"Through Your Eyes" is an Atmospheric Narrative-Driven game where you play as a sheep who finds a mp3 player in a forest while exploring. When listening...
A story of a young woman fighting against a totalitarian government to save her brother. Stealth-Puzzle & Narrative-Driven Game!
beta decay is a dark, dystopian RPG with a low-poly aesthetic. Build spaceships, join factions, and fight for territory on voxel planets or in space...
Along with the demo we released a few days back, we prepared you a short video presenting you all the changes to come in the recasted version.
Quite a few improvements in game comfort through the UI and immersion.
Along with the demo we released a few days back, we prepared you a short video presenting you all the changes to come in the recasted version.
A story of a young woman fighting against a totalitarian government to save her brother. Stealth-Puzzle & Narrative-Driven Game!
Brigand: Oaxaca is a highly difficult post-apocalyptic RPG/FPS set in Mexico. Emphasis is on challenge, a branching story with multiple endings, and total...
Brigand: Oaxaca is a highly difficult post-apocalyptic RPG/FPS set in Mexico. Emphasis is on challenge, a branching story with multiple endings, and total...
Showcasing what was made until now: our character Valie inside the game and the early camera and mp4 devices.
Hey, it's us My Next Games. This time we decided to talk about our experience with publishing an Indie Game. So how many views did we get?
A story of a young woman fighting against a totalitarian government to save her brother. Stealth-Puzzle & Narrative-Driven Game!
All Aboard! Are you ready? Forgotten Seas is Available Now in Early Access! Get it today and leave us a review. We are two-person team launching our game...
Presenting the tutorial flow made by the game designer.
Infinite Games Studios was founded by two friends, Daniel and Victor, who discovered their passion for game development during programming classes at...
uma simples empresa que deseja criar jogos indie e simples para as pessoas, uma simples empresa de dois amigos que apenas quer dar um pouco de diversão...
The recasted version of Drifter’s Tales is now available to everyone!
A story of a young woman fighting against a totalitarian government to save her brother. Stealth-Puzzle & Narrative-Driven Game!
I've just creat the Steam page of my first game ! It would be great if you can check this out and wishlist on Steam ! 😈❤
7th article about our in-development game, Essence of the Past.
Update about the character modeling: UVs, otimizations, details.
Bob a Thousand Lives Enhanced Edition – The Afterlife Awaits!
6th article about our in-development game, Essence of the Past.
Today we begin our Let's Test, Developer's Edition, in which we will show off some of the gameplay footage, insights, and other details of our upcoming...
* Everyone who bought Early Access and left a review on Steam. I'll add you all to the credits at the full release.
The demo of the recasted version of Drifter’s Tales is now set: May, 29th.
Here are some more programming updates: Our camera upgrades (zoom, dark and hidden modes). The amount of rays is customizable, along with the ray grid...
I've just creat the Steam page of my first game ! It would be great if you can check this out and wishlist on Steam ! 😈❤
And there's more news! Story mode, new base design (central HUB) and much more!
5th article about our in development game, Essence of the Past. [Narrative, Loops, Color Studies, Palette and Mechanic Implementation]
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