Fifteen years following the harrowing incidents at the Castle of Barnard, the specter of the Baron, Jonathan Barnard, emerges from the shadows, pleading for assistance from the main protagonist, Marcus Grant. Concurrently, Marcus is approached by Professor Woodbridge, the elderly academic from the castle's history. An unforeseen catastrophe approaches, posing a threat to the world at large. Marcus finds himself thrust into another treacherous journey, not only to rescue his daughter but to safeguard the fate of the entire world.
For the latest info, read the most recent Development Article (June 2024)
Illusions of the Dead 2 - Teaser Trailer - 2024
Do you have questions or suggestions? Please let me know what you think!
- TimProzz
IotD2 Development Article #5 - June 2024
Hi everyone,
Yes, I know it's not quite June yet, but I wanted to get this Illusions of the Dead 2 Development Article out before I go on a little holiday next week with some friends and my girlfriend to Vienna :) ( If anyone cares enough... )
From the beginning of development, there were plans to turn this Custom Story into a Full Conversion Mod. This month, I finally decided it was time to implement this. The main reason is the addition of a custom lantern. This mod will feature Mandus' lantern from "A Machine for Pigs," with a Spotlight instead of the Pointlight. This will create a more immersive experience and add more shadows for a creepier atmosphere!
With this mod becoming a Full Conversion, I also had the opportunity to create a fancy new Main Menu for the Custom Story! Here's a little preview:
I would also like to share some details about the map sizes in the Custom Story, highlighting the extensive effort going into development. Here are two Level Editor pictures from two of the exterior maps:
( Click on the image to enlarge )
In total, there will be 16 playable maps (including the intro map), each with unique puzzles and monster encounters. Since there will be 4 chapters, each set in completely different locations, I hope this will provide enough variety in the gameplay! :)
Here's a full map list for those interested:
Well, that's it for the month of June! I'll keep you updated as soon as I can. Development is still going strong, and I would love to hear what you think!
Suggestions? Questions? Please comment down below!
- TimProzz
Illusions of the Dead 2 - Development Article #4 - May 2024
Illusions of the Dead 2 - Development Article #3 - April 2024
Illusions of the Dead 2 - Development Article #2 - October 2018
Illusions of the Dead 2 - Development Article #1 - January/February 2018
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you know it still blows me away that illusions of the dead was your first custom story. i think the only reason I didn't play it for so long is it sorta had the screenshot of a grunt which made me think it was just a meme mod. which sucks because the first game is honestly ******* amazing especially for 2017 amnesia modding stuff. this one though? i think this will cement itself in the community as the absolute peak of amnesia modding. hopefully squeaking past white night which honestly I've always found to be pretty meh.
Thank you for your kind message! I sure hope the mod will surpass everyone's expectations! Stay tuned! :)
hype is straight up unreal woooww!!!
Woooohoooo! :D
will this custom story have new monsters in it like Amadeus ghost? dose it require any install?
Hi! The Juras monsters (Ghost, Buffy, Skinny etc.) will be the main enemies in the custom story. Also, retextured versions of the original enemies like the Grunt and Suitor will appear in the custom story. Installing the mod will be like any other custom story.
Hi :)
The first part was also very good, there was everything in it, fear, para things, ghostly sounds, hypertensive chases. In short, for me Best Individual Story was 100/100 :) I think the continuation will also be very good, if we manage to surpass the first one, it would be unconscious :) I'm rooting for him good luck in making it!!!!!!
Thank you very much! These comments mean so much to me :)
I'm super hyped to announce that the project is still alive! For the latest info, read the most recent Development Article! (April 2024)