MOD TEAM: Yuri_Prime, AugustoNext, PutaUlolGago(Head of the Project)

Special Thanks to SCIPCION, UNSC, Redmaple, Pharell for various shps

All Models are subject to changes base on community feedback!

All Models are made from scratch!

By now, you must have heard part of the story; how Colonel Cherdrenko utilized Zelinsky’s temporal displacement device to travel back in time and assassinate Albert Einstein; but just in case you haven’t heard the tale, allow me to regale you, once again, of the events which led to the end of the world as we know it!

In the 1970s, the globe was again engulfed in war. With the aid of the great theoretical physicist Albert Einstein, the allied nations had managed to break the death grip of the Soviet Army and brought the advance of the Soviet war machine to a grinding halt.

Not only did Einstein's spatial bending machinery turn the tide of world war, it fortified the Allied nations and their military to push the soviet’s till their backs were against the wall. With Moscow besieged, the Soviet leaders sensed the fall of the Kremlin was imminent.

Like, a cornered hound, General Krukov, the de-facto leader of the Soviet military, desperately searched for a means to level the playing field, and that was when his subordinate, Colonel Cherdrenko, presented him with the ultimate trump card. Deep within the belly of the Kremlin lay an experimental device that could rip the very fabric of time and space!

Dr. Zelinksy, under the auspices of Colonel Cherdrenko, his commanding officer, had invented a time machine, much like the one Einstein used to eviscerate the young Adolf Hitler decades ago while he was but a fledgling German soldier. Against Dr. Zelinsky’s warnings, General Krukov, Colonel Cherdrenko, and Dr. Zelinsky traveled back to Brussels in 1927. All it took was a handshake from Colonel Cherdrenko to wipe the renowned physicist from existence. Hoisted by his own petard, Einstein’s creations and scientific achievements also seized to exist, including the dreaded Atom bomb.

The trio returned to the present time to find the Soviet Union on the brink of defeating the Allied Forces, just as they planned, but unbeknown to them, their incursion into the past and the butterfly effect that followed it have caused repercussions of Earth-shattering proportions. Not only did it give rise to a new world power from the east, i.e., the Empire of the Rising Sun and their technologically advanced armada, but the fractured timeline also brought back one which had been the Red army’s most vicious and despised foe. An enemy which thrust the world into the most deadly and brutal military conflict in the history of mankind. That enemy was none other than the Nazi Reich.

In the previous timeline, since Einstein had traveled back in time to preempt Hitler’s reign, the Nazi war machine never came to be. But now, in this new, fractured timeline, the demise of Albert Einstein in 1927 had, in turn, spared Adolf Hitler’s life and with it, brought about the re-emergence of the Nazi Reich. And just like the Empire of the Rising Sun, which had been spared the devastating sting of Einstein’s nuclear bomb, the Nazis are now more powerful than ever.

Not being content with conquering Rhineland, the Nazis have set their sights on the rest of the planet. However, their quest for world domination would not go uncontested, for, in this fractured timeline, Republic of China has also garnered strength, flooding theatres of war all over the globe with a wave of Chinese forces.

The Global conflict is now at a breaking point; what alliances will be formed? Which treaties will be broken? And who shall emerge the victorious ruler of an atomized and smoldering earth? You decide; find out in the alternate timeline of Command & Conquer Timeline452!

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Whyarewehere - - 97 comments

Dam I love the fan fiction on this page. It's really interesting to read, keep it up.

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Murajov - - 50 comments

Some factions may use leftovers or shared technologies. China confederation and soviet can use both nuclear (especialy Central Asian pact(mongolia+Iran soviet subfractions And DPRK for China) and pyro/thermal technologies. The Soviets have better nuclear technology, but China has better flamethrowers, inferno and magma cannons (especialy China People republic subfraction). The flamethrower can also be used by Arabs and Germans.Plasma weapons are available to Japan, NewWorldOrder, European Commonwealth and FutureTech (under the USA alies faction (pacifier, future tank and Harbringer gunship). Acoustic weapons are specific to EuroCommonwealth, but the USA can use dolphin. Zeus tank (reborn mod) also belongs to Europe, although it is armed with laser/spectrum or prism weapons.
Cyborgs are available to the Soviets, New World Order and Reich (Nazis have the best cyborgs). Mutants and flying saucers are available to both Reich and New World Order, but Yuri's followers have them stronger and more diverse (Classic dissolved ray, magnetic and mind disk).
Chemical weapons are used primarily by the Aran League (GLA specific), also available for Reich and New World Order.
The biological weapon Virus is not only used by the NWO, but also by the GLA subrfaction.
Microwave weapons and the Mirage tank are exclusive to Europe, but the Gap generator, along with cryotechnology, remains with the USA (Canada, when it becomes possible to divide into sub-factions).
The best EMP weapons are in China (especially the possible Vietnam sub-faction), but the Soviet(Yugoslavia) and Arab League(African Union) have them.

