's for your own good, then do it. Despite everything, you just made history with most of these mods, the best ones out there gotta say. Thank you for everything Poha, wish you luck in your life.

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ScrungusGrungrus - - 24 comments

Happy trails P.Rex, I hope you find yourself in much better circumstances in the future. Thank you for being a huge part of my childhood and inspiring me, and many others, to mod Carnivores!

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Rexhunter99 - - 74 comments

What a beautiful swan song to all your efforts. Thank you so very much P.Rex for all the work you've done for the community and I'm sorry to hear you've had to endure some hard times among the community members.

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ChinchillaHunterVII - - 76 comments

Thank you so much for being a member and making a lasting impact on this community. I hope you find greatness in your life journey ahead. I don't think the modding community would be how great it is today without you!

We promise to take good care of your mods. Love ya Poha! <3

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The_Poacher - - 3 comments


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Unrealhalo - - 68 comments

bye :)

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

i hope u get better soon

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Mix007 - - 28 comments

And that's another one lost to the sands of time and social insanity, I will still miss you and the mods you made.

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imYourNightmare - - 156 comments

Ah. One of the best mods i like.

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Guanlong - - 344 comments

Dang its almost been a year

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AntiTankLover - - 24 comments

almost 1 year later, we still miss you :(

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Jimmiluke - - 6 comments

You were my idol, It's sad to see such an inspiring member leave our Community. I could not be around the time you were an active member and made mods. I hope that you succeed in your goals! Goodbye.

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ChineseEdibleFrogg - - 6 comments

Goodbye Poharex, Hello Keegan

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meen_the_blood_demon - - 7 comments

It would be awsome if we could redo these games in the mee, the originals in a new light.

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

Yeah! I was just thinking the same thing, I wonder if someone has taken the reins of P.Rex and is finishing up his 3 Carnivores mods?

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GameTracker - - 40 comments

It's been a year... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ He really had to quit?

R.I.P Poharex, You'll be remembered for your great mods... Tormer is also doing a good job, sad to see that you never met him.
July 27 2012-July 13 2021
He never made it through...

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P.Rex Author
P.Rex - - 237 comments

What are you talking about?
I'm not a 'He', I'm not dead, I'm actually on good terms with Tormer, and if you don't like anything I've ever done with my life aside from those Carnivores mods, quite frankly that's your loss.
I made it through, better than ever.

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GameTracker - - 40 comments

I Just thought you like gave up your Mod DB Carrer and never made it past 10 years on Mod DB

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P.Rex Author
P.Rex - - 237 comments

Well, that wasn't the case at all.
I quit modding Carnivores, but there's a lot more to me than just Carnivores mods. Honestly, I believe my best creations are yet to come. You're more than welcome to take a look on my profile (as well as on my Deviantart gallery) and see for yourself. :)

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

Hey, I noticed this comment was recent. I'm really new to this whole downloading mods, i just wanted to ask to see if im able to play on mac. Thank you for any help :)

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GameTracker - - 40 comments

yes. some mods are unplayable on mac and some mods have
a mac port.

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MaybeConcave - - 28 comments

What a fine day to see Poharex (sad he quit the Carnivores community :( )

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SweetRamona - - 5,147 comments

I'm sorry to hear that your relationship with the Carnivores community went pretty bad. 😿

I hope you're doing well now, but thanks for all these amazing mods and addons you've contributed to this underappreciated series, as well as releasing everything you've made so far (including the latest versions of your three mods, I hope someone can finish them up for you).

Furthermore, I wish you the best luck in your future endeavours! 😸

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

Where are the new models for the Plateosaurus, Edaphosaurus, and Liliensternus that you showed back in 2018?

Did they get somehow lost or accidentally deleted, or did you give them to some other modders to animate and finish up?

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

Well at least we got this one last mode

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ghifarirex - - 5 comments

no dont do that noooooooo

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

Good to have you back! Looking forward to your current project!

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Deathstalker27 - - 3 comments

Whats with the They/Them you can't be multiple people

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Guest - - 698,101 comments

does he know?

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