Call of Duty, wildly recognized as one of the greatest World War 2 games, gets a face lift with this sequel. The sequel to Call of Duty, the 2003 Game of the Year and winner of more than 80 awards, Call of Duty 2 offers more immense, more intense, more realistic battles than ever before, thanks to the stunning visuals of the new Call of Duty 2 engine.

Post tutorial Report RSS Cod2 Radiant Models Problem.

Hi im plox, im here to tell you all how to fix your xmodels.

Posted by on - Intermediate Mapping/Technical

Tutorial written by Plox. Mirrored here for archival purposes.

Cod2 Radiant Models Problem.

How to Fix Xmodels.

Hi im plox, im here to tell you all how to fix your xmodels.

Ok most of you people have the Cod2 radiant problem of when u right click 2nd View and Misc and Model and all u get is a red box. and you cannot get a xmodel or model. So i am here to tell you how to fix that. Follow these simple steps and i hope it helps.

1. First go to your ComputerC:Program FilesActivisionCod2main.. folder.

2. Go Into IW_13 and drag your "xmodel" onto your desktop.

3. Then go back to your Cod2 Main folder. and Drag the "xmodel" folder into your Cod2 main.

4. I Suggest dragging these folders into your Cod2 main folder.

"fx" from IW_07
"xmodel" from IW_13
"xmodelalias" from IW_13
"xmodelparts" from IW_13
"xmodelsurfs" from IW_13

5. Now Hit [X] On Top Right Of Your Cod2 Main Folder and Then Open "Cod2 Radiant"

6. Right Click 2nd View->Misc->Model. and go to Cod2 Main Folder. and Go to "xmodel" folder and type this to make sure your models are working now.


Type: prop_bear_detail_sitting

7. After You Have Done That. You Should See In 3d View a Small Teddy Bear Sitting.

8. Thanks for using my Tut!!!

Tutorial By Plox.
Xfire: crioprodcrio

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