Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game and one of the first mods for this game. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

Report RSS Contra X Beta released!

Contra X Beta has been released! Changes to gameplay, balance, stability, launcher, graphics, performance, voices, skirmish AI, Challenge mode, Maps.

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Contra X Beta has been released

Version X Beta is the next major standalone Contra installment. For us, this is a special day. A day in which we present our product, a day to enjoy it together, and a day of rest from development. We believe this day is also special for many of you.
Previous Contra versions are not required. However, this is a Beta version. Encountering new issues and non-polished content is possible. So, with that short intro passed - let's get into the details!

Highlights of this version

Gameplay changes:

- Revised Super Weapon general. She now has to choose between two Technology Paths: Conventional and Futuristic. Visual inconsistencies have been fixed and balance has been improved while adding back iconic arsenal such as Crusader Tanks, Tomahawk Launchers and Fire Bases. Introducing all-new MARP super unit for Conventional Path, as well as new weapon technologies for Futuristic Path - sonic waves, lightning bolts and more cryo weaponry, including new infantry death effects.
- Rank 1 artillery units (Chinese Howitzers, GLA Dana, US Libra and others) no longer need to deploy and undeploy when shooting. This change makes artillery more viable early on, as well as fixes artillery getting stuck (especially in tunnels). Their armor is also more resistant to small arms, AP shells, poisons, radiation and flame.
- Stationary AA defenses have less range but more damage against aircraft. This makes them acquire aircraft consistently. Previously, because of an original game bug, they could not acquire air units further than the anti-ground weapon's range, which made them weaker than intended.
- All traps can be now detected and cleared by engineers, and damaged by conventional weapons.
- Removed minimum attack ranges of non-artillery vehicles to allow for more responsive battles. Finally we were able to achieve this while keeping the same projectile speeds and not triggering mismatch errors.

Balance changes:

- Improved stats of less used arsenal such as Fuel Trucks, Fuel Tubes, GLA BTRs, Rig Launchers, Hijackers, Saboteurs, etc.
- Super Weapons are stronger against super units and GLA buildings upgraded with Fortified Structure upgrade.
- Vehicles with build time of 7 seconds and lower no longer get produced faster than intended because of the door closing delay time bug.
- Many stats tuned.

Stability fixes:

- Reduced mismatch occurrences, meaning more fluid PvP games than ever before.
- Performance optimizations on particle effects, object count and Skirmish AI.

Challenge mode:

- Each challenger has a unique color.
- Super weapon and super unit limits are now tied to Difficulty. Easy - unlimited, Normal - 2 SWs and 2 SUs at a time, Hard - 1 SW and 1 SU at a time.
- Full Demo and China Boss challenge map revision.

Skirmish AI:

- Implemented measures to make the AI more active on maps with no trigger areas and waypoints defined.
- Fixed attack priorities. Anti-air units now stop to engage aircraft; dragon tanks focus on buildings and infantry, etc.
- AI sometimes clogged their base with units from complementary teams. Fixed.
- All AI have new building placements. Important buildings are built in the back away from the base front which means they have a higher chance to get built/rebuilt.

Eye candy:

- Added 8 new colors: Claret, Brown, Lime, Lochmara, Dodger Blue, Slate Blue, Aquamarine and Roman. They were carefully chosen so that they stand out from other colors on the minimap.
- Updated map previews.

Updated Launcher:

- Fresh new interface.

- Refactored old code and fixed bugs.
- More customization options:
Disable Extra Building Props for extra performance;
Set max particle count;
Set texture resolution;
Switch between Standard, Contra and Pro Control Bar;
Switch between Standard and HD Cameos.

- Anisotropic Filtering implementation, allowing to see the true texture quality of every surface.

What is next for us?

For now, we will take a break and enjoy watching players try out the new version. Then naturally, comes a time where we re-imagine existing stuff, discuss and ask ourselves - "Can we implement this new idea?", trying to expand boundaries and find new ways to make the mod better and more interesting.

Change Log

Download .zip Archive from ModDB
Download .zip Archive from MEGA
Download .exe Setup from ModDB

Download .exe Setup from MEGA

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 56)
ZunZero97 - - 642 comments


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Valik225 - - 6 comments

Awesome🤩 Thanks!

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hzfisinkiller - - 51 comments


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BagaturKhan - - 7,934 comments

Thanks brothers!

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liomalios - - 61 comments

at last <3 so when contra 11?

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

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MrBang - - 10 comments

Hello Contra team i have downloaden zip file and setup file zip file is file bit i get no widescreen how do i fix that?

