Gameplay plan so far; Each Great Battle in the books will be waves of stacks, some of which will have awesome generals (Glaurung, Gothmog, Balrogs, Sauron, Battle Trolls maybe, etc.) but most will be crappy Orcs and such that are easy enough to mop up if there are still enough ally factions around to help out. Helping allies survive these waves, and surviving yourself, as best as possible and rebuilding inbetween these waves to survive the next will be a major point in gameplay in Beleriand, or obviously allying with Morgoth. In the expanded map/restricted map campaigns running away and hiding in Middle-Earth may be wiser unless you ally with Morgoth. The Host of Feanor is always at war with Morgoth and whomever owns a Silmaril (one will be floating around after Beren dies). I will need gameplay testers soon so I am posting here.

Faction List;

Beleriand Only;

Dor Daedeloth "Land of the Shadow of Horror", Morgoth's faction ~ Able to recruit some Men and Dwarves units, all Orc units, and anything else that makes sense, eventually drakes late in game. No Elves though.

Host of Fëanor ~ Able to recruit some Men, some Dwarves.

Host of Fingolfin ~ Able to recruit many Men and some Elves from other factions.

Kingdom of Nargothrond

Kingdom of Gondolin


Kingdom of Doriath

Laegrim (Laiquendi)

Khazâd Clans of Belegost

Khazâd Clans of Nogrod (turns traitor in game)

House of Marach

House of Bëor

House of Haldad

House of Bór

House of Ulfang (turns traitor in game)

Síleráth Ungoliant

Raugdúath ~ Wolves and such along with Orcs.

*Glaurung (Another Orc faction with a dragon as faction leader, no other dragon units recruitable most likely, may not even be added entirely since it isn't needed. Slot might be used for Host of the Valar instead though that isn't needed either since I can just use Eämbar of Eru faction for that stuff.)

Rest of factions;

Khazâd Clans of Khazâd-dûm (Misty Mountains)

Eämbar of Eru ~ Eagles, Ents, and such. May also be used for Host of the Valar scripts.

Gwathuirim (Dunlendings in Eriador, before they fled to Dunland)

Orcs of Ered Nimrais (Gondor mountains)

Orcs of Ered Engrin (Iron Mountains)


Váringárhoth (Variags)

Éothéod (in Rhovanion)

Taur-imlothrim (Forest-vale men/people) or Forodrim (North men/people) (in Anduin Vale and Greenwood/Mirkwood area)

Celusindirim (River People) (Dale and Erebor area)

Egládhoth (Forsaken people) (Corsair and Outlaws, along coasts)

Faróthrim (Hunter people) (Far Harad)

*Kingdom of Numenor (for really late in the campaign, may be added in place of Glaurung faction, but it isn't needed)

Under the Shadow (lots of rebel factions, no dragons).

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Patch 10 comments

Should update/fix all UI files from vanilla TATW and this mod. Saved game compatible. Works for First/Third/Fourth Age.

Third+Fourth Age UI Patch

Third+Fourth Age UI Patch

Patch 10 comments

[OPTIONAL CONTENT] For those playing the Third Age or Fourth Age. Fixes many bugged TATW building and unit images, as well as some of mine made from them...

First Age UI Patch

First Age UI Patch

Patch 11 comments

[REQUIRED for First Age as Main] For those playing the First Age. Fixes many bugged TATW building and unit images, as well as some of mine made from them...

Fourth Age Campaigns

Fourth Age Campaigns

Patch 4 comments

[OPTIONAL CONTENT] Installs all campaigns in all Ages and sets the Fourth Age as default. Using the Fourth Age File Swapper does the same thing as installing...

Third Age Campaigns

Third Age Campaigns

Patch 3 comments

[OPTIONAL CONTENT] Installs all campaigns in all Ages and sets the Third Age as default. Using the Third Age File Swapper does the same thing as installing...

First Age Campaigns ~ Alpha 1_01

First Age Campaigns ~ Alpha 1_01

Patch 25 comments

[REQUIRED for First Age as Main] Installs all campaigns in all Ages and sets the First Age as default. USE THIS INSTEAD OF THE FILE SWAPPERS if you have...

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Haydynate - - 2 comments

for the units in campaign you should use the ones from divide and conquer

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caseyharmuth - - 5 comments

What is status of this? Been massive Tolkien fan since childhood. Seeing 1st age brought to life would literally be a dream come true. Still need testers or ANYTHING I can do to make this happen??

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zilver04 - - 27 comments

Hey, it said on a rebel character "Report if you see this" in his traits, thats all

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Guest - - 698,148 comments

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Guest - - 698,148 comments

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Guest - - 698,148 comments

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yom136 - - 3 comments

Mod is awesome. Though I had to remove the flying units as they were crashing the game, so far I've had no issue but I'm really dying to know. In the unit_info folder, there is no denmark (which is Dor Gorgoroth ingame). How is this possible? I am able to play as the faction no issues, all the unit cards and the info is there but in the folders it's as if the faction doesn't exist. Can anyone help? If Denmark's unit info isn't in the unit_info folder then where is it??? I have been looking already for some hours with no luck. I am totally bamboozled.

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Guest - - 698,148 comments

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Guest - - 698,148 comments

hello! thank you for all the work you have put into this mod i am not kidding when i say i have waited since i was about 12 yrs old to play anything like this. the silmarillion to me, as it is to many others, a sacred thing that hasn't been well represented or done justice to in the video gaming world and i was thrilled to discover this project.

that being said, the instructions on the install are murky at best. i followed them to the letter as best i could except i couldn't seem to find an answer to a pretty foundational question and it is this: can this run on top of third age total war or do i need to do a clean install? some of the threads and the instructional video i watched seemed to indicate that it could, as well as the need for the pcp clean bat, but when i installed it it crashes at the splash screen. so i went back and undid all of the changes, uninstalled both the pcp and the first age installers, put my clean mods back up back into it's folder, and now my third age total war also seems to be eff*'d. my reinstall time is a bit prohibitive and getting third age to work initially was a bit of a task so you can imagine my frustration now.

once again, thank you for all the work. please tell me what i did wrong if you can.

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yom136 - - 3 comments

I know this is some months later, but here is what I would do.
Uninstall everything and reinstall TATW 3.2, not v4 it doesn't support this mod. Follow the instructions for the download;
1. Install pcp files to your desktop.
2. move the pcp file cleaner.bat into the third_age data folder and then run it.
3. move the data folder (installed with the PCP files) into your third_age data folder (if asked to overwrite files, click yes).
4. download a campaign folder, install it to your desktop.
5. move all the contents of that install into a new folder, name it whatever it's just for keeping things organized.
6. move the contents of that folder into your third_age folder. NOT the data folder this time. If prompted to replace files, click ok.
7. run the installer, install it directly into your third_age folder.
8. try to launch it as your normally would, if using steam launch the campaign that you normally do to play TATW.

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