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thitiksp - - 33 comments

I have some sample ideas for light infantry and anti-armor/air units to show you.

* United States
Ranger: (replaces G.I.) is a light infantry unit armed with assault rifle and flashbang. flashbang can stun infantry units in AoE, but has very low damage and slow attack speed. Stun duration: 1.5 seconds, just swap weapons.

Drone Operator: (replaces Guardian G.I.) is an anti-armor/air infantry unit with a rocket drone capable of When the drone operator is attacked, it will automatically switch to a pistol. And in remote control mode, the drone can be controlled within the range of the Drone Operator, but the drone operator will not be able to move. The drone will have very little HP. Be careful of anti-air weapons. When every drone is destroyed Drone operators can create new drones. But what if the drone operator is killed? The drone will also be destroyed.

* Soviet Union
Conscript & Rocket Trooper: Both cheapest infantry units are but no abilities.

* Japan
Imperial Warrior: A light infantry unit armed with assault rifles and katanas. The katana can kill enemy infantry like dog and increases movement speed. Just switch weapons.

Ashigaru Trooper: (replaces Tank Buster's name because it is more similar to the Chinese Tank Hunter's name) is an anti-armor/air infantry unit armed with a plasma cutter, but cannot attack air units. And has the ability Burrow to protect form enemy vehicles crushing.

* Nazi Germany
Stormtrooper & Flak Trooper: Both high durability & expensive infantry units, are but no abilities.

* Arab League
Vanguard (replaces Rebel's name because the Arab League is not a terrorist organization like the GLA) and RPG Trooper: Both infantry units have the special ability to become stealthed when standing still.

* China
Red Guard: A light infantry unit that can be trained in pairs.

Tank Hunter: This is an anti-armour/air infantry unit with the ability to drop TNT on the ground and you can click TNT 2 times and the TNT will explode as you click.

* European Commonwealth
Peacekeeper (replaces G.I.'s name) and Guardian (but no longer has the word G.I. in this unit's name). The abilities of both infantry unit are the same as G.I. and Guardian G.I.

* New World Order
Initiate and unnamed anti-armor/air infantry: Both high damage infantry units, All infantry units can be heal when in the blight zone.

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Murajov - - 50 comments

I have an idea about GLA.
1) Since in this world there are psi technologies, the iron curtain, the chronosphere and other super technologies, GLA was never able to become a super force, was broken and simply integrated into the Arab league.
2) Generals events take place after the 2010s, but there is a developed Arab league with oil resources. GLA simply did not have time to develop.
3) since there is an Arab League, the GLA is simply the name of the part of the armed forces that specializes in biochemical weapons from Dr Thrax.
P.S. Dr Thrax, according to my version, seized power in the GLA and is sitting in Afghanistan. Possible sub-faction with specialization in chemical warfare and underground vehicles.

And the presence of GLA will allow the mod authors to save on voice acting and give scope for the campaign plot.

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thitiksp - - 33 comments

I don't know what the NWO's anti-armour/air infantry units are.

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Murajov - - 50 comments

Initiate, brute, psi trooper maybe floating psi elite (look at reborn and mental omega mods), virus sniper gals from ra 2, mexican mutant Muerta hero will be definitely. I suggested that instead of bears and fighting dogs, Yuri’s adherents should be given a combat jaguar or a chupacabra (a mutant dog), which for anti-air units—there will probably be some rocket men from the Brotherhood of Nod or infantry with a hattling gun from Mental Omega 2.0. Probably parasite, which was cut from original game and is found in some mods. Many people miss the old mental omega without the anime Mary-Sue Yunru (although everyone likes Libra and Raahn), and without the sickeningly high-tech Foehn Revolt (in general I like the faction, but it’s not so cozy and even the “savior of the world”, maybe I want Yuri’s forces united the world, and the forces of the alliance and the Soviets were not treated well) the absence of the Apocalypse tank, slave miner and chaos drone, many miss the magnetron, which could sink vechicles and pull out ships, they miss the original soundtracks from 2.0. Now you can't find this version and you won't be able to play it.

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thitiksp - - 33 comments

I want the unit to have the active ability & swap weapon/modes. Like deployed G.I. and Guardian G.I. & Evacuate the transport unit.

