RSS Reviews  (0 - 20 of 1,857)

MB: Warlords

Mod review by LeventeKing Agree Disagree

I played this multiplayer mod, when its fun its fun, when its not its all cavalry being overpowered, archers somehow dealing more damage than a crossbow, overpowered one hand weapons or better, weapon reach that doesn't make any sense. It is also unwelcome to new players so better beg for money to get some gear.


SCP-173 yells at some cats (Mod)

Mod review by Snake4y Agree Disagree




Early access mod review by náretta/Fierr Agree Disagree

ok its fine but personally i hate moddingstart level



Mod review by PenetratorGod Agree Disagree

Yet another mod that's too hard to be fun. All the interesting content is locked behind tens of hours of grind. I also can't say I've come across any interesting quests. The early game is a mess. Gameplay is slow as a turtle and there is no intuitive on what you need to do to progress.I tried bandit hunting for a while after gathering soldiers from villages, but when I was defeated by a group of 15 men with my army of 50, I realized that this would not be possible. The soldiers from villages are too weak and the soldiers from city inns are too expensive. The only easy way to progress seems to be by participating in tournaments in cities like in native Warband. However, there were no tournaments in any of the cities in the kingdom I chose to start with. Then I completely lost interest in the mod when I saw that there were no tournaments in any of the other nearby kingdoms. At this point I had spent 10 days in the game and I had already lost all my patience and I didn't see any point in continuing.


Medal of Honor: Airborne Redux

Mod review by andrey03gor Agree Disagree

Totally disagree that the new AI makes the game more tactical. At the end of the second mission, when the hero is surrounded by enemies and they shoot at him from all sides, I just kept dying even before I had time to respawn, they killed me even when the screen did not have time to stop being dark after loading. I came here from pcgamingwiki because I thought it would only change the FOV. AI and balance changes should be separate in my opinion.


A World of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)

Mod review by Informal Agree Disagree

Lacks a cheat menu, while it may cause lag or issues it is still only optional even in base game, you could just as easily warn players instead of removing it entirely.

Another issue is the lack of settlement clarity, you can make a hideout and eventually turn it into a fort of sorts, and there's a castle you may eventually rebuild.
But it would be nice, and perhaps even proper to be able to build and improve your own villages, eventually turning them into cities given enough time, and resources. This mechanic was done by AoA(Age of Arthur), a rather old mod, but looking at the code & perhaps updating it and implementing it in this mod may be worth the time. Please look into this as I feel like this would be the next core step for this mod.

Also marrying Daenerys/Aegon DOES NOT work, even though this was supposedly fixed & looked into on earlier stages of the mod. I'm not sure on the full details of this but I have looked into it, it's just hard to find info.


Age of the Ring

Mod review by KannyChan Agree Disagree

This mod is absolutely phenomenal, and the sheer amount of time and effort put into this -- for a free mod on an abandonware game -- shows how much the dev team loves this game. And I can't blame you, considering how much I loved the game too growing up. The factions, the units, the heroes... all feel so fun and unique.

The one issue, the one giant issue... and I realize I'm absolutely in the minority here... is that the new War of the Ring mode is so... bad? The parchment map is well-drawn but I miss the lushness and color of the original map. The new game-piece tokens are really hard to look at and sort through -- I'm constantly losing track of which armies are proper heroes (and also which hero they are -- no more banner with their face on it) and which are just "garrison" troops, and whether they're mine or an ally's piece passing through. I'm partially blind, so the monochromatic colors and lack of differentiation between mine and other faction's pieces makes it near-impossible to see who's who. And then cutting out nearly all of the base-building in the battle maps... why? The changelog says its to "reduce cheese strategies" but it absolutely doesn't. It just removes strategy altogether. The battles in WotR mode are absolutely *unfun* to play, just a mass zerg from point A to point B, and the winner is the person who uses their powers faster. I was so, SO excited when I booted up WotR and saw a giant map to play around on, and was utterly disappointed when *every* battle was just "bumrush their camp and spam powers/spells/abilities". The changelog says it's to reduce spamming units during battle and to make overworld strategy more important... but all it encouraged me to do is spam units *in the overworld*, making giant doomstacks of cheap infantry, and then sweeping across the map. I wouldn't even fight the skirmishes, I'd just autoresolve (and win) every time. I finished the WotR in under an hour by doing this, without doing a single real-time skirmish. I basically spent 45 minutes playing Risk with a LotR skin wrapped over it.

The only fun part of this mod to me is the skirmish mode, where you can actually, y'know, *build stuff*, and enjoy the base building and proper resource management. I feel conflicted about leaving this comment because *so much* of this mod is absolutely, unequivocally phenomenal, but the one mode I regularly play has been gutted entirely. I'd swap to 7.X for the older WotR, but the non-WotR balances and new additions in 8.X are objectively better. And since the development of the mod seems to be over once the last bit of the campaign is released (and the dev responses to WotR stuff seems to be staunchly in favor of not changing anything)... I'll just have to have a separate installation of the vanilla game elsewhere to get my WotR fix.

If the WotR was like vanilla, it'd be a 9 out of 10 for certain (with the performance issues causing that 1-point drop), but with basically half the game being aggressively un-fun to play, I can't help but give it a low score.


