MMH5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for HOMM5 Tribes of the East (standalone) or HOMM5 Complete. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 'visualized' Templates. The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.


Extended Adventure Map and battlefields

In MMH5.5 there will be around ~30 new adventure objects. Treasure vaults and dungeons will now have unique immersive interiors with larger battlefields, growing armies and new obstacles. The contents of the new locations is completely dynamic and follows an Oblivion/Skyrim inspired constantly scaling and endlessly randomized system. Armies and rewards will never be exactly the same again no matter how often you play a map. The resistance will scale up to the players strength no matter how long the game takes. Possible rewards are no longer static amounts of gold and resources, but can also include artifacts, spells, scrolls, wands, prisoners and small permanent skillboosts.

The Advanced RMG

The new RMG will fix the lack of great H5 maps and increase the replayability of the game. It combines the excellent 3D landscaping capability from the original H5 3.1 RMG with a complete overhaul and extension of the internal adventure objects, artifacts and monster placement mechanics. The advanced RMG is capable of properly balancing player starting zones and differentiate between early, mid and late game areas. It places all 30 new adventure objects and previously excluded adventure objects. The resistance is much stronger and various with 480 additional mixed neutral stack templates. The new RMG can create balanced PvP maps as well as gigantic singleplayer XXXL maps with hundreds of epic battles and all zones scaling up to crazy powerful heroes.

New Artifact Framework

MMH5.5 was the first mod to add new artifacts to the game. Currently 103 new artifacts are added including 12 new ultimate items. The effective amount of artifacts in the game will now be much more than any H3 version or H4 if you don't count potions. There will also be many new effects, in terms of unique effects the variation is far greater than the old games. Furthermore Smart backpack items will increase the amount of effective slots to the same amount as H3/4

Enhanced Class/Skill/Spell System

MMH5.5 will have might/magic and balanced classes with ingame skilltrees and 8 secondary skill option for all 24 classes!. New framework with 18 heroes per faction, 6 heroes per class, all heroes have only professional quality Ashan style portraits and many newly programmed skills and specializations. Improved experience levels allow the player to fill more slots and level up to 40. Smart witch huts that ask questions and understand class differences. All set artifacts will be rewritten for 24 classes. Improved spell system with spellpower dependant light and dark magic, nurf/buff strength improves with spellpower or the creature stack size. See the Details

Faster AI and Performance

MMH5.5 uses the very fast reprogrammed H5_AIProcess31j.exe from Quantomas. New Quick-Combat loss correction scripts will keep the AI challenging even on the largest maps without losing calculation time. Recently the AI is made modifiable by the player by selecting different game modes, allowing to team up all AI player against the human player, set AI heroes unable to flee or unable to be looted for extra challenges. There will be a new 64bit exe file that can address more memory and fix performance and CTD issues H5 was having on XL maps.

Competitive PvP balancing

H55 has many balance improvements through years of mathematical analysis and analysis of streamed PvP matches. pretty much all exploits and abuses currently known to us have been removed and if any more arise they will be dealt with. Creature upgrades are balanced to be really different from each other but equally useful. Hero specializations are re-balanced to be all competitive, but some may be more effective on larger or smaller maps.

Campaigns and Maps

All old campaigns and singleplayer maps from H5/HOF are playable in MMH5.5 with new features. There are also 15 demo maps available that allow to explore all new adventure objects and features without the need to read the ARMG manual first.

Advanced Town Portal (optional)

The ability to teleport to any desired town from H3 is back in H5. In MMH5.5 the system is very simple and balanced. Every town with a mage guild lvl 5 receives a 'town gate' and all heroes can be teleported back to that town if desired, regardless of their level.

Governance (optional)

The new optional governance feature, introduced in RC4 will allow players to use secondary heroes to govern towns and gain experience points and skills by doing that. Governor heroes will also receive various special bonuses from the town buildings

Town & Dwelling Conversion (optional)

Starting from MMH5.5 RC3 it will be possible, but not obligatory, to play any H5 map with town & dwelling conversion. In H5.5 Town Conversion will be much better balanced then it was in H6. In H6 it made the game too simple, because it was too cheap to convert towns and there were not enough restrictions. In H5.5 Town Conversion can actually make the game more difficult, instead of easier. There will be various new RMG Templates available designed specifically for expert players who want the game to be harder and more chaotic with Town Conversion enabled.

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 on Heroes Community

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 on Facebook

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 on Discord

Translated in 7 languages

This mod is currently translated in 7 languages, translations can be downloaded in addon section, translations for older releases will still work on newer releases but will cover ~90-99% of the ingame text. Updated translations are WIP.

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 on Heroesworld (Russian)

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 on Acidcave (Polish)

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 on 3DMgame (Chinese)


Please verify everything in FAQ before reporting crashes or malfunctions. Be aware the new AI+8 skills does not work in LAN, LAN vs AI can only be played with provided MMH55_Utility.exe file.

Hotseat & LAN require script activation!

MMH55 is a script extension and H5 does not have scripts activated in multiplayer modes (Hotseat & LAN) by default. Therefore it is required to activate scripts on newly generated RMG maps and also on multiplayer maps downloaded from the internet (which don't have any scripted content) if you want to play those in Hotseat/LAN. You don't need to do this for playing in single player. All H5.5 default maps and included maps have scripts already activated.

How to activate scripts?

