A card game without turns. Cards take a number of 'ticks' to execute, and their effects take place on certain ticks depending on the card. Line up your defenses with the enemy attacks, and your attacks with their recoveries and windups!

Web based demo can be found now at Isochronalgames.itch.io!

The demo currently contains 9 distinct fights, a boss, around thirty cards, and the ability to add, remove, and modify cards in your deck.

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As always, this update is live now and can be played for free in browser at Isochronalgames.itch.io Updates like this will be coming out every week, so please follow if you're interested in seeing future updates!

We are back! A longer break than anticipated, as I got into building a smaller word game while I had the extra free time. You can play that right now at Isochronalgames.itch.io

But we are coming back with a bang with the long promised new preview system! Hopefully it should make the game a lot easier to anticipate. The core idea is that the game should show you exactly what will happen if all your played cards and all visible enemy cards execute. No surprises, no unexpected deaths because of a status you didn't see, or a summon you didn't expect!

Of course, that is easier said than done.

- Preview HP values should be easier to parse now - the tooltip will show you your expected HP after execution, and the difference between your current and expected HP will flash on the bar itself.

- However, if you're actually gaining HP, it will flash green instead of red. I recognize this isn't great for colorblind accessibility, but the info is still available through the tool bar. If you have any other suggestions though, please let me know in the comments below?

- If a tick will be cancelled by a stun or other effect, it now shows as an outline of the tick to indicate it won't actually take effect.

- If a creature is predicted to die, all their future ticks will be cancelled and overlaid with skulls to indicate that they will die at that point and none of their attacks will take effect.

- Summons and moves are included in the prediction calculation, so your damage numbers will still be accurate.

I think this kind of prediction system is a great step forward for a game like this that can be somewhat confusing and difficult to predict, but it has consequences for game design as well!

In order for the prediction system to be accurate, all cards need to be deterministic. No random damage, no random targets, no random statuses. That does close off the design space quite a bit- if you look at giants of the genre like Slay the Spire, cards that pick their targets randomly are pretty common.

That does close off that possibility, unless I want to adjust the preview system to somehow display a range of possible damage numbers or something similar, but that seems like it would be difficult, error prone, and probably confusing to the user. For the moment I am going to be sticking to deterministic cards, as that is my preference anyway. I have a fondness for games where the results of your actions are completely predictable (besides the drawing of cards, of course).

What do you think? Is the preview system worth losing the possibility of random cards?

In development - I picked up some skills in UI design while working on my word game, and I'm hoping to apply that in the next few weeks to give the game a more unified theme!

Gifs in this were created using ScreenToGif - thank you ScreenToGif!

It's time to Rage with a new buff status

It's time to Rage with a new buff status


A new update with a new status, trinket, and card!

Adding Trinket Art and Thoughts on Previews

Adding Trinket Art and Thoughts on Previews


A devlog with some new art and thoughts on a new preview system

Decorate your cards with new Stickers!

Decorate your cards with new Stickers!


A devlog going over the update with a brand new mechanic!

A Guided Tour!

A Guided Tour!


A new guided tutorial going over the basic mechanics!

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MomentToMoment 0.1.22

MomentToMoment 0.1.22


Update with a new preview system that fully predicts damage and hp!

MomentToMoment 0.1.21

MomentToMoment 0.1.21


A new update with a new status, trinket, and card!

MomentToMoment 0.1.20

MomentToMoment 0.1.20


An update with some new Trinket art to better tell them apart

MomentToMoment 0.1.19

MomentToMoment 0.1.19


An update with an entirely new mechanic, Stickers which overwrite parts of cards!

MomentToMoment 0.1.18

MomentToMoment 0.1.18


A new guided tutorial going over the basic mechanics!

MomentToMoment 0.1.17

MomentToMoment 0.1.17


Trinkets now available in shops, along with a bunch of balance changes!

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LunarShuriken - - 1,293 comments

Haha, nice!

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