Adds the B725 break action shotgun from I.W.P. to Anomaly
Adds a new weapon, the Browning 725 from the wonderful I.W.P. mod. Can be purchased from a few traders, or found on enemies.
Tested on Vanilla Anomaly 1.5.2 with demonized .exes and GAMMA as well.
Update .3, fixed compatibility with toz34
All credit goes to I.W.P. Developers, I just ported it into Anomaly.
Full Credits from I.W.P: Alexander Kotov (ROOZBAN), Batka Kovsur (OldSerpskiStalker), ValeroK, Igor Gorovoy, Gladiator, S.T.A.Z. WP, BaS, STCoP WP, OWR, Gunslinger Mod, Valerok, Anomaly Team, SWP mod, AZM, Mortan, v2v3v4, Pavel_Blend, Hozar_2002, Partizan, AV661194, ASCII1457, DKUD1337, Mr.Rifleman, SAM61, 1ns1debeast, tigg, Millenia, r_populik, Synap, r_populik, Millenia, Mr.Rifleman, KIT, Synap, SAM61
hell yeah
How much time do you think you need to add all weapons from IWP? And what about features that works only from their engine, many of them related to weapons or not?
Im working a lot irl so I can maybe get to one or two a day, maybe faster as i go. I doubt I will be able to do anything engine related, maybe eventually.
Do I need to change the bones of the model somehow, or are they perfectly and easily portable?
The bones are fine, coc and anomaly use the same. Hud positions need to be changed, anims in .omf files need to be swapped, textures have to be reconverted to different compression, and each weapon .ltx must be rebuilt, as the coc ones will have issues.
I tried to transfer mp9. The most expensive thing is to edit the config to the same appearance as in Anomaly + small edits in terms of aiming and removing unnecessary lines (well, replacing the silencer). The animations work, but require a test, the textures seem to be timid, but Fallback to default bump map is a common crap in the config. I will replace one of the Vz61, so the .ltx format is not needed. Thanks for the reply))
But with MP133, there was a problem with textures. How can they be converted for another compression?
You need to save them in BC3 compression format
Which application can do this?
upd: I found a solution, but it's not a format change.
Delicious... simply delicious.... awesome
Let him cook
great ****, thanks man
ayo homie. on behalf of the community, we ask you to port ze weapons and enter Valhalla as your reward
for some reason this addon ruins the toz34 animations
Yeah same issue, has something to do with the meshes\anomaly_weapons\hud_hands_animation\wpn_hand_toz34_hud_animation.omf, but i couldnt find where to define this animation file
yea I just figured that out too, its a cool gun but unfortunately its ruining the others, I guess Ill wait maybe the author fixes it
I'll get to it, will be fixed in probably 5 min
edit: fixed
idk still doesnt work for me. Now the toz34 weapons dont appear completely. Might be on me though cause i use a lot of other mods
It should work now
Yeah now it works fine thanks
Анимации не полные, я правильно понимаю?
The animations are complete
does IWP has MP133?
also thanks for the Toz 34 port
Yes it does
Please port scar bro ;)
amazing! i'm looking forward for more ports and animations :)
IWP meaning
Improved Weapon Pack
Отличный порт, спасибо
will there be aim in and aim out animations?
If I can figure out how to get them to work
I hope to see IWP weapons replace all the weapons with the same functions as the original ones. I don't want to install a bunch of new weapons but the game is still full of old stuff from the STCOP2.0 era.
What is IWP? I'm usually on top of Stalker mods so I'll prolly feel stupid once you say lol
Improved Weapon Pack
вам нужен ру перевод?