The "Imperial Instinct" is a game expansion developed by the Moore's Plantation development team based on EA's "Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3". The plan is to completely replace the original three factions with three newly designed factions, namely the Soviet Union, the reformed NATO, and an Asia-Pacific Alliance. This MOD is currently in the development preparation stage and urgently needs the help of XML writers!

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各位Imperial Instinct的关注者们 你们好,这里是其开发组“摩尔庄园”。我们希望在这篇文 章中传达我们对一些基本问题的看法,从而更好地描述我们 的mod情况,解答各位的疑惑。


A:本mod主要考虑PVE游戏体验,试图 加入相对较多的单位和玩法,丰富PVE和COOP的可玩 性,丰富可探索内容。开发组暂时相对欠缺对PVP所需要的 对游戏机制的了解和对平衡性系统的把握,在现阶段 不考虑过度考虑平衡性问题。

Q:你们提到过不会采用现实中的载具造 型,为什么放出了很多现实中的载具的图片呢?你们到 底走什么画风?是军事博物馆一样的MOD,还是科幻向 架空MOD,抑或是 二者兼有呢?

A:制作组计划采取将单位分为两类,一 类单位为掺杂了尽可能多的架空元素的、将构建核心玩 法的单位。其采用了丰富的武装配置,是制作组所鼓励玩 家在高强度游戏中主要建造的,也为未来可能的PVP数 据改进所保留,会考虑更多的游戏性和多用途性。二类单 位意在丰富PVE游戏体验,其中包括了现实中的载具、相 对奇怪的改造现实载具、RA2中的载具复刻、彩蛋等等。 二类单位将会考虑第二载具厂生产、地图中的中立载具厂 生产、仅限AI可造等多种生产方式,具体以最终结果为 准。制作组不建议在高强度PVE和未来可能的PVP对战中 建造二类载具,但不做硬性规范,玩家可以自己决定是 否建造一些不那么具有性价比但具有特点的单位以丰富 游戏体验。


T 72AV as type 2 unit


Q:本MOD的素材考虑公 开吗?

A:制作组尊重每一个成员的个人意见,成员 可以将自己的作品以其规定的协议公开其试用权。但需要注意的是,我们反对任何其他MOD制作人、制作组或独 立游戏项目在未经询问下原模原样使用本M OD已经使用的素材。(我们只是希望做到对素材的分发范围心中有数 ,同时避免玩家混淆各个MOD)

Q:为什么这个MOD会激进地考 虑整体更换美术风格呢?

A:制作组的核心,MOD主美术制作 人红枫(HongFeng_RM AKA RedMaple_HF)曾在RA2Y R平台上开发过本MOD的雏形,其在MOD的制作过程中逐渐 产生了制作一个具有现代画风的MOD的想法,并最终 寄希望于通过在RA3平台上从头开始来实现这一愿景。可以认 为,亲手制作一个全新画风的MOD,制作大量自己喜 欢的单位,是本MOD的初心。

Q:本MOD的剧情设计怎么这 么魔怔?

A:本MOD的剧情仍在初步设计阶段,当前透露的信息不代表最终情况,制作组保留一切最 终解释权。制作组亦相信,在MOD的基本结构(大量单位模型和 配套数据)完成后,再行集中考虑剧情内容是 恰当的。过早地纠结于剧情细节将可能会严重阻碍正常的开发进程。

Q:制作组为什么叫摩尔 庄园?

A:这个名字来自于一个中国儿童向游戏及 其衍生影视作品,当前仅作为临时名 称使用。

Q:MOD为什 么要叫Imperial Instinct?

A:同上一问题,这一名字仅作 为一个临时名称。因为MOD的剧情仍然在设计中,我们无 法确定一个名字是否能够恰当的描述这一MOD的特征。

Q:本MOD的预期公 布时间是?

A:制作组本身也 不确定 。我们需要至少将三个阵营中的至少一 个制作到至少能玩的水平,才会考虑放出内部测试版本,这大概就需要两年左右来填充其所需的美术素材,并编写相 应的XML文件。至于公开测试版本则将进一步晚于上述时间。

我们十分感谢您对本MOD的关注和支持, 也请您继续期待我们的进一步更新!

