Now the global map really feels like a whole: the forest, looks like a forest and the trails, like trails.
It was unpleasant for me to take out my PDA every time and admire the ugly global map in strong contrast to the high quality of the locations themselves. But since I haven't found an addon that wouldn't be a simple upscale without attention to detail, I decided to fix this misunderstanding myself (as much as possible).
Here are some previews:
Forests & Roads/Trails (before/after):![road_vanilla]()
The environment around the locations (before/after):
The addon was originally for personal use only (like most unpublished stuff), but since it's just images and doesn't require any support from me (for I don't have much free time), I decided to share it.
P.S.: I am always available for feedback in the first 2-3 days after the addons are published/updated, but at all other times you should not expect a response from me more than once a week/month.
- Adjusted curves of the Meadow.
- Added trails from the Cordon to the Meadow and from the Meadow to the Dark Valley.
![ezgif 1 0d5f69f7bd]()
- The trail from the Rostok to the Truck Cemetery has been adjusted.
I also ask whether this addon supports new levels or not. 👀
Hadn't played with this addon previously and decided to give it a try, thinking if I liked it I would integrate it properly by adding trails to new locations.
But unfortunately it has some flaws, for example, trail from Town «Yuzhniy» intersects with trail from the Rostok at the Truck Cemetery, but for some reason the player, traveling towards the Cemetery, does not have access to it, although logically should be (but it is impossible, because from the Rostok only one transition point, so the place for a new location is chosen unsuccessfully). Or when teleporting to some locations, the player looks in the direction from which he came, although he should not.
And at this point I decided not to continue and just refrain from playing with this addon, so there will be no proper integration of trails for it (including optionally).
Is that the only flaw?
can i expect some fps drops?
It's just an interface retexture..
As mask overlays and hd icons that's why i wonder cause hd icons and some mask overlays can drop some fps, is this correct or those doesn't affect performance in any way?
Textures that are above 1k can reduce performance it does not matter if its interface, mask overlays, hd icons or world textures they are still loading and effecting performance and stress the cpu and gpu so in other words the more mods you add to the game the worst it will get especially on weak systems, just to be clear i have nothing against the Author of this mod by any means is just not all mods are for everybody i know for a fact that modding is fun but with a price to pay and that is performance
In cases like this, even if it somehow affects performance, I'd rather lose 2-3 FPS than stare at an ugly map. Also keep in mind that I'm the only person in the modding community who plays on a macbook through emulation with 8GB RAM, and if I had any performance issues, I definitely wouldn't post such an addon.
With such talents, perhaps we will finally get to the point where it will be possible to remove these transitions and connect all the maps with roads and there will be something awesome without loss of performance
Not only would the performance be absolute garbage, the "transition" areas would be long and empty stretches of roads.
The question is, what the hell then are the cars that can be controlled in this game?
They were meant for the levels like darkscape lol. All maps were much bigger and more vehicle free in stalker builds
Автор, спасибо вам за аддон, выглядит потрясающи!
this is cool
do i have to exract it to put it to mod organaizer
you select the mod installation botton top left on Mo2, then select any 7zip mod you downloaded, and Mo2 does everything else for you
Thank you for your work! May I ask if anything in regards to the PDA Map needs to be disabled in GAMMA, for instance like the higher resolution map textures? just curious, thank you?
I have no idea, never played GAMMA, but any other map retexture would be incompatible.
Cool, thank you for the reply. So far so good! Did not need to disable anything Gamma comes with. Cheers
Amazing work! Definitely looks much better than what I could make. :D
Damn, impressive! How did you even go about making this without AI upsaclers?
I didn't say I didn't use it.
Hi was wondering if it would be possible to make a winter version of this? This mod is outstanding by the way
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. That would be awesome!
Thanks, but I don't think so.
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Just a small alert, when right clicking on the mod to visit moddb it directs users to a page saying the mods been removed.
And out of curiousity, were there always locations that dont have maps at all?
Thanks for the notice, but since I've lost interest in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. so far, fixes/updates will probably only be a few months away (as usual, though).
And about the last one, I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Maps look very good, thanks for your mod :)
Ive always used "High Res PDA Map" but i think yours are better :)
Hey man, is it alright if I use the image files in my mod? It's a rework of the Zone's layout to make it as close to real life as possible.
Hey, sure, feel free to use it.
is this compatible with NEW LEVELS 0.53?
It doesn't have the new levels map but you can use this addon as it contains some fixes for new levels (maps included) and the maps in that addon are based off of this so it won't look out of place either
Enjoy :D
Hey! So far I really like your addon.
I would like to make a map of Stalker Anomaly with all its places and anomalies marked. Do I have permission to use your upscaled textures?
Hey! Yeah, of course.
Nice, thank you!
I forgot to mention that I might want to upload this map on Discord or here on moddb to make it available for others. Are you ok with that? If not, then I'll just keep it for myself. :)
Sure thing. That's exactly what I had in mind, so you have my permission ;)
Thank you very much, dude!
I will credit you with a note in the map. :)