Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, had long since been terraformed. TTT, or Tidus Titan Triumvirate, a multinational and now multi-planetary conglomerate, in conjunction with United Aerospace Corporation, began an overarching project to move the human populous to as many of the solar system’s outer planets and moons as could be achieved. Titan was to be chief among these new seats for the human race.

But old tales get retold. Or so it seems.

Contact with the base on Titan, Dragon Sector - Phase Two, or “the Remake”, as it was coined by insiders, was lost.

You were member of a combat team, sent with investigators, to find out what happened. Upon final approach to the Executive Complex landing pad, however, your ship experienced a sudden malaise and crashed. You are the lone survivor, the only one who managed to bail out and survive.

But there? That is where the horror only started.

GMV Courtesy of Blood Ground Gaming

Stream Archive by redfield_07

Play Notes:

Skill levels: yes
Multiplayer: 5 Player CoOp (WIP)
Dynamic lights required to be on
Turning Brightmaps on highly recommended (We've done a lot of work in this regard)

Required Port: GZDoom (ver 4.11 or later)
Recommended Mod: Project Brutality (PB_Staging)
Tested with only GZDoom-based scource ports.
ZDL, or any frontend is recommended to make launching the mod easier.

Very Important:

It is highly recommended that you turn on the setting for precaching textures. We've used some very large textures where they mattered, and this can cause lag, as GZDoom, by default, loads them into memory during actual play. Precaching preloads all of the textures before play of a level begins, preventing this lag from happening. It makes for a slightly longer loading time before each map, but trust us, it will be well worth it.

In game, open the console and enter gl_precache 1. (This is already done for you in the full version download, if you use the CMD file for launching it.)

Also, it is highly recommended that you use the Vulkan renderer. It provides for a much smoother and better high fidelity experience.

Recommended System:

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz or better
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or better
  • At least 4GB of video memory is recommended for 1080p resolution.

Authors' Notes:

We designed the maps specifically to run with Project Brutality. If ran with any other mods, the experience won't be what was intended. They will run with any other GZDoom-based mod, however. We tested them in GZDoom (without mods), Brutal Doom and with Russian Overkill. The maps ran in all without issue.

The reason we designed Dragon Sector - The Remake for Project Brutality, was, heh, let's be serious--Project Brutality rocks! I just so wanted to show it some love! And frankly, Project Brutality makes our maps a truly mindblowing experience!

Turn up your music and get ready! We're hopeful that these maps will blow everyone away!

All assets in this wad are free to use without permission or accreditation to the DragonSector-Remake wad (though accreditation is appreciated). All other authors retain rights to their respective materials, et al.

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Hello again, Doomers!

It looks like our last update, v0.70 came in a bit hot. Shortly after the update went live on ModDB we discovered that a couple of the last minute changes we made caused some pretty big performance issues. The turrets in particular were dragging the framerate down, and it’s taken us this long to figure out what exactly the cause was.

DarynS was able to figure it out though, after a good bit of backtracking, and we’re going to put out this bugfix release which will make things a good deal better.


Here is what has changed in this update:


  • Fixed an oversight that kept the mod from running if Project Brutality wasn’t present.
  • Reduced the size of the red light on the Turret. This was causing a lot of lag when turrets were firing across large areas.
  • Optimized the security assets’ targeting check. This was causing a lot of lag, as well.
  • Removed the grindy sounds from the lifts to which lighted edges were added.


  • Replaced the player's pain sounds.

Map Changes

  • Map 01 - Executive Complex
    • Fixed a potential problem that could make the morgue/Zombie Fodder sequence not trigger, making it impossible to progress.
    • Fixed another problem that was sometimes preventing the main door of Medical from opening, on your way out.
  • Map 04 - Fuel Refinery
    • Replaced the Plasma Turrets at the end of the map with Rocket Turrets.

The full list of changes in 0.70 can be found on the 0.70 Release Post, and in the changelog inside the download.

Sorry for the inconvenience that this will no doubt have caused. We’ll be doing our best to avoid oopsies like this going forward.


So, hit that download button (again), and let’s get to slayin’!

BarefootMapMaker & DarynS

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.70 Is Here!

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.70 Is Here!

News 5 comments

With this release, we bring Map 7, the Power Ambiation Hub to the table. Plus, we've got a slew of balance, polish, and QoL fixes.

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.66a9 Released!

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.66a9 Released!


This new update brings with it a brand new, Secret Map!

Dragon Sector (Remake) v0.65 Is Here!

Dragon Sector (Remake) v0.65 Is Here!

News 6 comments

With this release comes a number of substantive changes to all of the maps, as well as a number of gameplay improvements!

Vote For Us at The Doom Awards

Vote For Us at The Doom Awards


Voting is open for the 2023 Doom Awards. Please head over and show your support for the project!

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Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.70b - PK3 Only

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.70b - PK3 Only

Singleplayer Map 59 comments

This file contains the Dragon Sector pk3 file and the KAI Library. Use this if you want to use your own Project Brutality build, or if you want to play...