MOD Information Q&A - Issue 1
Hello to all the followers of Imperial Instinct, this is the development team "Moore's Farmyard". We hope to convey our perspectives on some basic questions in this article in order to better describe the situation of our mod and answer any doubts you may have.

Q: Is this mod focused on PVP or PVE?
A: This mod primarily focuses on enhancing the PVE gaming experience by introducing a variety of units and gameplay mechanics. Our development team currently lacks the understanding of game mechanics required for PVP and the ability to balance the system, so we are not considering balance issues at this stage.

Q: You mentioned that you will not use real-life vehicle designs, but why have you released many pictures of real-life vehicles? What art style are you going for? Is it a mod resembling a military museum, a sci-fi alternate history mod, or a combination of both?
A: The production team plans to divide the units into two categories. The first category consists of units that have a mix of alternate history elements and will serve as the core gameplay units. These units have a wide range of armament configurations and are encouraged to be built by players for high-intensity gameplay. These units will also be considered for future PVP data improvements, with more focus on gameplay and versatility. The second category aims to enrich the PVE gaming experience and includes real-life vehicles, modified real-life vehicles, remakes of vehicles from RA2, Easter eggs, and more. The production of the second category of units will consider multiple production methods, such as a second vehicle factory, neutral vehicle factory on the map, or AI-exclusive production. The production team does not recommend building second category vehicles for high-intensity PVE or future PVP battles, but it is not a strict rule. Players can decide for themselves whether to build units that may not be cost-effective but offer unique features to enrich the gameplay experience.


T 72AV as type 2 unit

(The upper image shows a first category unit and the lower image shows a second category unit)

Q: Will the assets of this mod be made available to the public?
A: The production team respects the opinions of each member, who can choose to release their work under their specified agreements for trial purposes. However, it is important to note that we are against any other MOD creators, production teams, or independent game projects using the assets of this mod without prior consultation. (We simply want to have control over the distribution of assets and avoid confusion among different mods.)

Q: Why does this mod consider a radical change in art style?
A: The core member of the production team, the main artist of the mod, HongFeng_RM, previously developed a prototype of this mod on the RA2YR platform. During the production process, they gradually developed the idea of creating a mod with a modern art style and ultimately hoped to realize this vision from scratch on the RA3 platform. Creating a completely new art style and designing a large number of units that they personally like is the original intention of this mod.

Q: Why does the storyline of this mod seem so unusual?
A: The storyline of this mod is still in the preliminary design stage, and the information revealed at this stage does not represent the final outcome. The production team reserves the right to make all final interpretations. The team also believes that it is appropriate to focus on the storyline content after completing the basic structure of the mod (a large number of unit models and accompanying data). Being too concerned about storyline details too early may seriously hinder the normal development process.

Q: Why is the production team called Moore's Farmyard?
A: This name comes from a Chinese children's game and its derivative film and TV works, and is currently only used as a temporary name.

Q: Why is the mod called Imperial Instinct?
A: Similar to the previous question, this name is also temporary. As the storyline of the mod is still under design, we cannot determine a name that accurately describes the characteristics of this mod.

Q: When can we expect the release of this mod?
A: The production team itself is also unsure. We need to at least complete the production of one faction to a playable level among the three factions before considering releasing an internal testing version. This will take approximately two years to fill in the required art assets and write the corresponding XML files. The public testing version will be further delayed compared to the aforementioned time frame.

We greatly appreciate your interest and support for this mod, and we ask for your continued anticipation for our future updates!

Introduction to the "Imperial Instinct" mod

Introduction to the "Imperial Instinct" mod

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nick890111 - - 1 comments


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Nord_Licht - - 426 comments

所以,什么时候实装PBR shader

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

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lie - - 7 comments


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RedMaple Creator
RedMaple - - 21 comments


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Guest - - 698,191 comments


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RedMaple Creator
RedMaple - - 21 comments

Мне очень жаль, что этот MOD все еще находится на ранней стадии разработки, пожалуйста, подождите терпеливо

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toyman5 - - 139 comments

It's OK bro )
Your work is great!

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