The Tactical Duel Map is the map equivalent of the duel mode. You start with lvl 1 hero and week 6 army strength, level up via sphinx, buy artifacts, learn spells, upgrade and you're ready for battle! Interested in friendly games, tourneys, guides, replays, gameplay discussions or otherwise keeping an eye on the changes? If so join our discord community! More details in the Summary or the Files tabs.

Post news Report RSS Duel Map 2.99 Update (July 2024)

A mostly visual update, making the map and its battlefields a lot more lifelike.

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This update brings us a new alt upgrade, summoned unit rebalancing and major visual improvements!

In the past few days I have been mapping out the game's vast amount of models and effects, many of which were left unused. Some of them are from the alpha version of the game, looking cartoonish and cute. Others are more in line with the current style - if a bit less detailed. Others are unit or town building effects that you don't have the luxury of seeing up close. Having gone through them all, I can now make the map and its battlefields a lot more detailed, diverse and lifelike! Sadly, a still image cannot do it justice.



One of the things I disliked in lava terrain was its lack of object variety. It's mostly rocks, spikes and fiery effects, most of which are similar and don't particularly stand out. It always felt like there should be some charred trees in there. And what do you know, they exist. Along with some other stuff, such as imp flagbearers, massive chains, falling meteors and infernal pictograms. Grass objects get flags, banners, flying pigeons, discarded weapons, caravans, ladders, planks.. Necropolis gets landslides effects, spectral hands, moat floating skull effects, vampiric bats, ghost mode effects.. Academy comes with passing clouds, a variety of crystal, portal and magical effects..



The next time you enter a battlefield, have a look around. I have left a number of little details and easter eggs :) Not every addition is major and some are harder to spot than others. You might find something you didn't expect.

talonguard 1

The pigeons are sadly barely noticeable here.


You can't really spot a static landslide. But.. How many of you spotted the vampiric bat?
And how many spotted the second one? :)


On to the gameplay.
The summoned units are now roughly 15% weaker in terms of damage and health. They seem to be in a good spot but the testing is ongoing.

The Nethermage joins the Academy ranks, as a third alt upgrade to the mages. Where the Archmage can fire off two Fireballs, the Nethermage can cast one 4x4 Decay spell as a homage to the void theme, featured in Homm 6 and Duel of Champions. The damage is obviously not on par with fireball but you can get a profit by the third unit action :) Also, he has three uses of Random Caster for dark spells. I honestly did not like Random Caster on a large, glass cannon, melee unit like the Djinn. A mage unit from the back lines can make it work much better.

The Rumbling Treant alt additionally gets Tremors (5x5 earth spell) that until now was unique to the Mummy summon. The redesigned Earthquake is honestly a niche spell. It hits and stuns everyone - including your own units - and as such, using it effectively depends a lot on timing. Now you have the option to use a weaker Tremors spell instead.


Plus minor fixes, improvements and tweaks.
The map is available here.
More goodies coming soon, enjoy!

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