Dragon Sector Friendly Security Drone 1.1

Dragon Sector Friendly Security Drone 1.1

Weapon Model 8 comments

This is the friendly security drone out of Dragon Sector. Made into a standalone PK3 for you to use.

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.70b - Full

Dragon Sector (The Remake) v0.70b - Full

Full Version 26 comments

This version contains the same maps as the PK3 Only version, but bundles in GZDoom, KAI, and Project Brutality to make it easier to get up and running...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 122)
macil - - 2 comments

I ran into two issues while playing 0.70b (with Project Brutality):
- in DSMAP01, I collected a few keys and then re-traveled right through the airlock at the bottom right of the map. After I passed through it, the airlock was not re-openable, and the "A-Wing East Section" door at the top right was still closed, so I was trapped in that right-side section of the map as far as I could tell. I re-explored the area several times for 20 minutes before giving up and noclipping out, at which point I could progress fine.
- in DSMAP09, if you start running out of oxygen and then execute an enemy or grab a rebreather, your oxygen percent fills back up, but if you've already started taking drowning damage then getting more oxygen doesn't stop you from continuing drowning. I started drowning, found a rebreather, and overwrote my save the moment I got to it thinking I was safe, so I gave up there for now.

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DarynS Creator
DarynS - - 97 comments

Hey there macil !

Thanks a lot for the feedback and bug report. Like BarefootMapMaker said, stuff like this helps us a lot. Situations that people run into that never occur to us, or we never run into ourselves are hard to diagnose, so having something to look at can give us leads.

For the rebreather, I have a suspicion I know what is going on, so I'll be testing that out in the morning. It may also be an odd interaction between us and Project Brutaity, which wouldn't be the first time that's happened. So I'll test with and without to narrow that down.

Out of curiosity, had you used any cheats other than Noclip? Did you give yourself a Damage Shield, or were all the items you got pickups? Just wondering, because I have a suspicion I might have an oversight in that that very well could cause this behavior.

Thanks again, and rest assured, we're on it.

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macil - - 2 comments

I hadn't used any cheats other than noclip in DSMAP01 after I was stuck.

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BarefootMapMaker Creator
BarefootMapMaker - - 49 comments

We think we know what happened with the rebreather failure.

We have tried to reproduce what you experienced, using as many variables you might have had in play, to try and reproduce it.

We couldn't get the problem to occur for us, no matter what we did.

There was one variable we didn't account for, however.

There is a monster in map09, which is unique to that map. The Gross Elemental. Its breath and the maggots it spawns, both impart poison as part of the damage they inflict. So you very well could have been under that effect, when you picked up the new rebreather.

Poison damage lingers in our maps by design. Some more than others, depending upon the monster that inflicted it.

That is the only explanation we can come up with for what you experienced. If you could perhaps reproduce what you experienced and make note of what was happening when it happened, we might be able to pinpoint an actual problem. But as it stands now, we haven't been able to reproduce it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DarynS Creator
DarynS - - 97 comments

Thanks for letting me know. That means the problem is in the rebreather itself. I'll be diving into that today.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BarefootMapMaker Creator
BarefootMapMaker - - 49 comments

Errrgh, we're still running into problems with that door, then. I've tried fixing it several times. It looks like we're going to need to move from actuation track to script for it. We'll have that done for our next update.

As to the rebreather, that sounds like a coding oversight. We'll look into that, as well.

It is observations like yours, macil, that help us out the most. We often don't realize there are problems unless folks point them out. So thank you very much. We'll be looking into these and doing our best to have them fixed for our next update.

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

Good Day Guys. There is a loop in the game maps, after finishing the underwater new map you guys added ( that is beautiful ) you go to the refinery map (?), after that map you go to dead easy map then you go back to trips and traps and then again the underwater base, then you start again at the refinery after that. well i get stuck on those maps, and i downloaded the full files.

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DarynS Creator
DarynS - - 97 comments

Uh, that's kind of an oopsie. Map 9 goes back to Map 4 when you finish it, and then you can play through to map 5 and 6, then you'll get the regular DOOM 2 Map 7 and 8. This is an error and an oversight on my part. I forgot to put an end after Map 6. If you have finished the six maps and the secret, you have completed what we have, so far anyway. I was just testing what BarefootMapMaker has been working on for Map 7, and it's going to be awesome. I'll talk it over with him and see if it's worth putting out a fix for this. If you want to continue on past the new map and continue playing the regular levels, open the console with the ~ key and then type "Map MAP10" without the quotes. It will jump you back past the secret map and you can keep playing regular DOOM II.

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Guest - - 698,085 comments

lol, thank you, you guys are great. i can do that but i want to play your guys version of the game so i play it as new version comes out.

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DarynS Creator
DarynS - - 97 comments

Sounds good. Well, this isn't a big enough deal to do an entire upload for just the one fix, so we'll include it with the next release.

It's awesome to know people are getting a lot of enjoyment out of the maps.

Take care, and thank you for the support!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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