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Murajov - - 50 comments

Grinder mamouth/armageddon tank (ra 3 appocalypse tank) Must be able to switch between normal fire mode and attracting enemy equipment, infantry and buildings with subsequent evisceration.
Giga fortress, siege choper (ra 2), nuke cannon, desolator
Also magnetron and hover version must be able to get 2 Mode—Keep enemy equipment in place, like in Mental Omega and a classic ra 2 magnetron that attracts enemy equipment, including ships through the air.

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Murajov - - 50 comments

You can add unique main tanks to each sub-faction
Arab league
GLA(afganistan):toxin viper tank (medium main arab tank with aditional toxin damage to infantry (agriculture combaine with violet toxin replace toxin tractor))
Arab aliance: Scorpions tank (the strongest main tank with aditional rocket (rechargable ability)
African union: scarab demolition tank (light league tank(explodes when deployed and dies)
Empires if the rising sun
Imperial or emperor's guard:tsunami tank (strongest main tank, only main amphibious tank in Japan)
Aerospace force (south korea, taiwan, honkkong):fujin tank (light main tank(after death it releases burst drone, detect stealth)
South colony: daymio siege tank (medium tank (when deploys it works like stationary howitzer)
Third reich
SS: leopard 2A (light main tank with adition place for infantry for turret (rocket, machine gun, flame, psi etc.)
Reichskomissariat scandinavia: tiger mk 2 (strongest nazi main tank with light force shield
Ahnenerbe: pantera neu (medium reich tank with nanomachine regeneration like bison from mental omega)
New world order
Psi corp(Latin America) : Lasher tank v2 (medium main tank with mind link/collective consciusness abilty-nearbly lasher tanks shot faster and move faster)
Bio development(african south): Dracula/impaler tank(light nain tank (destroyed enemy equipment Restores health)
Secret hedquarter(Antarctica):Wiraqucha tank (A strongest main tank that can dig in,becoming stronger but immobile)
People republic of China
China: warlord tank (strongest main tank with two cannon)
North Korea: battlemaster tank (medium main tank has light aditional machinegun, which can attack flying and infantry units(almost useless against heavy aircraft like kirov and giga fortress))
Vietnam: chameleon tank (light main tank, invisible when not moving)
European commonwealth
United kingdom: Chalenger tank (strongest main Europe tank on antigravity run)
Deffence initiative(France, Benelux): titan walker tank (medium tank(tiberium series) 1 transport place for infantry))
Experimental Corp(mediterranean countries):Achilles tank (light tank:the longer it stands still, the faster it shoots)
Yugoslavia:t-90 sparkle tank (light main tank, every third shot stuns (works even on Shogun executioner))
USSR:hammer tank (medium main tank, can steal the weapon of an enemy vehicle (ra3)
Central Asian pact(mongolia+Iran): rhino tank (the strongest main tank of the Soviets; after destruction, the armor of neighboring vehicles is restored)
USA alies
USA army: abrams tank: (the strongest alied main tank,each killed enemy unit gives 20% of its value
Canada:grizly tank (light and the cheapest alies tank, after death returns half the cost)
FutureTech (Liberia): guardian tank (ra3) (medium main alies tank, weakens enemy armor).

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thitiksp - - 33 comments

This one I'm talking about the people of the NWO. Their culture is based on dark cults mixed with Aztec culture. (with sacrifice) also led to the NWO abandoning Christ and kneeling to their God and not knowing Who is the God of NWO?

The origin of NWO comes from the Allies and Soviets invading and occupying all of Yuri's territory. But Latin America can protect both factions. But the remaining territories and Antarctica did not survive, leaving only Latin America. After the fall of Yuri The remnants of Psychic Dominator Disaster created their own country in Latin America and the NWO with New-Tenochtitlan. It is the capital and stronghold of the NWO.

The capital of the NWO is probably New-Tenochtitlan (or Mexico City).

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Murajov - - 50 comments

Yuri is still their god or prophet. Look at the buildings. And on unit quotes. Commando mutant muerta is an avatar of Santa Muerta. Why don't they return to Antarctica after Japan's expansion? The USSR and China somehow invented atomic bombs. It is possible, as I suggested, to divide the faction into the African South, based on bio and viral technologies, the psi corps in Latin America and the High-tech secret headquarters, which returned to Antarctica.
You can diversify the faction with all sorts of mutants and machines inspired not only by Mesoamerica, but also by South African folklore (coatl bomber, heavy UFO xolotl or popobava). In addition, Europe, the Arab League and the USA will have someone to compete with (I proposed to establish FutureTech in Liberia after fleeing Europe), and for Antarctica and Argentina, Yuri’s cultists will fight with the Nazis and the European commonwealth represented by the British empire.

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