Lost in Infinity's grasp, the Doom Slayer must break an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Classic Doom transformed into a roguelike along with upgrades, stats and random surprises!


DOOM Infinite Demo v.0.978.6. PK3 file inside the ZIP. GZDoom 4.8.2 or higher required. DOOM II iwad required.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 56)
Grinya - - 2 comments


Waiting for Brutal Doom integration.

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

probably never gonna happen

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ʀᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ - - 154 comments

I'm waiting to get -20 Votes as well (also I'm not replying Guest)

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Ksen_JG - - 22 comments

You will keep waiting, the author said he was not going to include it.

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

why you want to mix lettuce with cacao?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 698,175 comments

Why is it so trendy in this community to hate Brutal Doom? Uppity purists are much more annoying than people that just enjoy having some modern gameplay elements.

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immistyer - - 28 comments

In today's episode of why the Brutal Doom community is ruining Brutal Doom!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
RXTended - - 12 comments

Why everything must be brootal dom compatible

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
yoshjoz - - 153 comments

while I fully understand that people, especially oldschool doom mod enjoyer chads, dislike the focus on a sole mod that is pushed everywhere you got to admit that brutal doom really adds a lot to the feel of the game. this certain oomph that is added by a lot more hit feedback and better sounds just adds so much to a shooter game where u spend 80% of your time shooting and killing.
A few elements of brutal doom like the two mentioned above really can add to the feel of the game big time and I can understand why people wouldn't want to play the game without it, although those are clearly mostly younger players who are used to more modern game design concepts and thus desire weird stuff in doom like aiming down sights and the like.

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KingLich31 - - 89 comments


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redactive - - 1 comments

nuh uh

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
MasterZeroFlash - - 41 comments

Yea, personally BeautifulDoom is my go to "Autoload" mod, so to speak, but there is nothing wrong with a dash of Brutal Doom if that suits your fancy, to each their own and whatnot, any other opinion runs the risk of getting a bit petty.

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Djigallag - - 55 comments

So those doors in e2m9 and e3m8 are still not working for me.
Is it safe to cut them from INFMAPS.wad to avoid getting them, or the mod will be borked this way?

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difficultoldstuff Author
difficultoldstuff - - 159 comments

Ooooh it will get borked big time! Sorry to hear that, what doors exactly won't work? You you mayhaps use any additional mods?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Djigallag - - 55 comments

Ok, I moved to GZDoom 4.11 and even more doors got broken.|
I'm starting to think it wasn't the mod's problem after all.

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sniperbob98 - - 9 comments

there is some door stuck by strange logo idk how open or if can be opened

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immoralitycheck - - 2 comments

Ahhh playing that mod was great however there are few problems that I came across.

1. Overflow of Enemies. At one point it makes game almost impossible to play because the more overflowing then less FPS until u start literaly having 1-0 FPS. Only solution that works atm but only for few seconds was opening either Main Menu or Console to regain 60 FPS for 2 sec which allows at least somehow for player to reach end of stage or kill enemies.
2. The Infinite Tokens. I get it that this supposedto be rare but srslly its so rare that at one run on Hard difficulty at 20 maps and 44 Curse I got one and it wasn't even on stage but in HUB from 50 souls door. There should be either some increase for them to appear the higher curse is or some way to icnrease it like upgrade or even NPC that allows u to spend souls for the entire run to increase Infinite tokens appearing if not as well add more options to it(and prices would depend on difficulty player took on start)
3. The 1000 death Achievement is just stupid in my opinion. already getting 100 is annoying where 1000 is just amount that u don't want to grind even when using command to kill yourself
4. Looping all classical maps sounds nice as achievement but would be as well nice to add counter to it that would count how many left for player to finish them all(just for sake to see since some like to see how far are from finishing)
5. A better information on passive/active items like how much it increase something or how much chance it gives per item since it's kind a hard to tell if item is good or bad for future of the run.
6. WOuld be nice to have more enemies since mod already starts adding few. Not abnormal number but a bit more would be nice
7. I don't know if that supposed to happen to Plasma Rifle with Railgun and Burst Mode but if it's intented then maybe change Burst mode for Plasma Rifle to different name since it's looks more like degraded shotgun with fancy hitscan effect since it shoots literaly everywhere but not ahead u when u have Burst mode and Railgun on it.
8. The amount of ammo that Insta-killing upgrade gives is sometimes too much and would be nice if stacking that item would allow to lessen the amount that Insta0killing upgrade consume as well because for now even if it can be OP for more tanking enemies on start then later on when player gets more DMG from upgades then this item become less and less usefull and more hindrance since it doesn't consume ammo in amount what u would need to consume to beat enemy and often it just make it worse since even hitting lost soul or zombieman can waste for u 30 ammo from shotgun when u getting ammo regen upgrades is already hard with the pool of items that u have in mod.
9. Corpse of enemies or more like their amount. There should be option in mod included that allows to set amount of how much corpse can be on single map(or just option that makes enemies corpse to disappear after set amount of time) because at one point if u want to stay for longer period of time on map then usually u can't since with time more enemy corpses start to piling and obstruct player view and as well can decrease the amount of the FPS when playing that map.

