Full VersionHow to install: Create a Mods folder inside your crysis 2 root folder and paste the mod there. later run it in game in the mods section of the main menu.
Original blue color for Aliens like in Crysis 1, and red armor mode for nanosuit
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How to install: Create a Mods folder inside your crysis 2 root folder and paste the mod there. later run it in game in the mods section of the main menu.
Total Conversion for Crysis II & a Homage to F.E.A.R. by Monolith Productions.
BBMB stand for "Bipods Barrels & Muzzle Breaks" The muzzle break will also function as a damage mod, and well as recoil reducer(of course). I will...
This mod chagnes teh gameplay, and the nanosuit to something different. Instead of the nanosuit, you can now select 3 different suits, each offers a different...
Positions: Team leader: USSR GRAND Story Writer: IMACURFACE Level Design: rGOt Lighting Design: rGOt Level Design: USSR_Grand Flowgraph: Promuckaj Sound...
In this story driven Mod you play as O'Neill equipped with an experimental upgraded version of the NanoSuit 2. Fight for humanities survival, fight for...