System requirements

MMH5.5 has higher system requirements ,you can pretty much consider the H6 requirements as applicable. Otherwise you may suffer from adventure map lag. MMH5.5 uses more detailed landscape textures. Next-gen core-ix processors with high clockspeed on single core really make the AI 'fly' and are highly recommended.

Map Compatibility

All MMH5.5 functionality works automatically on all H5 default multiplayer maps and also old RMG maps, user maps that don't contain any modding content. Adventure Objects like crypts and witch hut will automatically convert to the new functionality, but of course since these maps are made before this mod they don't contain any new objects. Therefore you have to play Advanced RMG maps to check out all new stuff on your first map. I will add additional demo maps, so the mod can be played right away without even the need to read through the ARMG manual first.

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RSS Articles

Today we announce our first tournament with prize pool. Please refer to our discord server for signing up and more details:

MMH5.5: Discord


We have also released RC19c (the version used for the tournament), this fixes a few bugs left in RC19b, mainly the arcane eagle icons being messed up and the Mapmixer not working properly with the new creatures framework extension.

MMH5.5: Downloads

silver cities cup

RC19c Patch notes:

  • MapMixer update:
    • more varied outcomes, both in terms of creature type combinations and army stack count will be produced when mixing adventure map armies
    • NCF creatures are now correctly included
    • fixed some corner case errors
  • fixed Arcane Eagle icon R19b bugged icon
  • fixed multiple texts using "Raise Dead" spell name instead of "Reanimation"
MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC19b)

MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC19b)

News 2 comments

Our latest release with technical updates, UI improvements, bugfixes and balancing.

MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC18h+i+j)

MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC18h+i+j)

News 1 comment

Our latest release with balance updates and bugfixes.

MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC18g)

MMH5.5: Release Notes (RC18g)

News 5 comments

A maintenance release introducing dynamic UI texts, bugfixes and balancing.

MMH5.5: FAQ - Troubleshooting

MMH5.5: FAQ - Troubleshooting

Other Tutorial 211 comments

This article will help solving most frequently reported issues by new users of the Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 modification.

RSS Files
Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (RC19c)

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (RC19c)

Full Version 25 comments

Latest and by far best version, includes ALL campaigns from original game and expansions. Uninstall any earlier version with the mod's uninstaller.

MMH5.5: Reference Manual (RC19b)

MMH5.5: Reference Manual (RC19b)


Includes database update for RC19b and texts in English. Manual will be reuploaded as other languages are updated. Read the FAQ below.

MMH5.5: Sharpening, MXAO and SMAA. (Reshade)

MMH5.5: Sharpening, MXAO and SMAA. (Reshade)

Patch 2 comments

Updated package for having 'next-gen' graphics in Heroes 5 using Reshade, adds Adaptive Sharpening, MXAO and SMAA with small performance loss.

MMH5.5: TOE Treants

MMH5.5: TOE Treants


Changes the appearance of the H5.5 Treants back to the TOE Treants. File must be unzipped and placed in TOE/data folder after installing H5.5.

MMH5.5: Blurry Textures Fix

MMH5.5: Blurry Textures Fix

Patch 6 comments

Fixes TOE graphics engine issue of textures not rendered properly. Reported with Intel HD & Nvidia on 64bit OS. This file must unzipped and placed in...

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (RC19b)

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (RC19b)

Full Version 27 comments

old version, includes ALL campaigns from original game and expansions. Uninstall any earlier version with the mod's uninstaller.

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perdykmen - - 1 comments

Do you plan to make the center perks (ultimate skills) in the future as in the original? It would be fun to get three center perks for each castle, according to the class.

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dredknight - - 730 comments

there are some ideas for a rework of faction unique skills and addition of new ones for those who do not currently have such but that has not even reached the drawing board... so the answer is no.

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Ezequiel98 - - 17 comments

And one last question, will the version (RC19b) be translated into Spanish? Because there is only a translation of the version (RC18i) for a version that is not even available for download.

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dredknight - - 730 comments

All translations in the addons section are not maintained by us but by players that provided their time and effort to improve the mod.

If anyone steps up and updates the translation we will add it. In Tutorials section we have a guide on how to update the translation.

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Ezequiel98 - - 17 comments

Thanks for the quick response, yes now I understand.

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Ezequiel98 - - 17 comments

Another question, why does this mod only exist for the independent expansion of this game? I noticed several campaign options from the original game, are they really all of them or just a summarized version of a few? And of course, can I uninstall the original game and still have all the previous content? This last one will depend on the other questions.

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dredknight - - 730 comments

The campaigns are all of them and in all their glory. You dont need the previous ones.

Different versions of the game come with different features (actually their lack) so it is just not possible to bring the same vision to all of them.

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Ezequiel98 - - 17 comments

Thanks again, that's great, so I can uninstall the base version of the game, and keep the independent version plus this excellent mod, and still save space.

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Ezequiel98 - - 17 comments

Hello, my cutscenes are in a 4:3 scale and have black bars on the sides, how can I make them in 16:9 Widescreen? Remembering that in the normal game without the mod, the screen is stretched, but in this mod it is not. The rest of the game is in 16:9, only the cutscenes are in 4:3 with black borders.

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dredknight - - 730 comments

I assume you are using MMH55_64.exe ? that exe do not have proper wide screen support. Just use MMH55_Utility_64.exe and you it will work properly, albeit the AI will work a bit slower.

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