And the launcher well my AV deletes it i guess widescreen Option is there so i ha e to ask how can i habe widescreen without launcher and i feel like the Bad guy here but why does it get deletes.
Always hearing Uh its nothing is not really a good proposition.
And why do you now use external link with Mega and not here

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jayveelloyd77 - - 27 comments

good job releasing Contra X mod 10/10

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

The best mod of all times as it always has been.

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Radu273 - - 1,485 comments

read the changelog and was excited with the changes made especially with the optimisation of the AI, also the features now in this mod are so crazy and plenty! i definitely need to retry it :)

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MrBang - - 10 comments

Yes they out did themselves Laser and Super Weapon got much love complete overhaul. Fantastic.
If anyone have the same problem with widescreen text me i tell you how to fix that.
But maybe just turn off you Antivirus and your brain and ignore and use file and vaccine you will be "fine" 😂🤣😂😅

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

I just notice the Challenger 2 tank cant its gun fire why tho? question aside love the new texture feels like an official remake of the game its that good

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

There is nothing wrong with Challenger II's gun, just checked.

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smithrenaldo1 - - 2 comments

the AI not working for me tho
they would build on attack team but keep that team at there base
only units that wanna capture buildings coming to my base

great mod tho
sorry for the bad Eng

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Try playing at a higher difficulty on official maps.

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smithrenaldo1 - - 2 comments

thanks bro it worked on unofficials aswell

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

Здравствуйте, уважаемые мододелы!Очень полюбил и высоко оценил вашу собственную модификацию генералов. Вопрос у меня именно по системным ошибкам, которые так никуда не девались. В данный момент в режиме вызова когда хочу поиграть выдает ошибку. Как это происходит: захожу в режим выбора генерала, нажимаю уровень сложности на максималке, жму старт и у меня вылетает с ошибкой Technical disfunctions. Файл options ini я уже пытался менять. В чем может заключаться ошибка? Прошу связаться со мной в ТГ, если будет возможность. azizismagilov

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Насколько нам известно, это связано с тем, что в вашей игре отсутствуют некоторые файлы. Переустановите игру или купите/скачайте другую копию.

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Steamroller99 - - 329 comments

Impressive! Also since the changes in superweapon are this huge why not give them a tier 2 and 3 tanks? Would love to see them have the railgun upgrade also but I suppose that's not conventional but a futuristic one but nonetheless very needed I tried her out and she seems to be having a hard time to attack with her units as a conventional type still needs a lot of work but most of her defenses are balance very easy to counter with artillery too easy to be honest, but still this is the most impressive mod I have every played since it's contra 7 version!

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d-ce Creator
d-ce - - 751 comments

Further SW general development will be in order, that includes rank3 units as well.

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-Grimlock- - - 569 comments

A welcomed refreshment after a looooo-oooong drouth.Contra was undergoing a remamarkable evolution.. and aesthetically mhm mhm mhm.A bunch of work but a dream if every general were like SW. ! I do love the lil magma upgrade for the flame overlord!
This is the only iteration of the mod where i had to discover important things because they were not shown, neither in a changelog - (like Saturn`s Overcharge.
I super love the Carbonlaser upgrade for Commanche/Thor.
Label me a nitpicker.. but it just doesnt sit right that laser has carbon and cyber has machinegun.. Clearly the focus was elsewhere this update.. but im just saying :D
Btw its good to see the camps working together! Is it just me or that was unthinkable just a few years ago.

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CommanderSatko - - 20 comments

I've been enjoying the mod and testing out each faction. I only encountered one bug so far, the GLA Demolition AI(Hard), after wiping out most of their base with the Nuke Reactor, built over 15 Factory(HQ) Buildings all over their base.

Otherwise, I've been having a blast, I was waiting so long for this update. Thank you guys! Amazing job!

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Guest - - 698,064 comments


I noticed the sonic weapons in the super weapon general futuristic path tends to miss moving targets and deal little to no damage to them, making the super weapon general futuristic path really weak as compared to the conventional path. Is this meant to happen?

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Steamroller99 - - 329 comments

What? Futuristic path weak? No, Lmao you just suck at defending mate sonic weapons are hell of a strong base defense futuristic is the strongest when it comes to defenses just try to prioritize ion artillery defenses if you hate the sonic weapon's slow kill rate they are meant to be heavy hitters not the main defense for everything.