So far that are the issues that I have with mod and would be nice to see a changed to some of this issues if possible.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
difficultoldstuff Author
difficultoldstuff - - 159 comments

I've read all that and noted as feedback, thank you for taking the time to post this comment!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
immoralitycheck - - 2 comments

I'm glad if any of this could be of help and GG on coming so far with this mod which is still only a "Demo" ^^
Oh also sorry for errors in spelling. I wrote it without checking for error so I have hope all of this relay all what I wanted to say.

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

Hi there I'm loving the mod so far! However I've been having an error pop up when the game or myself tries to save. It keeps saying "Save failed, attempt to save pointer to unhandled type nativestruct<cvar>". Any idea what that's caused by?

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

I AM SO HAPPY you made this mod. LIFELONG DOOM FAN and 7 year Enter the Gungeon fan - Ive always dreamed of a first person enter the gungeon and this looks to fill that void in my soul. Youre doing great work bruv!

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MrSmiley411 - - 1 comments

hi i wanted to try the mod but when i put it in gzdoom it says this :

Script error, "DOOM_Infinite_DEMO_0978_6.pk3:mapinfo" line 24:
Expected '=' but got '{' instead

how do i fix it ?
and thank you

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

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airGuitar - - 1 comments


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Bloody_Kenshiro - - 30 comments

I'm curious as to how compatible this mod is with weapon packs.

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Zales360 - - 47 comments

Flag validation error (666) upon completing tutorial :( I changed settings to get rid of all the "errors" pointed out by the imp but I still got the error. I'm only running a mod that shows floating damage numbers on hit, similar to Borderlands
Edit: Okay, nevermind - i was able to start a new run and tutorial was considered completed despite the error :)

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dublea - - 2 comments

I could not get this to run under Fedora. Tried flatpaks, all from 4.8 to 4.11, even compiling latest from source (v4.12), and finally got it running with the Windows version of GZDoom and Proton-GE, lol. Anyone seen this error before?

Header: Fatal Error
Message: R_InstallSprite: Sprite SKEL frame A is missing rotations
Options: Exit

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BMan84 - - 1 comments

Figured it out, I'm supposed to be playing with Doom II. Merp.

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RoxShadow - - 1 comments

Hey, I'm available to help you with translation your project, I can translate it to Portuguese-Brazilian

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

this is fantastic, my imagination goes to archipelago, a multiworld multigame randomizer, but this is so good as is

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stan_n1 - - 107 comments

Cacowards 2023 Gameplay Winner! Congrats!

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

Damn, I really wanted to try this mod, and I changed all my ingame settings to the ones that are recommended by the mod. But I have issues with inner menus, whenever I press up or down it always skips one item. I literally stuck at weapon mod menu because I keep skipping Exit. Where do I look to fix this?

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

No linux files ? Debian or Ubuntu ?

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snapshot_ - - 546 comments

this is soo good wish i could play this on zandronum

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

So, here's my feedback:

You need higher starting ammo or make the first 20 or so spawn rolls make ammo dropping enemies, or make imps drop ammo upon death. Too many runs were just dead in the water due to getting Oops All Imps on early spawn rolls, running out of ammo, and beefing it.

