Deathmatch Classic: Refragged is both a remake and continuation of Deathmatch Classic built in the Source Engine with new maps, game modes, weapons, quality of life improvements and more!

Report RSS Deathmatch Classic: Refragged Development Showcase 5!

Our largest update by far; Showcasing weapon remakes, new maps, new music, peer-to-peer, and more!

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Long time no see! It's been over a year since the last DMC:R development showcase. A lot has happened in that time since, this is our biggest media update by far, so let's dive in!


All Weapon model remakes have been finished, including the new weapons to DMCR's arsenal. You can get a good look at all of their base models in the image below. This amazing work was done by TheFraudulent.


dcmrWeaponShowcaseOptimized2Not all models have been textured yet, but here's a few that are finished:

The Shotgun
shotgunModeled by TheFraudulent | Textured by Xeller

The Rocket LauncherRocketLauncherModeled by TheFraudulent | Textured by Xeller | Decal art by Not Dave or Daniel

The Super Nailgun
Modeled by TheFraudulent | Textured by Xeller

The RailgunRailgunModeled by TheFraudulent | Textured by Xeller

We even made a video showing off the process of making the Railgun from concept art to a finished render, check it out!

Railgun Concept Art by Blazer


I'm proud to introduce to you, made by the DMC:R programming lead, Tholp: CoaXioN Coplay!


Coplay is an add-on that Sourcemods can take advantage of to add peer-to-peer connections to their mods. Previously, the only way this had been implemented was either clunky, unsuitable for most purposes or required having an engine license, so Coplay will hopefully be helpful to multiplayer mod developers without a license. Coplay will more easily allow players to play together in multiplayer mods, especially those who don't know how to host dedicated servers, and in a way, hopefully keep these mods more active and "alive."

Coplay was originally created with DMC:R in mind, which is why we're mentioning it here, but its been made open source for others to use under the Mozilla Public License.
For more information about Coplay, visit the GitHub page.
We look forward to seeing other developers implement and contribute to Coplay!


The DMC:R Original Soundtrack has been completed, running 32 minutes long with 13 unique tracks produced by the talented LAMAJKER! (Lah-Mike-er)

Album Cover by Lamajker and Xeller

Here are two new tracks we're showcasing today, Octo and Shadows on fire, take a listen!

(Yes, that is Lamajker doing the scream lyrics.)

We've shown off over half of the soundtrack now and we'll be drip feeding you the rest as we continue development. You can listen to the rest of the tracks on this youtube playlist. The soundtrack will be properly released on streaming services upon DMC:R's release.


Time to check out some new maps and map remakes!

Click on individual images to view them in higher detail.


dcdm2 1dcdm2 2

dcdm2 3dcdm2 4

Dario Casali's 2nd Quake DM level, remade by PJX. This remake took heavy inspiration from Quake's Dimension of the Machine expansion, specifically Christian Grawert’s MGE2M1 - Acid Sanctuary. The style of that level in my opinion works greatly with DCDM2, as both maps in their original forms heavily feature terracotta and brickwork, with minor elements of tech placed throughout. PJX pulled off this combination of the two masterfully. My favorite detail is how the wind tunnel device appears to be invasively implemented into the structure. It was clearly not built there originally. PJX had this to add:

"It's an entire complex that was built on top of the older, presumably residential buildings"

Here are a couple of screenshots from the Acid Sanctuary map, you can really see how it inspired PJX.

acid3 1080acid2 1080

E1M8 - Ziggurat Vertigo

e1m8 1e1m8 3

e1m8 4e1m8 2

Remade by PJX, This was the secret level from Episode 1 of Quake and featured extremely low gravity. You'll get launched around the map and pinned into corners if you aren't careful with your engagements.
When asking PJX about the process and inspirations of this remake, he had this to say:

"For E1M8, I took heavy inspiration straight from the source. Keeping it as close to the original as I could. Most areas look like the original when considering use of similar texture types and geometry, adding some detailing improvements, giving the boxy base shapes some more depth and incorporating metal plating throughout the map to keep it consistent with the overall runic theme."

