Previously referred to as the 'Doom 3 Engine', Tech 4 is id Software's current licensing platform. Powering games such as Doom 3, Quake 4 and Enemy Territory Quake Wars, Tech 4 revolutionized the use of realtime dynamic lighting as well as other technologies.
Hello everyone. I hope you are having a great day.
For many years I’ve seen and played mods for games that run the idTech 4 engine, but I allways wondered why hasn’t been created a Wolfenstein mod for Quake 4 or Doom 3.
I guessed that since Raven Software edited the Quake 4 engine so much it made it almost impossible to extract assets (3D models, sounds, textures…) from it.
However as the years passed, more skilled modders created tools that made possible to extract assets from the game and others uploaded these assets to 3d model websites.
While I’m in no posistion to make a Wolfenstein mod for Doom 3 since my expertise is making mods for Medal of Honor, I would still like to make my contribution to make possible for such mod to be made in the future.
That’s why I’m publishing a list of the 3d models I uploaded;
Kar98 + upgrades: P3dm.ru
MP40 + upgrades: P3dm.ru
MP44 + upgrades: P3dm.ru
Flamethrower + upgrades: P3dm.ru
Panzerschreck + upgrades: P3dm.ru
One superweapon, the Tesla gun since it’s also very likely that modders from the RTCW community will want to use it: P3dm.ru
And throw in BJ’s arms as an extra: P3dm.ru
There are various other Wolfenstein models uploaded by other users you can find if you search on the Pack 3D models website.
If you wish to also get the sounds from Wolfenstein 2009 you can download them from the Sounds-resource.com website.
Alternatively you can use TheUnbeholden’s SPK/MPK extractor tool from Mod DB: Wwmoddb.com
If you happen to work on a mod and you need a weapon that is not on the list then contact me so I can extract it when I have the time.
I will mostly upload models from various other games on my Pack 3D models page: P3dm.ru
If you have dificulties downloading from the mentioned websites then I will upload to Mod DB the complete Wolfenstein 2009 weapon pack when I’m done extracting them.
See you next time and happy modding.
Update and Progress check for this mod pack and helmet pack with screenshots.
1920s Berlin: Reparations, Depression, Communists, Nazis, and Cabarets. Showcasing the Berlin police force in the 1920s, facing many problematic people...
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Get the most immersive Doom experience yet - complete with motion control support for the HTC Vive.
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In Wolfenstein you play B.J. Blazkowicz, a highly decorated member of the office of Secret Actions(OSA).
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In 1997 Quake II was released ending the Strogg's collective leader the Makron being killed. Quake III moves away from the Strogg, but the universe's...
Welcome to the year 2005, welcome to H.A.S.T.E., a free to play fast paced FPS arena using IDTech 4.
In this "starship simulator" you will fight your way to the center of a randomly generated galaxy where a massive star is about to go supernova and destroy...
Consider this game an experiment. We are building an SDK on top of famous Idtech4 engine. You can play, share and change everything in it.
It's not WW2 this time. It's the futuristic Quake 4 environment. Get ready! As the invasion begins, players choose to battle as one of five unique classes...
The Slender Shore is a Id tech 4 game based on the famous Slenderman legend. It's based on the Slender slendergame.com Entering an empty and dark world...
Though considering how poor the graphics are you could probably be forgiven for thinking that.
Yes, it's aged, but I don't think that makes the graphics bad. Just outdated. More modern engines use more modern techniques which tend to look better, but there is a charm with these older engines' graphics that I like. You can also get a game to look very modern in this engine given enough effort.
Is Prey really the only decent well-known game to be made on this engine? Man...
Prey (2017) is the Prey I assume you are thinking of. That wasn't made in this. Prey (2006) was. Also Quake 4 and Doom 3 were made in this. Doom 3 is well know and considered to be great by many people, though some disagree.
For half-life 1?
someone should add quadrilateral cowboy
Commander Keen would be awesome on this game engine!
no games on this engine? dafaq is goin on here and with id. have of there stuff is missing off the page
There is, check here : Moddb.com