Portal: Epic Edition

Mod review by S3Day Agree Disagree



South Park: The Stick of Truth

Game review by Whiskyman Agree Disagree

As Cartman would say... it sucks! Items are useless, combat is non-sense, story is great, game design is amazing, overall it's not good. It's not even really an rpg and your choises don't matter. Very disappointing.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Mod review by Chymo_ Agree Disagree (1)

Nice ideas lead to bad executions



Mod review by ColdSamurai Agree Disagree

This mod is the equivalent of bashing your head against a wall repeatedly for enjoyment and hoping at least a couple times out of ten you won't die or be knocked out from doing so.

Which is really unfortunate because its obvious the modders behind AREA have put a lot of effort into it. Especially when you look into how long the mod has been around for and how extensive the changelogs are.

There is few features with this mod that are good when you compare it to the huge bucketful of machoistic unnecessary 'muh realism' features it has; most of them you can't even turn off or make less pain inducing which is a huge reduction in my opinion of the mod.

The AI is really smart. You may even want to say too smart sometimes but personally I don't think that's a problem its something you can easily get use to. If the mod wasn't trying to make you pop a blood vessel every moment.

All the AI can climb up buildings and always seem to know where you are even if you are out of sight. This is personally really annoying - especially when you compare the inability to purchase a reasonable starter kit in the character creation menu; you can't have a basic everything you need. You must take reductions which honestly doesn't sound very realistic to me. The character creation menu would benefit from having the ability to pick a difficulty that allows you to have more money or some perks that could do that.

That said I do think the character creation menu is good. Just needs more options if you want this level of 'difficulty'.

The default 'options' for mutants are way too high especially when you take into account what I've previously said above. So I could barely get out of cordon without getting mobbed by every Tom, **** and Harry every square foot. Which when I did get to 'garbage' I got assaulted by a boar right at the spawn entrance.

The entrance which is down the road from the gate you would usually spawn at. So you've got a long walk before you even get to garbage proper to do what you wanted.

That is where sadly I closed the mod down. Because it was making me too angry. So I unfortunately can't give a reasonable go of this mod to experience a good portion of it. The mod does have a good amount of features you will see in many other popular mods both on the Slavic side of the modsphere and English. Albeit altered to this mods ethos.

I want to write more but I can't due to the aforementioned. But I will say simply that the many neat little features that usually are sprinkles on top of the ice cream are too small or on their own ineffective - from the pieces of glass inside and petrol induced flavour of this ice cream the modders served up.

I suppose if your m-o is seeing how much pain you can take before your mind tells you that this is a pleasurable experience you will be right at home with this mod. Otherwise your time would be better spent elsewhere.

I personally recommended GAMMA if you want a similar experience and a moddpack to do it.

Why? Because despite its 'hardcore' muh realism nature it is significantly more fairer to the player and once the basic systems are learned isn't that difficult of a mod but it at least does the 'muh realism' with its extra features and mechanics with a satisfying sense of accomplishment when you overcome obstacles in your way. Which I can't say about this mod because rather than going "yes I did it!" you're saying "what nonsense is it going to shove in my face now!?"

I would like to say that this mod could learn a lot from GAMMA (yes I know its a popular mod that has been shilled by youtubers who probably never touched vanilla STALKER before) or other similar modpacks or even standalone mods but I don't think the modders care.

If its not obvious already whether you should try this mod then I'll spell it out. Not worth your time. Try GAMMA if you haven't already or EFP (Escape from Pripyat). Maybe try one of the story mods that have been translated into English and aren't in Slavic runes if you can't read them. If you haven't done so already. Or maybe just basic vanilla. Because this mod is nowhere even close to capturing the actual feeling of the originals.


Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Mod review by rhino20011 Agree (3) Disagree (2)

On the one hand, one of the most expansive mods for Soulstorm, with many fleshed-out factions and enjoyable mechanics. On the other hand, balancing can be somewhat wonky at times, but far worse, there is an inclusion of a massive amount of immersion-shattering content, from scantily-clad anime women (especially the Renegade Guard, they seem to be a homebrew insert faction of your average fanservice anime, with a mandalorian in there as well for some reason), to an insane amount of memes and unsubtle references (play a game of standard Imperial Guard, then go play the Death Korps or the Vostroyans for a good showing of that). Fun if you can look past that, but it really hurts the experience for me. IF I could have one thing, I'd ask for a submod that heavily reduces the amount of anime, if nothing else. Warhammer 40k is not Genshin Impact, please think about this.


Saga Edition

Mod review by SpodderX923 Agree Disagree

needs more unit options. guns aren't accurate enough.


Gina's Adventures

Mod review by nonsense-me Agree Disagree (1)

It's ok I guess.


Half-Life 2: Overcharged

Mod review by bob1023 Agree Disagree

I Opened Up The Mod And Opened Up The Settings Got Bombarded By About A Million Settings Like Abut Much. Also The Game Is BUggy



Early access mod review by nonsense-me Agree Disagree



Half-Life : The Alpha Unit

Mod review by Sugubat Agree Disagree

Bad level design, enemies spawning like i'm playing doom on nightmare mode and race x doesn't fight with xen aliens >:(

Kinda bad mod in general.



Mod review may contain spoilers by Elykdanger Agree Disagree

A couple of good scared mixed in with confusing sequences, goofy corpses, and obnoxious effects.

Why is GLaDOS less intimidating than in Portal?
Why do people and things just teleport sometimes?
Why do we jump perspectives to some no-name scientist?
Why does the horror mod of a game that had an ominous cliffhanger ending, have a happy hopeful ending?



Mod review by denseacat Agree Disagree

its okay, playable, has smol storyline, n stuff.


Evil Genius 2: World Domination

Game review by Mega-Keks Agree Disagree

Much worse than the first game :(