IotD2 Development Article #4 - May 2024
Hi everyone,
I'm still working very hard on my project called Illusions of the Dead 2. I'm having a blast developing this custom story, and today I bring you guys some more information about its development!
- Custom Story Length
Illusions of the Dead 1 was the very first custom story for Amnesia I've created. On average, the playtime of that custom story for a blind playthrough was about 3-4 hours. In one of the first IotD2 Development Articles I stated that I wanted Illusions of the Dead 2 to be around 2-3 hours. To be honest, I don't think that's the case anymore. By the looks of it, Illusions of the Dead 2 will also be around 3-4 hours of playtime. There's just so much stuff I want to put in the Custom Story and the story itself. I hope you like lengthy custom stories! ;)
- Easy scripting
In real life, I actually work as a web developer. That means coding is something I do on a daily basis. I know you can't compare real code with script code from a 14 year old video game, but it certainly does help with development of the custom story.
Sometimes, when I look back at the scripts from Illusions of the Dead 1, I think to myself:
"What the hell was I thinking when I wrote this?"
I've noticed the quality of my script code has improved significantly since the last custom story. Also, I'm way more efficient when it comes to writing the scripts. Better and quicker scripting makes me a happy man! : )
- New images
Yeah! New images! Check it out! --- Images --- Videos
- Release forecast
Last month in the development articles I wrote about the release forecast. You can read about it right here!
Please comment down below what you think!
- TimProzz