Lego Island 2 remastered with Nvidia's RTX-Remix. Explore Lego Island 2 the way you remember it!

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RTX Remix Compatible

Lego Island 2 RTX 1.0 Out Now! Take a trip down memory lane, saving Lego Island the way you remember it in your head!

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Lego Island 2 RTX releases today!

This has been a long time coming, I hope I've done your childhood nostalgia's justice. This has been a passion project for me. I remember playing with my brothers and sisters on the home desktop that could barely run it. I took a trip down memory lane awhile ago and booted up Lego Island 2. It's not at all how I remembered it in my head - so I had to fix that. It's been a pleasure revamping it to work on modern day technology, with Nvidia's cutting edge technology, RTX-Remix.

RTX-Remix Discord Community

This project couldn't have been done without the help of the very active RTX-Remix Discord, where other modders come together to help, and offer advice. The Remix community is very knowledgeable, and always available if you get stuck or questions. Their support and encouragement when I post little updates or screenshots has been a driving force to this mod's development.

Half Life Source Screenshot 202 1 1

Meticulous Planning

Lego Island 2 RTX has been in development for quite some time now. My modding adventure began early on with Remix beta 0.3. I did some exploring with PBR early on with upscalers before the toolkit came out. This also couldn't have been achieved without the help of PBRify by @kim2091. PBRify is an ethical AI upscaler model that has been trained using only CC0 materials - Lego enthusiasts can be rest assured that Lego Island 2 RTX is being brought to them by ethical, responsible AI. Early signs of development showed Lego Island 2 would make a great candidate, not only for path tracing - but for a game that suit well with added PBR. I thought it'd be the perfect scale game for a one man army. I hope I've done it justice. This has taught me a lot about the RTX-Remix Toolkit, it feels good to have a title under my belt. I'm open to requests and suggestions for future updates. Thank you for trying out the mod, happy pizza delivering! :)

Half Life Source Screenshot 202 2 1

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Vyolette13 - - 227 comments

Post The Brickster in RTX pls

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skurtyyskirts Author
skurtyyskirts - - 13 comments

You got it! New video posted in the videos section of Brickster escaping Lego Island! :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DarthRedbeard - - 77 comments

Now if I can just get the game again. Really wish Steam would have it.

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chockimon - - 28 comments

It's on myabandoware. :)

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DarthRedbeard - - 77 comments

Can't get it to work. it won't let me edit the exe to deal with disc issue

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