The sequel to my previous custom story, "Wake." Insomnia finds you overcoming your nightmare and awakening in modern times, in a place you can't identify.

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I realized halfway down the road that I was completing the story way too quickly, so I had to sort of end the game abruptly to make room for the final part in the trilogy. As such, the game is only about 25-30 minutes, but you should definitely enjoy whats there.

Insomnia - Amnesia Custom Story

Insomnia - Amnesia Custom Story

News 1 comment

Information on a new modern-based Amnesia custom story, from the creator of Through the Portal and Wake.

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Insomnia v1.1

Insomnia v1.1

Full Version

Fixed and Optimized "FULL CONVERSION". Now you only have to move the principal folder to amnesia root, that's all. Then you can play with "Insomnia.bat...

insomnia\Wake - Russian Translation

insomnia\Wake - Russian Translation

Patch 1 comment

Технический перевод для двух историй. Перевод сделан с помощью google translate. Установка:Insomnia...

Insomnia - Czech Translation

Insomnia - Czech Translation

Patch 1 comment

Krátký, avšak vizuálně velice působivý mód. Najděte cestu nočními můrami.

Insomnia v1.0

Insomnia v1.0

Patch 14 comments

This is the correct download; disregard the earlier.

Insomnia v0.9

Insomnia v0.9

Full Version

The second half of the Wake trilogy. Shortened to allow for a finale and actually make it a "Trilogy."

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Zoofyooo - - 197 comments

Don't download this.

It overwrites the original files of the game despite being organized in their own folders.

Even if you delete them, the game won't understand and will just simply crash on startup each and every single time you try to play the game.

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Irumachiii - - 74 comments

I mean somebody already made a fixed version just recently ?

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Irumachiii - - 74 comments

Plus, thank you Faunter for this fixed version : )

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CheesyDeveloper - - 1,555 comments

Yes, somebody already made a fixed version on the day you posted your comment. The comment you responded to was written 2 years prior.

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LivajO - - 165 comments


For god's sake just stop with these czech/russian translations already. Nobody even bothers to download it only keeps ******* people off when they try to look for a new mod but first they have to scroll through 50 translations for 2012 creations

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Irumachiii - - 74 comments

I am 4 years way too late to this and I know this had been downvoted to death, but this will be controversial and I will have to say it, I honestly agree with you pope. These translations just get in the way of so many new mods and other things and its just really tiring

Sure I can see some old mods too, but I JUST want to see the new stuff because I've already played those older mods before. And If you've already played those old mods and you keep seeing them cuz of these translations that spam the entire amnesia page, it can get REALLY frustrating cuz you see these old mods all the time

Man... sometimes when you try to tell the truth other people just don't know what they are talking about, yet somehow everyone else will agree with them

I have also heard a long time ago that Aleksei used machine translation sites in bulk instead of ACTUALLY translating the mods themselves. I wouldn't even believe the legitimacy of these anyways, since i have heard they are terrible and effortless

Looking at the way that he posted these translations, it seems like all of them were made in a very short period of time which possibly means that he rushed translating all of them

So, take my upvote and have a Blessed Day

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Shyrtexx - - 547 comments

How does it bother you? Is it too exhausting to scroll the mods?

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HumiliatoR - - 452 comments

What's the big deal? This guy is just making something good and translation is not that easy and takes time too and he is doing this for free. I'dont get the complaint, I don't mind and it's sometimes good to wake up this way some old mods too. Let him do it. It's
unnecessary because it's not your concern at all. I can't even speak one word Czech or understand russian, only finnish and english. And I'm still glad someone is helping other mods so these kind of country players are gonna understand what's going on on the mod, because they don't understand foreign language.

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LivajO - - 165 comments

Idk, covering new mods? Try to find the nearest mod that isn't from 2014 or sth on the main page, soon it won't even be hard to miss one between million translations. If there is an option to hide files uploaded by users that don't own the mod then tell me, and I'll take my words back

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Shyrtexx - - 547 comments

You have the option to filter search results in the main mods page to satisfy yourself. I think it's an awesome refreshment to see some old nostalgic mods to appear on top again. It revives the community in its own way.

I would like to see you translate this many mods in such a short period of time in your native language like SwankestCZ has. It requires a lot of research, determination and work.

"Idk, covering new mods?"

Some of these mods can be totally new for the more recently joined members and guests. It is likely that for example, this mod hasn't been played by someone who has played hundreds of mods. This is another way to bring "new" mods to the game.

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LivajO - - 165 comments

Oh btw, especially for testers or only-new-mod players it might be annoying. Unless I'm missing sth (if so then I'm sorry) they have to click on each mod and see if the translation is for some recent mod or something ancient from PewDiePie's era. And yeah I'm one of those people, I've played many mods, and am now seeking some new experience. Gee, good luck with that

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HumiliatoR - - 452 comments

I'm very experienced player and started really early playing custom stories or FC Mods and without any lying, I have played almost every mod in here ModdB. I agree that sometimes it's little annoying to search if something newest release is popping up and these translation updates are confusing you and you easily get lost when searching, but that's why like Shyrtexx said you can search mod results differently, but what I have seened for weeks now, there are not really any decent to play through, too many trolly or lazy mods, but I hope this commmunity is still somehow alive and creating still unique and cool mods.

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LivajO - - 165 comments

As I said, I didn't know about such filters so I take my words back. It's not perfect though, sometimes it shows old mods with new small patches but still, sorry for this misunderstanding. Still I wish there was an option to permanently hide files like these translations but it's ok now.

Btw thanks for being kind, usually I'm getting insulted if I disaggre with something that most people consider as good

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SwankestCZ - - 1,136 comments

Thanks for your support, guys. I and my colleague Alexei from Russia want to bring the world of Amnesia closer to the peoples of our countries. I will definitely continue to translate modes, despite the negative reactions some trolls and haters.

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Shyrtexx - - 547 comments

Keep going with this. You're doing a good job with the translations.

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SwankestCZ - - 1,136 comments

Are you serious man? These our translations are for peoples from Russia and Czech Republic, who don't understand English. It's a bad thing?

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