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..hey old friend shuriken, two questions:
1.When we have to expect mAIn COMPetition 2, ..yea.
2 ..and second, how that LizKatrinMusic and you aren`t active on part of site called forum, just here:
********** many interesting things about games are there, and unanswered questions waiting for you ..
Well I've been just recently presenting the original mAIn COMPetition game during a local game jam and made a small funny game about a fish. As of the mAIn COMPetition - it's still too early to really think about another part, I've yet to place the game on the Steam at last, you know. Then, maybe we'll go on.
The forum - well I guess there's already too many forums in my life but will take a look, thanks!
Thank you EileenanglinVO! The game will look much better when finished. Yes, there are some references to Blade Runner in the game (amongst other great s-f masterpieces).
It looks great right now, so I'm really excited to see it finished. Are you still looking for voice actors for it? I'm a VO with a passion for game like this.
Thanks a lot! Actually, there will be no VO in this particular game (and with a good reason for that) but I will definitely contact you about doing VO for some other, future Lunar Shuriken games!
nice work)
Thank you very much!
..hey old friend shuriken, two questions:
1.When we have to expect mAIn COMPetition 2, ..yea.
2 ..and second, how that LizKatrinMusic and you aren`t active on part of site called forum, just here:
********** many interesting things about games are there, and unanswered questions waiting for you ..
Hi there!
Well I've been just recently presenting the original mAIn COMPetition game during a local game jam and made a small funny game about a fish. As of the mAIn COMPetition - it's still too early to really think about another part, I've yet to place the game on the Steam at last, you know. Then, maybe we'll go on.
The forum - well I guess there's already too many forums in my life but will take a look, thanks!
Stay cool!
Nice to see such good and smart games like this one!
Thank you very much, tuardan! We're trying our best to please you!
The game looks great! Blade Runner is my favorite.
Thank you EileenanglinVO! The game will look much better when finished. Yes, there are some references to Blade Runner in the game (amongst other great s-f masterpieces).
It looks great right now, so I'm really excited to see it finished. Are you still looking for voice actors for it? I'm a VO with a passion for game like this.
Thanks a lot! Actually, there will be no VO in this particular game (and with a good reason for that) but I will definitely contact you about doing VO for some other, future Lunar Shuriken games!
Wonderful! Ilook forward to helping you bring your vision to life. :) I'll be playing your game too, found it via the praise this site gave it.
Hello Eileen! Just to let you know, the game is finally released and you're welcome to play it :)