Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.

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ECA Light Excavator
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ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 68 comments

Render Description written by MARS2588

Reply Good karma+1 vote
8ft_Robot - - 373 comments

When you dont get to be in the Swedish Excavator:
"ugghhh... pretty cramped in here..."

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JackGranger - - 85 comments

What's the difference between this and normal excavators, besides visual?

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8ft_Robot - - 373 comments

it works like the normal excavators but GP locked. it can called in via airdrop on command by Engineers, Pioneers or Warhounds on their position. like Russian Grizon airdrop.

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NQIMNyannn6872 - - 91 comments

This one is free and requires a GP.

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,183 comments

And, in addition to what was said by the others, stat-wise the bobcat is faster than the excavator at the cost of being more fragile

Reply Good karma+2 votes
zany_one_pip - - 12 comments

Looks kinda cute.

Still waiting for my unban from the SWR discord server.

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Mr_Skittles - - 64 comments

Skitt/light here.
The ban is permanent Zany you will NOT be unbaned EVER, So stop Complaining about it, dm'ing admins and generally having a cry everywhere you go.
You violated the server rules many times since 2021, received multiple warnings and eventually got a temp ban BUT instead of being an adult and accepting it was a temp ban, you attempted a bribe in order to get unbaned, which escalated it to a permanent ban.
We are generally extremely lenient with the rules and warning's to members on the discord, you had your chance and blew it.
It's over you will NOT be allowed back in, so get over it.

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SuperHunterX - - 280 comments

I hope they can build vital buildings in case the Regular Excavators are blown away.

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During Operation Nemesis, European forces in North and West Africa frequently had to contend with severely degraded or outright non-existent infrastructure in various GLA-controlled countries. As a result, military engineering resources for the construction of operating bases and lines of communication were spread thin. This led to the formation of a new doctrine where local commands would pool these resources as an on-call reserve that could be airlifted to any engineering element in the field as needed. As the stranglehold of the GLA receded and European control of the region expanded, these same engineering assets would also see increasing use in the construction of new infrastructure for the civilian populace.

Once authorised by the commanding general, European Engineers, Combat Pioneers and Warhound AVRE commanders can requisition a Bobcat light excavator to be para-dropped to their location by an A400M transport. Like its larger sized cousin, the Bobcat is a construction vehicle capable of erecting the standard assortment of European facilities and providing repair support. This allows forward forces to rapidly consolidate their position with defences and establish new facilities without the delay and risk associated with driving a slow, vulnerable Excavator all the way from the base through potentially unsafe territory.

Early into the Russo-European War, many continental members of the European Alliance lost most of their air assets to an onslaught of air strikes, missile bombardment and sabotage action. It was not until the decisive turn-around of Operation Pandora and the United States' entry into the war that the European air forces once again took to the skies with greater confidence, launching from secure bases on the British isles, the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. It was from this point onwards that the same successful tactic of air-lifted engineering support would be used to great effect in the liberation of France and the Low Countries.