This package will update all versions of CoC between 1.4.00 and 1.4.21 to 1.4.22. Please read the description:
Beware that updating can ruin your game if you are using addons that alter the changed files in the patch.
- Extract into your S.T.A.L.K.E.R.- Call of Chernobyl directory and overwrite. Make sure relative paths are the same (ie. database should be extracted over S.T.A.L.K.E.R.- Call of Chernobyl\database)
Addon Compatibility With Patches:
- If you see anything in your STALKER-CoC\gamedata directory that is in the file changes, then it's like you don't have the patched version of that file. If you see that you are using modified gamedata that was changed, then avoid the patch and wait for all your addons to be updated.
- Due to the nature of mods, it's impossible to keep compatibility with every patch. The gamedata directory overwrites files stored in the .db files, even the patches. This loading order is dictated by the order in fsgame.ltx. This means it's possible addons will not break when you install patches but your game will be using old files. It's up to the addon creator to unpack the patches and release a compatible addon for the current CoC version.
- It is highly recommended that you delete gamedata and reinstall updated addons rather then overwriting. This is because old removed files could still be in your gamedata and cause conflicts with patches.
- AO3, OWR3, STCOP will most likely always be compatible and are currently the only TeamEPIC supported addons for Call of Chernobyl. Purely comestic mods (textures/meshes) should always be compatible as well.
Technical Information about Patches:
- Versioning is done like Major.Minor.Patch.
- a new shortcut command line option has been added, pass -no_bump_mode1 to skip the loading of textures for reduced VRAM usage at the cost of reduced bump map detail. Generally this is for people who have crap PCs.
- Появилась поддержка русского языка. Чтобы изменить язык - перейдите в главном меню во вкладу "Options", затем измените "Localization"с "eng" на "rus".
Patch Notes:
It is advised you wait for addons to be updated for this patch before using.
Should be save compatible with the previous patch. If there are issues with loading your save revert to an old patch or try starting a new game.
Archived patches can still be found here:
Появилась поддержка русского языка. Чтобы изменить язык - перейдите в главном меню во вкладу "Options", затем измените "Localization"с "eng" на "rus".
Do you have an estimate of when 1.4.x patches will be finished? I love the concept, and the game, and especially the addons, but it is a royal pain in the *** to download 8 different addons about once a week, only for the game to break sometimes upon updating.
A time frame of when you think 1.4 FINAL will be released would be great.
For a mod like this though, where not only you are working and updating constantly, but more than a dozen community members with their own addons are doing the same thing, you should really consider incorporating a launcher into the game. Find a good open source launcher/updater and configure it, or make a very simple one yourself. If you use P2P to roll out updates for the official game, and official addons, and allow community members to use your updater for their own content, you wouldn't even have increased maintenance costs, just seed out to 20 people, and let the P2P network take care of the rest.
Updating is optional. Nobody is forcing you to install patches.
As for being an addon developer dealing with patches they should learn how to use GIT, the repo is public and forking CoC and doing merges takes under a minute to perform.
JSGME serves the purpose of your launcher request. You just put all addons in their own separate folders and configure their install order. You can update them individually if they need it. As for auto-updating no.
If we want to talk about inconveniences, we all do this for free, and I feel the obligation to sit and answer people like you every day. If anyone is being inconvenienced by patches it's me and the time I take to make them and upload them. Just think of the ridiculous amount of bandwidth I use every month downloading and uploading things pertaining to the mod. Since the team is a lot smaller these days you, as the player, are going to need to help fill in those gaps by making us aware of issues, bugs and other problems. It's just not possible by ourselves. It is exponentially more likely a problem being found by hundreds of players then it is for just one or two guys playing.
I really truly wish I could give everyone a 100% perfect experience with CoC but it's just not possible. We are going to have to make sacrifices and deal with inconveniences if we all want to continue to make the mod better.
Thanks for the info, and for taking the time to give all us STALKER fans another run for NO MONEY! I'm quite excited to see this game continue to grow well past the point of having so much more quality content than the original 3 games, it's like a 4th game that was released as an expansion. It is one of very few STALKER mods that has had that potential, and we all see it.
May I ask, where can one find this repo?
Making a search I found this repo: but it only contains the configs and scripts folders. I also found a post with this dropbox link: but it has been blocked for "generating too much traffic".
As an frequent modder and addon-creator it would be extremely useful to have access to a public CoC-repository.
It's because of people like you that we can't play our god damn games..
Stick your launchers up your ***.
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Hi I'm quite new and a little bit unsure where to put the files in my COC file, tried to do this before but ended with nothing happened so I guess I placed them in the wrong file...
like do I just place the bin file in the bin folder thingie and the database in the database folder?
Solved the problem, just a minor fail xD
To answer your question easily; Basically, the NEW CoC is a separate file all together, it doesn't "install" anymore, you simply save it, and it will go straight to downloads, or if you save as, it will go to wherever you save it to. Now, in order to update your game, simply download the newest patch, it simply being the top thing. Download, and it should be in your downloads folder. If it's a WinRAR, and you have .zip, simply right-click and choose archive, there it shows all supported file types on .zip, choose .rar and open it, then highlight all of the files, and extract them to downloads. There, you will go into the file, look for bin and database folders, copy them, and paste them in the CoC folder, don't paste them into the separate folders themselves, considering they're the same thing, so when you paste them into the CoC folder itself, it'll ask you to replace the files. Say yes to all. There you have it, that's as detailed as it gets.
Is there a dedicated location to submit suggestions and bugs?
You are AWESOME ! thanks for your effort to make this mod for us.
