Allows player to mantle walls and vault over obstacles
This mod will allow player to mantle walls and vault over obstacles.
By holding jump and looking at the edge to climb, the actor will proceed to climb the wall. The animation speed will depend on various conditions such as current actor weight and stamina. The full speed will be achieved with less than half of max weight and full stamina.
Climbing the wall will drain stamina and hunger, the more you have weight - the stronger the drain will be.
The system was designed to adapt to most climbing scenarios, such as walls, ledges, platforms, etc. However there might be animation bugs or actor climbing to places he shouldnt do, so you have to cope with that, nothing is perfect. Not every wall will be climbable where the destination is too steep such as rooftops, i'll try to address it in next updates based on a feedback.
MCM options contain settings to adjust the mod to your likings such as jump time, distance, sound volumes, etc.
- In case of conflicts with other mods, move this mod below any other mods and you will be okay
- If you save while crouching, on the next load the hand position while ledge grabbing will be wrong. Will be fixed in next update
- Parazit: Great Hands and Camera animations
- Strelok: Outstanding Outfit and Grunting sounds
You can support me by donating via Boosty, i will appreciate your help :)
- Added optional unstuck check (enabled by default). If script has found that you became stuck, it will try to push you upwards once to correct place
- Extended time for fixing the damage issue when performing climbing
- Fixed the bug when camera blinks for 1 frame in wrong direction at the start of climb animation
- Fixed the issue when player was damaged when performing climbing
- Fixed crash LUA error: .../bin/..\gamedata\scripts\demonized_ledge_grabbing.script:420: attempt to index local 'health' (a nil value)
- Added simple player bounds check to improve behaviour on small ledges
- Small optimizations of the script to reduce ray casts amount
- Added MCM configurable delay between checks for grabbing to improve performance, default is no delay
- Added Body Health System integration, if one of your arms is broken, the climbing will be disabled, toggleable in MCM
- Added Hardcore Mode, toggleable in MCM, default is disabled:
- You cannot climb any obstacles if your max weight is greater than 90kg
- You cannot climb any obstacles if your health is less than 60%
- Increased stamina consumption
- Fix of disabling climbing mod when "S.k.I.n - Skinning Improvement" mod is used by StronGV
- Ledge grabbing accuracy MCM setting can be reduced to 5
- Increased distance for raycast check for player height to address some issues with climbing into tight spaces
- Fixed issue when climbing stops working after FDDA skinning animation
![file 2]()
- New method of raycast, maximum height will be dependant on players line of sight. In theory this can help increase accuracy in cases where there are multiple platforms above one another, can be toggled in MCM via "alternative climb detection" check.
- Improved collision detection to address issue on climbing inside windows
- New input methods for climbing available. You can now toggle in MCM between holding jump, key press with configurable key or both methods at the same time
- Animation randomization, your climbs will never be the same. each climb will have very slight alterations in speed and camera movement, this can be adjusted in MCM as well
- Stamina consumption very slightly increased
- Wearing heavy armor or exoskeleton will reduce climb speed
- Added material check so now it wont be possible to climb on bushes or other strange materials
- Fine-tuned hands position, now it looks a bit better
![file 1]()
- Fixed a bug where camera will behave differently depending on a direction player faced before the climb
- Now you won't be able to climb if FDDA animation is being played
- Lowered stamina consumption
- Added stamina drain modifier in MCM menu
- Fixed missing "Enable" text for Russian language in MCM, thanks leevithan
- Fixed the missing cursor issue
First! Best addon ever
Woah crazy mod, hope it works well !
Another instant classic
OMG perfection. Time to go full parkour
what the hell dude. this is amazing as f
*** Greed 1986.
From Demonized, your local Anomaly wizard.
holy crap, great job, demonized!
10/10 instantly
WOW. Been playing for around 30 minutes and this opens up new tactical posibilities.
same thing happens to me, I am using it on GAMMA with some other custom mods too
If you talking about missing cursor, then you need to update modded exes to latest version... in case of gamma, i guess you'll have to wait till they update it
what you mean by cursor? it shouldnt be affected at all, and gamma 0.91 should work fine
I had modded exes from like a month ago, and with this mod my cursor went missing. After updating exes issue was fixed.
i have a guess what can cause that issue, i will try to resolve it the next update
и у меня тоже так решилась проблема
I can confirm that not updating the modded exes will lead to your cursor and command window to disappear. Maybe it would be wise to put it in the OP for clarity.
It is very cool. I have a lot of emotions , happiness .thank you.
Oh my god, okay it's happening. Everybody stay calm!
Is it possible to add a cat hook to use it to pull up to higher obstacles?
I second this. In later updates we could get ability to glide and batmobile.
Give this man a 10/10
Stal Cry
У меня пропал курсор в инветаре, и на экране не появляется надпись "спать" когда подхожу к спальному месту
I really love you
Doesn't work for me on EFP 4.2
[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line: 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: .../bin/..\gamedata\scripts\demonized_ledge_grabbing.script:213: attempt to index global 'debug_render' (a nil value)
stack trace:
Read the description, modded exes are required
Are they not in EFP 4.2?
they are probably severely outdated
i've been waiting a long time for someone to do this job
your mod works wonderfully
really thank you
Bruh there is no way....
Edit: It does not work with EFP for now unfortunatley.
Edit2: Now it works with EFP my ******* didnt read the description, you need the new exes and efter that it will work just fine, amazing mod and great work!
new game required?
Hi! Van you tell HOW to update the exes on EFP 4.2? Many thx!!!
Now all i need is a climbing ladder animation and maybe a slide and shoot feature.
нее, извлечь магазин из оружия - вот былабы крутая анимация
Don't you guys have a war to loose or something instead of trolling here?
He's not trolling and you're the one bringing up irrelevant topics.
езешники обновил стало нормально. офигенный аддон. спасибо. я долго ждал этого!
Try the Update 1, it should resolve missing cursor issue
I'm using the EFP modpack. It doesn't work, which is a shame because it's a great mod.
удали EFP - это зло!
поставь новые модифицированные exe-файлы.
нескромный вопрос. а где их взять? я просто тоже катаю на EFP и хотелось бы, чтобы мод работал корректно. буду благодарен за помощь
В описании аддона)
я слеп) благодарю
бл, все равно не получилось разобраться. срабатывает только начало анимации, а потом почти все ломается. пропадает пушка из рук (падает в рюкзак), ломается худ BHS. и при первой установке почему то шейдеры ушли в отказ
I'm playing it with efp 4.2 and it's working fine
update exes, efp comes with an old version