Thanks to everyone who joined our event! We received a lot of interesting questions. Initially, we planned to answer 10 questions, but due to your participation...
Today our first Discord event ever has started. You can ask whatever you want about Arx Insanity, this includes contents, development, questions for the...
Hello everyone, this post was made to share more work in progress, express a letter, a call for help and share with you the current state of the mod with...
Whoever plays on this Island is Insane!!! Insanity: is doing the exact... same f**king thing... over and over again expecting... s**t to change.
An update for how my mods have changed over the last two years.
A closer look at the insanity mechanic in Terror: Endless Night. "(...) it is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane." - Philip K...
Hello everyone, now we reveal the definitive and final release date for Arx Insanity in addition to the official release calendar. First of all, thank...
Some news about the current development progress and the upcoming patch.
Turns nearly every weapon in Brutal Doom into an ungodly nightmarish abomination of a weapon.
Patch to fix more than 84 new issues and add new features. Arx Insanity demo is now available to download in a stable version. Play and test the first...
Patch to fix more than 400 issues and add new features. Arx Insanity demo is now available to download in a stable version. Play and test the first levels...
Patch to fix more than 400 issues and add new features, this is a full demo version and a single all-in-1 installation, so any older version is required...
Download only if you have an older demo release previously installed: 0.4.5, 0.4.6 or 0.4.70 (0.4b not supported anymore so you need to reinstall the...
Just your average starry eyed gamer wanting to be the next big indie developer. I've got tons of ideas for crazy games the likes of which no one has ever...
Arx Insanity demo is now available to download in a stable version. Play and test the first levels from the game as early access, from sneak and use stealth...
Everything in 1 download. Includes access to 5 levels. Fixes new 84 issues and adds new features, this is a complete demo download so no patches or older...
The Arx Insanity Demo is now available to download, there is a lot of pending stuff to do but you can play as early access right now, this initial release...
The Arx Insanity Demo is now available to download, there is a lot of pending stuff to do but you can play as early access right now, this initial release...
Plans for Arx Insanity continue for October 30th, a demo will be released featuring 5 levels from the game, also including the full modifications from...
I have created four different mods for Far Cry 2 so that whatever your preference or playstyle there is something here for you. My aim is that whether...
Hello everyone, as you will know a few days ago the 20th anniversary of Arkane Studios was celebrated, Arx Insanity wishes the best to our favorite developer...
This is end of my journey... This is end of InSanity, it's sad but it will be better and that it will be fair to end this project.
Now we are opening the official Arx Insanity Discord Server. You can join this server to follow the mod more closely, know more about the project, see...
Finally, I'm happy to announce the Arx Insanity trailer, after 6 years of development the mod is in a final state and it's getting solid.
More simplified and eye-friendly hud. Works with the latest version of the mod (1.9e). Works on any screen resolution and any aspect ratio (Tested on...
Today we're happy to announce a new section in the website: Bug Hunting Quest, this is a new page for bug tracking and user reports, so from now the community...
Some people were asking for details about how the development is going on, now I share with you approximate information and what is done and what is not...
Very happy to announce a brand new design for an updated Arx Insanity Moddb page, also an improved new comments section is available to use.
Hello everyone, perhaps you don't see activity in the site/moddb but the work in progress continues with strong intensity, these days development is long...
We are pleased to announce and confirm polish support for the mod, fans from Poland can play the mod in their native language!. If you missed it, multi-language...
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