You need to remove randomized spawning locations, and instead have enemies spawn in waves in combat arenas. Twice I died in the same spot because a bunch of enemies spawn on an elevator that I couldn't see the top of, and when I pressed a button they all unloaded into my back the instant they got line of sight. I've also had enemies spawn directly behind me.

I don't know what you expect the average power-up amount per run to look like but you should strongly consider Less Powerups, But More Powerful Powerups. As is, your starting powerup feels kind of meh. It does some small incremental thing and is generally pretty forgettable. Getting a power up that "evens out your stats" or gives you a slight boost in darkness is not really interesting. Frankly, the starting guns can have way more interesting and game changing attributes, like the random pistol I got that fires a giant cone of exploding fireballs. Or a scope on shotgun allowing quick-scope perfect accuracy shots. Also: Remove powerups that are just bad. My first run after the tutorial was going really well and then I fought my way through a giant death pit in the hub area, got to low health, and got a "power up" that just... did auto damage to me over time. It was more or less a death sentence and my "misplay" was taking the reward I was given that I would have no clue was just a trap. Randomized games already have problems with punishing players with RNG; adding punishments to the reward pool is just cruel and unfun.

I don't know what the purpose of the 100 soul path to the right of the larger 150 soul path is for. It unlocks a little micro-dungeon between levels, but the micro-dungeons seem to often lack purpose. Sometimes there's a trap that can just instantly kill you if you don't know it's coming or there's a room filled with acid, a single enemy, and, like, 1 ammo pickup. One I got was a mirror portal that seemed to do nothing, except when I went through it a third time, it broke, I lost half my health and almost all my ammo. Which then caused me to die. Don't add content to the game that exists just to punish player curiosity, especially if it costs resources just to access.

And finally, two bugs;

One run ended pretty ingloriously when I rounded a corner and saw a Mancubus and 3 zombie men and more or less got killed instantly. It was the first map at curse 0. This seems like a glitch, and if it wasn't; hey, don't put late game enemies in the early game spawn table as a gotcha to players. Don't waste our time.

Jump seemed to be entirely broken. I tried rebinding it, but nothing worked. I was playing on Ubuntu Linux FWIW. Everything else seemed to work fine, but the jump just didn't work, and I think I got softlocked and killed once because the jump didn't work.

This is a cool idea, and I get that you're still working on it, but as is I can't really recommend it to people as it's just unfun. I'm not some shooter god or a doom master, but I did play a Doom 2 blind before playing this game and was able to breeze through the first six stages without breaking a sweat, meanwhile, on this game, it's a good run if RNG doesn't put me in a near unwinnable state in the first 30 seconds.

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

Use the Ketchup mod V4 to enhance the gore/blood feature or even nashgore mod for further enhancement. Ketchup mod is universal literally works with anything ive thrown at it

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i-am-naut - - 1 comments

Is there a way to view how many souls you have? It's a bit confusing, I see that value nowhere on the HUD. I played one mission and it said I earned 86 souls, then I tried breaking a 50 soul door in the hub area and it said I didn't have enough souls.

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BlacklightVoid - - 29 comments

I started thinking about the Project here and I thought: "Will it be possible to make DOOM INFINITE in the form of an IPK3 file?" In my opinion, such a Project is well worth creating in a similar format. Because changing the GZDOOM settings every time is not very convenient.

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kalensar - - 408 comments

Put in a KEYCONF so you can define your MOD MENU button. Couldnt even get past the first item because I can't set a button for it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MasterZeroFlash - - 41 comments

Oooh, this is an interesting mod, the idea is brilliant!

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TIIKKETMASTER - - 5 comments

i get softlocked after grabbing the shotgun lmao

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TIIKKETMASTER - - 5 comments

so i fixed that but now im stuck in a hole. cant get out.

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TIIKKETMASTER - - 5 comments

apparently i was supposed to break it. arugh i hate not knowing what to do

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lockyblock75 - - 2 comments


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Skrapers - - 1 comments

Mild complaint. But I enjoy wandering through doom mods with godmode on to get a feel for them. But this mod just kills you. Heads up for others who like to do the same. Apparently the mod maker takes themselves too seriously.

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bki - - 4 comments

Its part of the game ITS LITERALLY A FEATURE where you die and come back in the beginning

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

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