Plus units are devastating which are heli's and infantry while conventional are strong at vehicles and infantry but has mid defenses and futuristic has high tier base defense but mid tier units

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Sonic weapons excel at area denial and hitting blobs of units. On the other hand, you have pinpoint accurate Hydra and Ion Defense artillery. Do not underestimate them, and incorporate them in your defense. Hydras can freeze units and mess up formations which sonic waves are then guaranteed to hit. A disabled unit also blocks the movement of all other nearby units. No unit or defense is meant to be strong by itself. Let the Sonic Turrets be your main defense line, and support them with the rest.

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chuderman - - 5 comments

Роднульки, добрый день. Спасибо Вам за ваши труды! Просто кайф!
Заметил что у ГЛА пехотинец ПВО стреляет дальше, чем полный бункер пехотного генерала (ракетчик и пулеметчик внутри), хоть и урон минимален.

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Во-первых, рад, что вам нравится новая версия.

Дальность действия ПВО предназначена по этой причине (взято из журнала изменений):
Stinger Soldiers and Red Arrows have more anti-ground and less anti-air range - they are equalized. That makes them more responsive against aircraft when idle as well as allows them to target aircraft from greater range when garrisoned.

Попытка перевода:
Стингер Солдаты имеют большую дальность действия против земли и меньше против воздуха — они уравнены. Это заставляет их лучше реагировать на самолеты, когда они простаивают, а также позволяет им нацеливаться на самолеты с большего расстояния, когда они находятся в гарнизоне.

Это исправляет ошибку оригинальной игры.

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

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chuderman - - 5 comments

Доброго времени суток господа. Пробовал играть перестрелку за взрывного генерала. Вложил все 3 перка в цепочку мин. А использовать получилось только кассетные, т.к. ярлыки по остальным не появились в способностях

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments


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chuderman - - 5 comments

а как Вас можно поддержать из РФ ? а то ПайПал не дает.

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Спасибо за желание, но у нас есть только аккаунт PayPal.
Вы также можете поддержать мод, активно играя с другими, публикуя повторы, видео, общаясь в нашем Discord и т.д.

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prodam236negrov - - 1 comments

Кто-то доходил до 14 вызова против главного США? Я не успел построить защитные сооружения как на мою базу сразу напали и разбили в счент. Что с этим делать?

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Лучшая стратегия - как можно быстрее захватить первую базу. Посмотрите видео Маракара. У него много прохождений на высокой сложности. Видео против американского босса на новой версии выйдет в ближайшие дни.

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Destromath - - 153 comments

Can "Anisotropic Filtering" even be enabled on/via GenLauncher version?

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments


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Krulxyfer - - 24 comments

idk if I did something wrong but jammer stations seems to shroud the whole map when in the changelog it says that the stealth jammer station only should shroud medium range which i think should be kinda like the gap generators for RA2.

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

I confirm that Jammer Stations don't shroud the entire map anymore.

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

Hi newbie here. I noticed that the difficulty is achieved only with brutal overpowering of the enemies units. They cost less, are faster produced and have higher stats. Is it the only possibility?

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Stats bonuses exist only in Challenge mode, on Hard difficulty. The same is the case in the original game Generals Zero Hour. Skirmish AI cheats with money, also not exclusive to Contra. No matter of removing money and stats cheat, the AI will always be aware of its surroundings and cheat with map hack. Easy AI is the most fair, but also the dumbest. For actual fair games, multiplayer PvP is the way to play.
We do plan to limit AI cheats as much as possible while increasing AI's "intelligence" with more advanced scripts, but it's a job that requires more time. We're dealing with a 20-year old game engine.

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

awesome! but i've got important suggestions for the stealth general. please add the hold fire option to all units, most importantly the quad cannon, without it they are very difficult to use in "covert operations" to cover other units. they needlessly reveal themselves too early.

also please add an option to fire strictly as ordered to all units - the way Elbrus launchers behave. again, without it they reveal themselves too early and waste munition by needlessly shooting at random units, defenses, etc, and so the real target takes longer to destroy and even to get closer to. the "hold fire" button is not enough for that as they still start shooting at random targets when you switch it. that's especially problematic with the mortar buggy.

so ideally there should be 3 clear options for all units:
- fire strictly as ordered
- firing strictly forbidden
- fire at will

also, the AI uses map hack. the airforce general sends planes and choppers to areas where they absolutely couldn't have seen anything. this kinda adds to the fun, but... perhaps an option to switch that off could add variety.

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РredatoR Author
РredatoR - - 3,845 comments

Hold Fire option cannot be added to all units because of bugs. There is a trick you can use to keep your Quads hidden. Force fire with them at a target out of range. They will move towards that area but ignore any enemy on the way. That way you can sneak in.

AI "map hack" is hardcoded and cannot be changed. I recommend playing against real players for the best experience.

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Guest - - 698,064 comments

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