Half-Life: Bear Up [Full Version only Xash3D]
Full VersionHalf-Life: Bear Up Full Version... yeah yeah, finaly finished that project, this is my first modding experience, nevermind.. have fun guys :]
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Half-Life: Bear Up Full Version... yeah yeah, finaly finished that project, this is my first modding experience, nevermind.. have fun guys :]
New Barney from Half-Life: Bear Up. yeah. i made this
Half-Life'a tek kişilik harita & mod yapan Türklerin sayısı artmaya başladı son yıllarda, seninkisi en iyiler arasında, tebrikler, gayet güzel olmuş. Bir iki harita daha ekle buna, al sana sağlam bir mod. Umarım devamı gelir.
Great job thanks.
I would recommend you play this mod over my trash and horrible mods... This guy knows how to map, and he can make decent mods (which I don't).
Having played through the demo, (I copied the map file into Half-Life since I don't like Xash3D) the map seemed to be well paced and nicely detailed. It fits the Half-Life aesthetic overall and evokes a very classic mod feeling. There are however some issues, some simple mistakes and others a little more glaring gameplay wise.
1. (Major) There is no node graph included. I assume you've not placed any info_nodes around the map which makes NPCs incredibly stupid. Place some info_nodes to guide the AI and they will be much more interesting to fight.
2. There are some complex prefabs (vending machine) that are missing faces. I imagine this is due to them being off-grid. This can be resolved by turning them into an entity, preferably a func_detail.
3. There are railings which you can see through, but cannot shoot through. This is usually because you are using func_walls, where you should be using func_illusionary. This will let you walk and shoot through them. You can then place a CLIP textured brush in the same place to stop the player and NPCs walking through them.
4. Inconsistency. In some sections of the maps, crates are breakable. Then in other sections, identical crates are not breakable.
5. Player direction. There is very little direction given to player which isn't too bad considering the map is quite linear. However there is one section where you pretty a button in a security office and there is no indication of what the button actually does. It is left to the player to backtrack and find the door (that I assume) it opened. Ideally, a map should be laid out in a way that shows the player the effect of their action, via a window or something.
Other than those little issues, this is looking very promising and I hope to see you continue. Also, as a side note but worth mentioning, you DIDN'T put a huge skybox around the whole map. That's very refreshing to see, hahaha.
I can't wait for it!!!
From looking at the images, 15 days and i see some pretty nice details of the maps which is a very good start and promising for the future of your mods, gonna test it out on hard to see if it's balanced enough. Keep it up :)