In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age.
The year is now 2033. An entire generation has been born and raised underground, and their besieged Metro Station-Cities struggle for survival, with each other, and the mutant horrors that await outside.
You are Artyom, born in the last days before the fire, but raised Underground. Having never ventured beyond your Metro Station-City limits, one fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system, to warn the remnants of mankind of a terrible impending threat. Your journey takes you from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where your actions will determine the fate of mankind.
For more than half a year there has been no updates on the project, except for a bunch of concept art. However, the development of the modification is still on.
Here's some news.
At the moment we did 6 levels from 8 planned. There is still work on scripting and props placement.
Models of new characters and mutants are under development. Here's some of them:
"Arbat Confederation soldier"
"Arbat Confederation officer"
"AC soldier and officer in action"
Arbat Confederation is the faction, which appeared in the Metro 2033 book and for some unknown reason was not involved in the first game.
"The Arbat Confederation is a moderate capitalist autocracy governed by Caucasians and non-Russian nationality traders. Besides a high number of Stalkers, little is known about this alliance. In the beginning, it had substantial power and population. During the Hansa-Red Line war, it was allied with Hansa. Although they gained the station of Lenin Library (later given to Polis), their forces were severely weakened and the population decreased over the years. With the unseen threat from Park Pobedy to Kievskaya that was only disposed of in recent years, people have been fleeing the station, which led the Arbat Confederation to install a soft quarantine regime on Kievskaya-radial (the blue line). Now the Arbat Confederation is nothing more than a weak Hansa satellite, dependent on their resources and protection."
Modification "The Guide Story" will be released in the upcoming days.
A great way to automatically create backups for files on Windows. Good to prevent corrupt game save files and progress loss for modding projects.
MetroEX is a complex tool for exploring and extracting game assets from Metro Exodus archives.
This patch fixes a lot of glitches in The Guide Story mod. New Game required.
March 2035, Moscow. Trader from Hanza asking local stalker from Market for help.
It runs on the uEngine engine based on the game resources STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl from January 23 to February 1 2006, using only some of them the...
This is the v1.34 update for the Metro 2033 Config Editor.
This is the v1.33 update for the Metro 2033 Config Editor.
Man, I remember the struggle of trying to run this game smoothly on high settings back in the day, came back years later and crushed it :)
Awesome game so far...it has some similarities to S.T.A.L.K.E.R., although the only thing I noticed wrong is that my PC really is noisy while playing the game, even though I have over 70 FPS, at least when none of those hallucinations or whatever appear.
If only this game was more modable
Well it is now.
What happened? Someone released the source code? Mod tools?
I just got this game from a friend...he didnt tell me it was a horror game.. lets just say i almost went in my pants when those things came out.
I don't consider it a horror game, and it certainly isn't one primarily. It's a survival and adventure game.
I think your freind might be a badass, or a troll, more likely a troll, not very horrory to me, but I do start to **** myself when I am geting chased. Kinda like S.T.A.L.K.E.R call of pripyat, well the only time S.T.A.L.K.E.R was scary to me was when I went into X8, that **** was scary.This game is scary at most times, ussualy when you are not inside a safe place.
Now part of the THQ Humble Bundle for $1. If you haven't played it now is the perfect chance :)
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