DMCRDM7 - Enigma

dmcrdm7 1dmcrdm7 2

dmcrdm7 3dmcrdm7 4

A wholly original DMC:R map, made by PJX. The map features a fortress within a magma filled cave. It has a good mix of open and enclosed spaces and features many powerups, including a secret stash you must activate via a button inspired by Dario Casali's DCDM3. When asking PJX about the process and inspirations of this map, he had this to say:

"DMCRDM7 was an idea birthed out of burnout. I wanted to build some different locales. I decided on a cave. Another theme would have been a castle on top of a mountain, although I thought that this would've been too generic. I didn't see a lot of maps set inside a big cave. The main inspirations behind the outside area were two Unreal Tournament maps set in similar settings [LavaGiant and Underland.] Most of the rooms were made with the intent of always having a rotation/route that the player could take without running into a dead end and a flank here and there. Its important to note that I really wanted to emphasize verticality, and placing weapons accordingly. Eg: Railgun on top of the map, powerful position with sightlines on the Quad, but completely exposed. The Megahealth room came to be with me just wanting to implement the Quake logo into the scenery to have a connection to "our roots" so to speak. Maybe you'll spot it now that I've given it away."

PJX's Steam Workshop maps:

PJX is on a roll this media update. He's made even more map remakes within the year based on other games. The following maps will not be available within the base game and will instead launch on the Steam Workshop.

Deck 16 [Unreal Tournament]

Deck16 1Deck16 2

One of my favorite remakes from him. This was PJX's first foray into working with the techbase theme, and he pulls it off very well. There's also a couple of explosive barrels on the map that you can blow up for some cheap kills.

"That map was a style test initially, wanting to feel out how I would approach a techbase map, as I was only theming medieval maps and that time. It gradually turned into a full fledged map with custom music and some really neat detailing and lighting work."

Awoken [Quake Champions]


My favorite map in gaming, remade fantastically. Rather than the original's murky swamp ruins, this remake depicts a castle within a volcanic valley. This map begins with shotgun spawns, akin to picking the starting shotgun option in QC.

DMC:R's version of Awoken is made to be as close as Quake Champion's version. I like the general flow of the map and the verticality/mobility of the player. Interesting ways for routing included.

Facing Worlds [Unreal Tournament]


What more can be said about this absolute CTF classic. We've been enjoying this one a lot especially with using the runes placed on the map.

"I gotta just say that every deathmatch game has its own version of facing worlds. It's a must have."

2 Fortresses [Team Fortress Classic]


It's classic 2fort! That means a roofless bridge, swimming in sewers and capturing flags on the front balconies. The castle theme of the map reminds me a lot of the original Quake Team Fortress design. Since 2fort never had weapon pickups, PJX placed various weapons where he felt they'd fit best.

"I shot for a classic Quake castle theme, but it seems to just ooze the general Source vibe. The layout is unchanged from TFC's version. As for weapon and pickup placement, I took a mix of TFC's item placement and relied on experience where which weapon should go. Best example would be a Railgun on the Sniper balconies, that's an obvious one."

Aerowalk [Quake custom map]


A favorite among duelers, but equally fun with more people. This remake makes you feel cold and oppressed, with fog obscuring the tall ceilings, leaving just chains and pipes from above. The item placement is based around the Quake Live version of the map, so there is a Railgun pickup at the top and you spawn with the Machinegun.

"Aerowalk was partially made while on a trip in France. With the theme, I wanted to stick with a complete runic theme, concrete, metal plating pipes and chains. Taking inspiration from Quake's E1M6, I tried to translate that style faithfully into DMC:R whilst making adjustments to various things. For example, adding a small balcony area near the Lightning Gun/Jump pad to give the player another, more vertical route to make a quick escape. The map itself is made to look like a giant machine, moving chains in the middle, metal plates and pillars holding the cracked concrete slabs together. And cracking the walls in certain spots to reveal the circuits and pipes behind the facade."

Fractal [Unreal Tournament]


PJX is remaking maps so quickly that this got made with no announcement while I was writing this article. This is probably the smallest arena so far, and yet this remake actually increases the size compared to the original. It's much less cramped, but the pieces are all still here. It also features nods to PJX's Deck 16 remake.

"It's connected to Deck 16 and 17 in my headcanon, and also via geometry."

Works in progress:

PJX's output has been crazy, and I'm always impressed by how he can pump out such good looking maps so quick.

Unfortunately, a lot of the other maps made by myself and other mappers are not completely ready yet and aren't fully art-passed, so rather than give you nothing, here's a couple screenshots from various maps we're still working on. Some remakes, some wholly original, take a look.

dmcrdm2 wip 1dmcrdm2 wip 2

DMCRDM2 - The Chambers of Zod
WIP by fossil (d3adfin)

Dmcrdm8 wip 1Dmcrdm8 wip 2

DMCRDM8 - Factory of Flames
WIP by gS arson

ctf2m4 wip 1ctf2m4 wip 2

CTF2M4 - The Ruins of Neominonk
WIP remade by MTD & PJX


not Dave or Daniel has created 18 new default sprays that will be included in DMC:R!


