Role PlayingMin/Max is a cyberpunk narrative RPG set within a gritty, vividly imagined pixel art world. Players alternate between two children -- Min Liu and Max...
MinMax Studios, founded by Charlie Hess in 2021, is a tiny all-remote studio crafting their eponymous first title. Min/Max is a pixel art cyberpunk fantasia set in a gritty near-future dystopian city.
Min/Max is a cyberpunk narrative RPG set within a gritty, vividly imagined pixel art world. Players alternate between two children -- Min Liu and Max...
Development group for modding and other shit I forgot about.
This is the team which is working on the development of "Total War: The Dawnless Days", a total conversion project for "Total War: Attila". To bring Middle-Earth...
Official group of HECU Collective - team, working on the Blue Shift remake. All news are on our mod pages on ModDB. Our discord server - discord.gg/uhdTxP5Cuw...
Killing Floor Community modders. Tinkering with the mod that started it all :) Booyeah!
Relic Entertainment have released many landmark IP's for the RTS genre, including Homeworld, Company of Heroes and Dawn of War. They are based in Vancouver...