Pick up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, and find yourself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. You must rescue the world from the wrong you unleashed back at Black Mesa.
The original Half-Life sent a shock through the game industry with its combination of pounding action and continuous, immersive storytelling. Valve's debut title won more than 50 Game of the Year awards, was named "Best Game Ever" by PC Gamer, and launched a franchise which has since sold over 11 million units worldwide. By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original Half-Life and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life 2 opens the door to a world where the player’s presence affects everything around him or her, from the physical environment to the behaviors and even the emotions of both friends and enemies.
Technical note: most mods “for Half-Life 2” are actually cross-compatible with all of Valve's Source engine games. Check a mod’s profile for details on whether a specific game is needed. Get the steampipe fixes here.
Hello hellos, yo yos, and how’s it goes?! As usual, we hope you lot have all been having a lovely little life since we last had a chat. We certainly have (for some definition of lovely), and it’s that time of the year again, so let’s jump into the update!
Last year we reached the exciting milestone of every mission being playable front-to-back, with the exceptions of Dual Access, and Rift. After a celebratory break, we’ve been hard at work at tackling major tasks since then, one of the most important of which is this mayonnaise:
Ideal spread for a grilled cheese.
In all seriousness, our focus for this year has been on Dual Access, the game’s opening mission. Way back in Peer Review’s early days we made the explicit decision to work on Dual Access last. This is actually pretty common for most organized development cycles. You can’t make a proper introduction or tutorial for something that doesn’t yet exist after all, now can you? Now that we’ve got the rest of the game to inform our design decision, we’re knocking it out.
The gameplay for the two-part mission is coming along quite nicely. In fact, one of those parts is actually in the home stretch! We’ve been testing and iterating and it’s almost there. Meanwhile, being more dialogue-heavy, the other part’s still in the planning and writing phase. Mooostly the writing phase. Good writing takes time, so tha writist girls r doin wat im doin write now accept better. We’re eager to show you when that’s ready!
While the design team's busy doing designer things, the art team is likewise arting up a storm, and sorting out how Sector C should look in Peer Review.
Science isn't all lasers and chemical tanks, though. Sometimes you need a space to store copious amounts of books, or store copious amounts of emails, or store copious amounts of copies.
And where do you store everything else? None other than the storage facilities over in Surface Call.
That's our update! As always, if you've got any questions, comments, concerns, cries of outrage, cries of inrage, or cries of another nature, you can get in touch with us pretty easily in the Peer Review Community Discord Server. We're always hanging about, so you can chat with us and do all the other Discord stuff that we don't need to explain. Pop in, say hi!
And if you really like us, and also happen to have some skills in that pretty little head of yours, you can assimilate! We can always use more 3D artists, character artists, programmers, the lot. Head over to the PSR Team Application Form and show us what you can do. Barring audio and writing positions, we've got space in all roles.
For the rest of the year we'll be chipping away at Dual Access before finally moving on to Rift. We're really excited to see everything coming together, and we hope you are, too. We'll have another check in with you towards the end of the year. Be safe and keep kind in the meantime!
Also hey check out this egg:
Our largest update by far; Showcasing weapon remakes, new maps, new music, peer-to-peer, and more!
I made a AI companions and enemies check for corners, and they wander when there no npc around.
My revamped plans for this mod and about the rebrand from Cowl's Mod to 682Mod.
An update on FORA is coming soon :) Here are some screenshot of visuals, a custom configurator will be included.
Run "FactoryMassacareBadDream.bat" to run the game.
What did you want more in the physgun lemme know in the comments
Here is the mod, make sure you have HL2 and the SDKs going with it and enjoy my first mod that is ... incredibly... short ...!
okay so heres the long awaited beta 3 i added a shit ton of stuff
hi modders, how about using half life 2 remade assets & half life alyx assets in your modifications
Finally, the Carlos invasion (comments below) ended. Thanks to everyone who took part in eliminating this.
You're being downvoted, lol.
roberto carlos