The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Adds equip and unequip animations for some helmets and gas masks.

Headgear Animations v0.9.2
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 394)
Inkredibehl - - 186 comments

Oh this looks very good ! Will try your mod for sure.
Great job :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Cinquestelle - - 16 comments

its possible used this for Gamma?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Levida - - 1 comments


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Alexykiller95 - - 83 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
Gi0vix1986 - - 27 comments

10 great mod tnx!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Rexar785 - - 61 comments

Great 10/10

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
EyellessMAN - - 7 comments

nice 10/10

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Tokyo.Grinch - - 24 comments

oh mah gahhhhhdddd

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Haruuky - - 7 comments


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Chimo69 - - 190 comments

Nice work man, would be nice if you add an script for make mask usable only if have filters, adding toxic air animations/trade filter system to this mod would be amazing!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Oooh, I never played with this mod. I need to check it and see what I can do. I like the idea

Reply Good karma+7 votes
Domnz - - 7 comments

do you use the toxic air mod with this mod? tell me is it compatible?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

yep, seems to be working without any issues so far. I played only couple of hours tho. But so far so good

Reply Good karma+2 votes
YuriVernadsky - - 465 comments

Awesome addon!!

Im having a issue where only the camera animation is displayed (no hand or mask animation) any tips? (Item animations enabled was the issue, working perfectly!!!)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Chimo69 - - 190 comments

Ey Yuri, do you have the animations when you have the item animation disabled or enabled? cause i have the animation when i'm with the disabled animation items

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Molix1981 - - 113 comments

He just say what the problem is...

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YuriVernadsky - - 465 comments

Yes, it must be disabled in order to work, same here

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Chimo69 - - 190 comments

Thanks for confirmation i was wondering cause it feels a little bit contradictory disabled item animation to get item animation but seems like it’s the way the mod works

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I have the same problem too!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Dang, my bad. I'm just playing with the default animations turned off. It's never occurred to me that it might be an issue. I'll fix it as quickly as possible

Reply Good karma+6 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Dang, my bad. I'm just playing with the default animations turned off. It's never occurred to me that it might be an issue. I'll fix it as quickly as possible

Reply Good karma+6 votes
jakepronto - - 56 comments

yeah, was looking for this comment. will wait for the fix :) great work btw, already tested it by turning off default anims

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mr__dude - - 123 comments

Really good ****

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 698,189 comments

Нет видимой анимации надевания или снятия противогаза как на превью, проверялось на аномалии 1.5.2+ модифицированные экзешники(последней версии)+MCM

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
KGBCCCPa - - 8 comments

Была такая же проблема, решил её отключением анимацией предметов, не знаю как у других, но у меня в настройках клавиш есть пункт "Анимация предметов" после нажатия кнопки, ответственной за это, всё заработало

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Сорян, это мой косяк. Я просто играю с отключенной анимацией по умолчанию. Мне никогда не приходило в голову, что это может быть проблемой. Я исправлю это как можно быстрее

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Simbrave - - 236 comments

Next level Immersion


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ygorvenceslau - - 4 comments

YES! now all we need is animations for turning on/off the Night Vision Googles

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
clocky4847 - - 62 comments

beefs nvg has that

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
M4ttlock2077 - - 96 comments

Excellent work, I know many Stalkers have waited for this. Stay motivated, don't listen to any hate. Thanks for your good work

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Molix1981 - - 113 comments

I always praise modders, who add immersion to this franchise, keep up the top work...

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

In the video, the animation of the dropping is also played without you having to go into the inventory. How does this work?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

it's Toggle Helmet Hotkey mod. I modified original mod and included it into this one. In Mod Configuration Menu (aka MCM) you can configure any key you want to equip and unequip headgear on the go

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Matze1979 - - 74 comments

For me, with this mod you can only switch the breathing noises and breathing formation on and off, but unfortunately it doesn't play any animation!

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I wonder if this is the same issue with default Anomaly animations overriding the mod. Try to press "]" key to turn off default animations and test gasmask hotkey again.

Press "]" turn default animations back on.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Matze1979 - - 74 comments

If I turn off the default animation, the animations of the masks from the inventory work! With your or the Toggle Helmet hotkey mod it will not work if the default animation is on or off. I previously used a mod called Mask-Effect-Toggle as a hotkey mod. With this mod, only the breathing sounds and the breathing mist formation worked, but no animation, neither when the default animation was on or off. It's sad that it doesn't work with the hotkey, at least not for me! still I give you a 12/10 it's really a nice mod!

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Kacpernap - - 41 comments


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Larrylangosta - - 363 comments

incredible work, finally someone makes it happen <3, 10/10!!!

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th9doom - - 24 comments

For me it works really strange.

If I turn off animations ("]" by default) — it works but if I turn them on — it doesn't work. Hotkey to equip it without backpack menu doesn't work at all.

Any ideas? Using this mod with Nav's 4K Definitive Masks from GAMMA Discord mods thread.

UPD: а, прочёл комментарии выше, буду ждать фикса. А так идея классная, наконец-то кто-то это реализовал. Ещё бы такой мод для очков ночного видения :)

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KraizerX - - 185 comments

mine works fine with gamma nav4k mask

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th9doom - - 24 comments

For me it works fine too but "inverted" (works with disabled animations) and I am not the only one with this problem here, read above.

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KraizerX - - 185 comments

Mods works flawlesly except there a minor bug that if you set no input and no modifier it doesnt do anything unless i change one of them, im using with gamma modpack with navs4k mask

My preview:

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zoust - - 365 comments

Good animations, ty

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TomasaurusREKT - - 375 comments

BROOOOO!!!!! 10/10

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DrGrim20 - - 61 comments

11/10! Finally we have better animations for helmets rather than just having the character bend over a bit to put them on! Definitely will use this addon with my game, and can't wait to see what else your able to accomplish with this addon goin forward! :)

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khalmika - - 166 comments

"the animations are far from perfect"

*Makes perfect animations*

Man your work is amazing

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
morgannoor1991 - - 488 comments

I didn't realize that I wanted it so badly until that moment thank you :D

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Ight, I posted an update
hopefully it should fix issues with hot key and not working animations

also thanks everyone. Glad you like it. And sorry for bugs
for a moment I thought I only one who can't live without gasmask animation :D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
th9doom - - 24 comments

Oh, good to hear, gonna try it again soon.

Thank you for your work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Matze1979 - - 74 comments

Now it works perfectly. thanks buddy. really cool mod

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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