Emperor Corrino has issued a challenge that the House which can produce the most spice will control its source, the desert planet Dune, with no rules as to how the Houses can achieve the goal. Meanwhile, Lady Elara of the Bene Gesserit and bound concubine to the Emperor, secretly takes the commander - the player - into one of the Heighliners, a person whose bloodline and future the Sisterhood had checked. According to Elara, they saw many visions of the commander dying many times—and only in one vision does the commander live and even rise to control massive armies and bring peace to Arrakis.

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Screenshot of Smuggler Base

Hello guys!

Hope you all enjoyed the beta version of Vermins of Dune I released last month. Since that, I worked on polishing the already existing content, and my estimates are

Vermins of Dune 1.0.0 will arrive before July (hopefully much sooner)


One of my focuses now will be to make the faction more balanced. I'll appreciate any help on that, please write down in the comments, how you think the balance can be improved.

Upcoming Changes


According to your feedback, the installer for some of you couldn't download game files, which prevented a successful game installation. To tackle this problem I added an additional mirror for game data, and the mirror list is now stored on GitHub.

Also we now finally have an installer for the Linux version!


Several sprite polishes will also arrive in 1.0.0.

  • Smoother Radar Animation for Outpost
  • Polish for Palace Sprite
  • Loading Screen image will feel slightly less flat

Outpost Radar Animation Comparison

Breaking Change

Custom map folder is now relocated to d2k_smugglers/1.0.0 instead of d2k/{DEV_VERSION}


The update will also include some minor fixes like polished encyclopedia entries.

For those of you that want the freshest news the soonest, this changelog is continuously updated. Please note as this changelog is updated more frequently it might contain some nonfinal statements.

Release 20161015

Release 20161015

News 3 comments

Today we are happy to announce the latest stable release of OpenRA!

Public registrations for Red Alert Global League Season 2 now open!

Public registrations for Red Alert Global League Season 2 now open!

News 3 comments

Coming soon: AI bots using engineers, improved scoreboards, Origin support, 6 new missions for Tiberian Dawn and 3 Red Alert co-op missions have a comeback!...

Playtest 20160403

Playtest 20160403

News 9 comments

We are pleased to announce the first playtest leading up to our next stable release!

Release 20151224

Release 20151224

News 7 comments

featuring in-game IRC, new missions, revamped Dune 2000 balancing, joystick scrolling and weather effects!

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cnc-ddraw 6.6

cnc-ddraw 6.6

Patch 8 comments

cnc-ddraw can fix compatibility issues in older 2D (DirectDraw) games, such as black screen, bad performance, crashes or defective Alt+Tab. Adds new features...



Full Version 1 comment

Vermins of Dune is Dune 2000 mod, that adds Smugglers as a playable faction. This is an installer for Windows x64.



Full Version

Vermins of Dune is Dune 2000 mod, that adds Smugglers as a playable faction. This is an installer for Windows x86.



Full Version

Vermins of Dune is Dune 2000 mod, that adds Smugglers as a playable faction. This is an installer for Linux.



Full Version

Vermins of Dune is Dune 2000 mod, that adds Smugglers as a playable faction. This is an installer for macOS.

Dune 2000 v1.06 Italian Patch

Dune 2000 v1.06 Italian Patch


This is the latest patch for the Italian version of Dune 2000.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 15)
Guest - - 698,157 comments

I wish someone will make some mods for the psx version.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Skillman1991 - - 4 comments

where can I get this game???? pls I want this game so much ....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,157 comments

Do you want it in ps1 or pc?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ZeroBits - - 131 comments

The Original

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
LordJace - - 190 comments

How do i fix it when theres a split half screen thing?It's messed up and unplayable

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Otter. - - 1,355 comments

I fondly remember this game :)

Even after seeing the film I don't know why, I must have misread it somewhere, but for years I thought that the spice was actually a really efficient and clean fuel (which was also renewable by the worms) and that is why the planet was sought after, hence the famous "He who controls the spice controls the universe". The one who controls the fuel, controls the space travel.
I know since then it's a drug and it IS some way used for space travel through the navigators, but to this day I still think it makes more sense as a fuel source only (well at least for me)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
roman9441 - - 1,183 comments

I love this game

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
THEAQIB - - 30 comments

This game and it's forefunner began the RTS revolution....
I justt love this game....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Meyerm - - 1,186 comments

I have the PS version of this. Graphics are low quality, but 3d. That one actually has two colors per faction. Main color is whatever color is chosen by the player (or just blue, red, green in campaign depending on faction), but additionally Harkonnen always have a red secondary color, ordos have green, and atreides blue regardless of primary color. In campaign there's also yellow for smugglers, brown for Fremen, yellow-green for mercs (or just yellow. When combined with grey primary color it may look different), and purple for Corrino's Sardaukar.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
OrangeNero - - 6,593 comments

The game had some great features like the sandworm and the pavement, I find it sad that these are not picked up by newer rts games.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
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