The third and final expansion to the genre-defining and critically-acclaimed RTS, Dawn of War. In Soulstorm, two new armies are introduced – Sisters of Battle and Dark Eldar - raising the total number of playable armies to nine. The revolutionary meta-game that was first introduced in Dark Crusade is further expanded to an interplanetary scale, allowing players to battle across the star system.

  • Sisters of Battle: The Chamber Militant of the Emperor’s Holy Inquisition. Limited in numbers but incredibly powerful, the Sisters of Battle are second only to the Space Marines in terms of sheer fighting prowess. Ranging from the Sisters Repentia with their devastating ceremonial eviscerators to the awe-inspiring Penitent Engine, the Sisters of Battle are truly a force to be feared.
  • Dark Eldar: Twisted and corrupt cousins of the Eldar, these terrifying raiders from the furthest reaches of the Webway are feared and hated by all. Their incredible speed, reliance on close quarter combat and stunning and poisoning abilities allows them to quickly strike an enemy and be gone before reinforcements can arrive.
  • Devastating air attacks: Strategic warfare in the 41st Millennium reaches new heights as each army gains air units to rain death from the skies.
  • Brutal domination: Wage war across the entire solar system as the metagame map introduced in Dark Crusade is expanded to an interplanetary scale. Liberate, enslave, or destroy entire worlds as you unleash your armies’ fury across the galaxy. Players must now strive to conquer an entire solar system with multiple planets and moons to be conquered. In total 34 maps are available to the player.
  • Enhanced customization: Customize your hero’s weapons, items and abilities as he grows in power and personalize your army’s insignias, colors, banners and names. Earn and unlock achievements and medals to showcase your superiority online.
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Update as of 12/09/2022

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who keeps reaching out and asking how things are going. I'm making progress, it's just life is in the way and so I haven't had a chance to put in the five minutes to make progress on this. So here is a few updates to let everyone know how things are moving forward.

1. I've actually already upscaled quite a lot of the files. I've done the Space Marines, Eldar and Chaos (two of which I've arleady uploaded), but haven't finished them 100% so to say. I haven't upscaled the taskbar for the Space Marines yet which is what I wanted to do before uploading but everyone seemed keen so I figured I can deal with that later on. The models on the Space Marines look great regardless, so Enjoy!

Space Marine Generator

2. Little errors are holding me back at the moment. Upscaling the defilers for Chaos just come out with a lot of noise - I don't think the upscaler knows what to do with so many spikes and so the masking it does for the alpha channel comes out fuzzy which is what causes the weird appearance on some of the models that have been upscaled so far (this is what I intend to fix by hand in the future). So I'll give the Chaos a bit more love then upload them in the future. In the meantime I've uploaded the Eldar upscale which looks awesome. I'm really happy with how it came out - you can even see the runes in clear detail on the bonesingers. The Eldar have had their taskbar upscaled too, so they all look pretty sharp.

Bonesinger's Runes

The other big thing thats been in the back of my mind is the RAM limitations of the game. I've had occasional crashes and this has been something that I thought might come up in the future as the game being so old is not meant to be running with 2048x2048 textures. But I'm also working on this on a laptop with intel evo graphics so your milage may vary.

My third issue is that I've had some people tell me they get de-sync errors on multiplayer. I assumed textures were all loaded locally as I've had local textures differ for online play previously but I get the feeling that file size is important for this and so I'm considering making a standalone mod with everything enclosed so that it doesn't mess with people's multiplayer experience.

My fourth issue is that this is only Skirmish textures. As campaign mode uses .RTX files instead of the .wtp files that I've been upscaling, I'll have to upscale everything again separately if they're to be displayed during Campaign mode.

I guess the lots of little issues built up into a "ahhh, I'll do this later" sorta mood so to solve this I accepted some help:

3. I've also had some help with upscaling some of the other races. Since I've made my code available I had user 'HNVR' over at DOW-XL-Soulstorm upscale the Orks and Dark Eldar for me. Once I've checked them out thoroughly and done their taskbars I'll upload them too. Pretty soon the whole gang will be complete and you'll be able to play any race at upscaled resolution in Skirmish.

Also also, Final point. I decided to see how the code would work upscaling other mod's textures, for example here is a Genestealer from the Tyranid mod

Genestealer Upscale

Unfortunately, I don't think the original image had much data to extrapolate. So other than giving the genestealer thicc thighs and sharpening up the lines on the head and teeth - it doesn't really add any more clear detail. But I do encourage anyone with an interest to give it a try. The code files are available here.

Project Overview, Timeline and Limitations

Project Overview, Timeline and Limitations

Dawn of War Soulstorm: AI HD Texture Upscale

Currently working through the playable races. I'll be releasing each race as they are completed. Currently only a few issues but nothing major. Timeline...

Ultimate Apocalypse Progress (November 2021)

Ultimate Apocalypse Progress (November 2021)

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A new article from this time.... Cylarne? That's unexpected! Some new sneak peak progress has appeared and it is finally time to show it off! :D

Kaurava Crusade exclusive Lost City

Kaurava Crusade exclusive Lost City

News 2 comments

Before first description of the Kaurava crusade with the Black Templars.

NEWS: Announcement and v1.9 development tidbits

NEWS: Announcement and v1.9 development tidbits

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Announcement for development progress in June/July and some teaser images from the current internal v1.9 build.

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DooMslayer2021 - - 240 comments

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DooMslayer2021 - - 240 comments

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CharlieChill - - 138 comments

Wow!!! the model of the Battle sister look outstanding and the scenery on those maps look amazing...Are you gonna have Primaris Marines?? It will be cool to incorporate the new Primaris Marines and The Primar Robust Guillman...if you read the books...he is back and many other Primarchs may come back into the Warhammer 40 k universe.

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Gregofp66 - - 4 comments

Hello, do you know if there are any faction mod in work or released about the adeptus custodes post horus era?

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

As a matter of fact, there is a Mod in the works based on the adeptus custodes, go to the dawn of war mods page here at moddb, and as of writing of this comment, the mod is an work in progress.

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CharlieChill - - 138 comments

Hi anyone know were can I find a race unlocker for Soulstorm???
Please share a link if any of you know..Thanks.

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CharlieChill - - 138 comments

LOVE IT....The last ULTIMATE APOCALYPSES VERSION IS EXCELLENT!!! Great game play...easy mod for Soulstorm no doubt ! Another Mod that kick hard is Black Templar...I love the way the Artwork on the Black Templars and all the details..easy to install to and never that one too.

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moddlord1 - - 11,188 comments

If you like rts games you should play this for sure!! And also the great mods they made for it!!

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Kark-Jocke - - 14,811 comments

What mod?

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Ultrimarines - - 127 comments

If you want to see more mods for this game, go to Dawn of War and click on mods.

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