Anyway i had a question, is there any way possible to edit the file so trader will buy my poor weapon condition? One more, is this patch come with fix for binocular/scope bug?
Thanks in advance !
You are doing great. You are doing a fantastic job. Hats off. I really like your attention to detail. Keep up the good work mate.
I know this is small but can you make the engine recognize you are the publishers so it doesn't constantly ask if i give permission to an unknown source or publisher. I hope i'm not asking for much and not bothering you with this and if its a new sense then don't worry. It just makes it feel more complete to me.
Russian localization?
Один из лучших подарков к Новому Году!
P.S. I presume this localization ONLY for main game? Mods have to be translated separately?
Correct, only main game text.
is assertion failed fixed now?
Thank you :)
Thank you for the quick fixes
= Fix old engine bug where can_take overriden can_trade. Now item sections with can_trade = false no longer show up for trade.
Thanks for this one guys !
Everytime I try to open the game after update it crashes with this error
It works withput add-ons but IDK wich one may be causing trouble.
Also, merry Christmas guys :)
which ever addon you have that changes items.ltx
Thanks for the info, I will find wich one it is.
Does the debug spawn tool work with this update? :)
why does the description say it will update the game to 1.4.21. yet the title says 1.4.22?!
Just copy and paste mistake its the 1.4.22 patch
* Discovered vehicles now magically change levels without severe problems
Discovered? Are they in maps or are you talking about spawned vehicles?
They mean legit, drivable vehicles. I found one in The Great Swamps. It's a big truck, like the death truck from SHoC, but without the big tent and bars over it. Precisely where it's at, think around the big watch-tower. Then, when you look at the abandoned trailer thing, look slightly to your right, and walk as far as you can. You should come upon a big truck.
Found a BTR-70 outside Agroprom military base (northern entrance). Thought it was static at first, but walking into it made it bounce a bit. Also I don't think it was there before. But I can't seem to enter/drive it. :( Otherwise I haven't found any vehicles yet.
hello :) Anti-aliasing in stalker is not working im right ? is there a way to make it hurt less (now i use nvidia panel screen)? cause x2 eats 20 FPS for me and without it i see stairs on the screen :D
Inject SMAA using ReShade is a solution worth looking into ;)
Does ReShade work with STALKER? I never got it to work, and ended up using SweetFX 1.5.1. (Windows 7 64 bit, Nvidia)
Fresh install with 1.4.22 patch. I load in game fine but my weapons are invisible(knife included). Thought it was a problem with mods so I just reinstalled CoC, and the problem still persisted. It was fine prior to the new update.
Check game options, mine had the ''show weapon'' thing unchecked.
Yeah it was unchecked. Don't remember touching it though before.
If consumables isn't reset now then there need some kind repack now. If i have two med packs with one use left then they should mix up in one med pack. Now my main stash is full with several same items with different use amount left.
Remove (AP) ammo from corpses, And reduce ammo loot from corpses overall(that is more than enough what u get from trophy guns by unloading them). didn't buy a single bullet. And that is only one my stash stash from 3.
And still same suggestion implement droped weapon script.
There is some issue with dynamic news, during performing a task for killing the random guy.
News is repeating itself ad infinitum (when we are at the location with our target) until we kill our target.
This bug appeared at me and a few friends.
Merry Christmas everyone:)
after death close to sacharow, killed by flame poltergeist, STCOP pac + small hud addon, surviwal + rebirth option , Merry Christmas ;)
[error]Expression : no_assert
[error]Function : CIni_IdToIndex<1,struct COMMUNITY_DATA,class shared_str,int,class CHARACTER_COMMUNITY>::GetById
[error]File : e:\stalker\x-ray source\x-ray_callofchernobyl\src\xrgame\ini_id_loader.h
[error]Line : 134
[error]Description : item not found, id
[error]Arguments : actor_trader
stack trace:
0023:00273813 xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fail()
0023:054B1DB9 xrGame.dll, CxIOFile::Open()
0023:6B6CE64C lua51.dll, lua_newstate()
try this.
replace line 43 of azazel_mode.script with
if (se_obj and IsStalker(nil,se_obj:clsid()) and se_obj:alive() and se_obj:community() ~= "zombied" and se_obj:community() ~= "trader" and se_obj.group_id ~= 65535) then
Hello after installing this update i get CTD right after the last loading screen i tried everything even removing all the mods and reinstalling the patch nothing worked, here is the log:
did you try completely removing the gamedata? also try removing the user.ltx
Since yesterday I have this same exact issue, I was trying to start a new game but it crashes before it ends loading. I can't understand - first I've removed every mod but nothing changed; then I've tried a clean install (1.4.12) and it worked, I applied the 1.4.22 and it crashed - but two days ago I was playing normally, I encountered the issue only when I decided to start a new game.
By remove do you mean you deleted the gamedata and installed from scratch?
I believe the issue is solved: I had the file, I downloaded and extracted and the game worked again.
That log indicates you have AO3 configs without having AO3 textures.
i wonder if the barkeep of Rostok will be able to give you quests in an upcoming update
and are campfire jokes enabled in this game? (you know those jokes that stalkers used to tell to eachother either in a safezone or near a fire that are in every stalker game)
Why, yes they are. While I never understood the jokes, because of the language, the laughs were enough to give me my own chuckle.
I install the patch, but now every time I want to open the inventory the game crash. I just copy and paste the patch, did I do something wrong? Regards!
Dushman become hostile to me without any reason. Is there any way to make him become neutral again?
Because the other merc are either friendly or neutral towards me, and this feel awkward....
Any addons that change relations?