Carnivores 2 is a first person hunting game. You can hunt 9 species of extinct dinosaurs such as the Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex. including 6 weapons and 5 huge hunting areas, Carnivores 2 is quite a big and entertaining game for hunters.

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Welcome to The Carnivores Saga, we hope you enjoy your stay be it brief or extended!

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The Carnivores Saga - Banner

Well then - hello there,

Welcome to The Carnivores Saga, a long-standing community that originally was centered on the Carnivores video game series but has grown much larger since those humble days.
We are a community of dinosaur enthusiasts, video gamers, modders, programmers, artists, content creators and much more!

The purpose of this group is to help keep our community organized on ModDB and to assist in spreading awareness of little-known mods made by our community.

Feel free to discuss all things Carnivores, but please keep this group clean and safe for work, remember that if you wouldn't say it to your grandmother, please don't say it here.
We would also prefer that political topics and drama would not be discussed in this group, thank you.

We look forward to seeing all the amazing things our community has and will create, good hunting out there!

Hunting a parasaur in a dried out woodland

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Believer_Marxist - - 181 comments

Idk why the JPOG Carcha is in the presentation pic

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Rexhunter99 Author
Rexhunter99 - - 74 comments

It has always been that way since the banner was originally made. Feel free to submit a replacement on the tapatalk forums or in the group here.

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AntiTankLover - - 24 comments

was it made by action forms originally?

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Hirbbert_Guy - - 4 comments


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