Sprays 2

He created these based around the style of the sprays that were included with Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Counter-Strike: Source, though some have been given a little more personality and use multiple colors.
More sprays may come the game upon release, but I'm very happy with the selection we have so far.


Default Voice

Based on the voice heard in TFC and the original DMC, we have our Default voice, done by McGuinnsBook!
This voice will be heard when using the Helmet, Gordon and Skeleton playermodels. Additionally, we have an option to set all characters to use this default voice, as well as an option to make the default voice play the classic sounds from DMC.

Masculine Announcer Voice

Last year we showcased the Feminine announcer, voiced by Ronald Hamrák and inspired by Quake 2's computer announcer. Well now I'm glad to showcase our Masculine announcer voiced by...ME! Nobody's gonna grasp what you want out of a performance better than yourself eh? This voice is inspired by Quake 3's announcer unsurprisingly. Check it out!
The voicelines feature echoing, for the sake of time, these lines have been cut short in this demonstration.

We've got a few other announcer voices in works, including perhaps some crossovers??? Stay tuned!


Item Bob and Spin Options

We've added options for you to choose whether you'd like pickups to bob and/or spin. Each pickup type has its own option, so you can really customize your pickups if you want. For example, you can have Ammo stay stationary, have Health just bob, have Armor just spin and have Weapons do both, all at the same time!


Unique Powerup Muzzles

Similar to powerup projectile trails from article 2, the muzzle flashes on your weapon will also change depending on the powerup you have. You get standard orange for nothing, green for Strength (x2 damage,) blue for Quad Damage (x4,) and pink for Octo Damage (x8!)


Viewmodel Axis Options

We wanted to give players a lot of freedom in how they represented their viewmodels, so we've added easily accessible options to move the viewmodel across the xyz axes. If you prefer a certain angle to a sided viewmodel, we've got you covered. These can be used in conjunction with flipped viewmodels as well.


Multiple Viewbob Modes

More on the topic of viewmodel customization, we have various presets of viewmodel viewbobs. We have our own custom bob on by default but we have many seen in other games, such as The classic DMC bob, the Quake bob, the HL1 bob and HL2 bob! If you're lame you can also just turn it off.

More bob modes are planned to be added in the future, such as Quake 2's, Quake 3's and Doom's.You can set your own custom viewbob settings as well by modifying parameters within a preset config. These can be used alongside these viewbob modes. I'd like to give a special thanks to Rahim Ali, who implemented this multi-bob system and made all the presets.


In last year's article, I mentioned how DMC:R would be playable at the Retrowave Arcade at the Dokomi Festival in Germany. One of our developers, PJX, attended the festival and was able to gather images and video. Thanks to community members Toastycrab, Joshie (Misyl) and Alpyne for providing us some of the images.

I once again would like to thank neoXite for giving us the opportunity to appear.


Like last time, here's a few videos of DMC:R gameplay from various sources.

Firstly a video from us across various maps.

Next, a video by Philip Chute playing on two of PJX's workshop maps, Aerowalk and 2fort!

Lastly another video by Phil playing on an early version of arson's Factory of Flames map.


Before we conclude this update, I want to let you guys in on a few other things we're currently working on, but aren't ready to showcase yet. Will they appear in the next update? We'll just have to wait and see.

-Remakes of ammo and powerup pickup models.
-Character-specific viewmodel arms.
-Various overhauled UI menus.
-Steam Page and first trailer.
-More weapon remakes.
-Infection gamemode.


We're looking for a few more developers

experienced in some roles that we're lacking:

  • Our previous Particle FX editor recently had to step away, so we're looking for someone experienced in using Source 2013's Particle Editor to help edit and create new particles for DMC:R's powerups, weapons, and environments.

  • We're also looking for an additional Programmer to help implement a variety of features into DMC:R, whether that be gameplay systems, game logic, entity updates or the dreaded bug fix. You can choose what feature you''d like to help with from our list of to-do's, unless you prefer having something picked for you. Either way, your help is appreciated.

It's important that you know at least the basics of using Git and have a Github account, as it is what we use for version control. If you are interested or have questions, please DM me on Discord @mtd_bk.

Thank you all for taking the time to read through our latest update post. I try and put a lot of effort in these, this particular one took about a month to finish, so I hope they're worth it. Consider following us on our socials for more frequent news, showcases, teasers, and highlights!

Art by Crowbar



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Bob39 - - 23 comments

Big W

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Nitestokeh - - 98 comments

The standard shotgun feels out of place with how realistic it is compared to other guns. Great that you redesigned Quake's worldmodel gun for the railgun! Clearly a lot of passion is put into this project

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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