Minetest-c55 is one of the first InfiniMiner/Minecraft(/whatever) inspired games (started October 2010), with a goal of taking the survival multiplayer gameplay to a slightly different direction. It also serves as a learning project for me, celeron55, the author of the game. I am making it as a hobby, so progress isn't particularly fast. If you need a reminder of this project, the blog has an RSS feed. The main design philosophy is to keep it technically simple, stable and portable. It will be kept lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. It runs playably on a laptop with Intel 945GM graphics. It is released under the GPL, with the intention that that way it is a lot easier to use by Linux users and people can report and help fix bugs more effecively. This game is under development, and as of now, the game does not really differ from Minecraft except for having a lot less features. Still, playing is quite fun already, especially for people who have not been able to experie

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  • We switched to our own Irrlicht fork allowing us to fix many longstanding bugs (text input, fullscreen, macOS support, graphics) and improve graphics in the future
  • More efficient map compression using the Zstd format. This has been shown to result in 20-30% faster map generation!
  • Formspec and Lua API features including a better Dynamic Media API and a PNG encoder
  • Work has been done to implement dynamic shadows, but they were not ready to be included in this release
  • Lots and lots of bug fixes and performance improvements

Note: This isn't a first but to avoid surprises we want to point out that once you have loaded a map in Minetest 5.5 you will not be able to load it in previous versions. Make backups first. (Client-server compatibility is untouched by this.)

Changelog: Dev.minetest.net
Source code: Github.com


minetest 0.4.3 Stable out!

minetest 0.4.3 Stable out!


Okay 0.4.3 stable is out! lots of new changes vessels, animated torches, wool, dyes whatever :D




A new development snapshot build Aand some notes to the early modders: The global node/tool/item names in the default mod have been modified to follow...

Minetest 0.3.1

Minetest 0.3.1

News 2 comments

I hereby release Minetest 0.3.1. Special modifications in this package: - Once again, bundled with Cisoun’s textures. - Default video backend is direct3d9...

Current State of Development

Current State of Development

News 5 comments

Hmm, thought I’d post something today.Regarding to the development of Minetest there are many kinds of stuff going on all the time, altough it might...

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RTX asset for Minetest

RTX asset for Minetest


Those are .confs files that are mentioned in installation guide. Use them to use RTX Remix with Minetest. Files are provided by Kamilkampfwagen on Discord...

RTX.conf for Minetest

RTX.conf for Minetest


This a RTX.conf config for Nvidia RTX remix for Minetest provided by _breadbird on discord. You may want it to change a little bit to your own preferences...

RTX.conf for Minetest


RTX Remix conf file for Minetest, NVIDIA's modding platform.

Minetest-c55 0.4.3 stable

Minetest-c55 0.4.3 stable

Full Version 3 comments

A lot has changed since the last download was posted here! the API has gotten better 0.4 went stable stairs, doors, fire, wool, and dyes were added to...

Minetest 0.3.1 Ubuntu 11.10

Minetest 0.3.1 Ubuntu 11.10

Full Version 2 comments

Special modifications in this package: - Once again, bundled with Cisoun’s textures. - Default video backend is direct3d9. If it causes problems or...

Minetest 0.3.1

Minetest 0.3.1

Full Version 10 comments

Survival mode with inventory and crafting. This mode is being currently developed.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 39)
shadow32232 - - 10 comments

Im just wondering what is this game about?? is it like a recreation of the actual minecraft or...

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KrazyQuill - - 34 comments

This is a very old version of the game, go at the official website to get the latest version

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ReallyGoodPie - - 8 comments

Not a bad game dude. There are a few issues which I will point out. First off, the chunks flicker on and off again which is really distracting for the eyes. Also, the Crafting is weird. I didn't know how to craft anything because I was trying Minecraft recipes which will probably be an issue for this game considering it is so closely related to it.

I like the textures but maybe an option to add your own like Minecraft. I can imagine this would be pretty easy to do. Also, the start menu need allot of improving aesthetically.

I like the game though and it does show allot of potential. Very good job.

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creppiks - - 21 comments

what happen to this game I can't type on the game how can I create a world?

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WidDos - - 2 comments

Check out there website.

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Guest - - 698,187 comments

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phyire7 - - 16 comments

The "chuck" (if this game works like that) loads a little wierd, like the chucks infront of me is loaded fine, then theres nothing for a while and then more chucks are loaded far away.

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phyire7 - - 16 comments

chunk* lol @ chuck

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phyire7 - - 16 comments

I think this has a lot of potential, it being free and all. Love it so far! I like the idea that any block you destroy automatically goes to your inventory, would be nice if it stayed that way.

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