Widescreen fixes (and more) for version 1409 of POSTAL 2 and its expansions.
How to install and use:
1) Open your game files.
2) Replace all the files in the main game directory with the ones provided in this package.
3) Start the game, go to options, video, and select your resolution and desired FOV.
4) If you are playing version 1337 and experiencing audio issues, go to Audio options and enable Reverse Stereo
(stereo seems to be reversed when it's DISABLED for some reason) and also change Audio Mode to Hardware 3D.
You can open the console by pressing ~ and type in "SetRes 1920x1080" and "FOV 90" to change it quickly.
You can modify individual weapon positions to your liking by using the "FixMe" console command while holding a weapon.
You can even bind this command to a key using "Set Input F1 FixMe" which will bind the menu to the F1 key. Use "Set Input F1 None" to unbind.
You can also enable stretching of the loading screen, map screen, etc. by editing WidescreenFix.ini in the System folder.
Change Log
; 1.0
- Added Aspect Ratio selection to Video options.
- Fixed scaling and positioning of all HUD elements.
- Weapon viewmodels are now consistent across all resolutions and don't clip through the camera!
- Muzzle flash positions should look good on most resolutions, or at least on 16:9.
- The load screen, map screen, rifle scope, and a few other elements are no longer stretched (this can be changed in WidescreenFix.ini).
- Removed and disabled the mouse smoothing feature which is broken on non-4:3 ratios.
- Disabled the letterbox (cinematic) view for all cutscenes. Couldn't easily fix it (it's hard-coded in C++). I might find some walk-around later though...
- Added weapon viewmodel customization menu. Use "Set Input F1 FixMe" to bind it to the F1 key.
- Fixed new HUD elements of Apocalypse Weekend not displaying properly.
- Fixed issues with some damage types not being dealt properly due to a too high frame rate.
- Fixed broken rifle texture.
; 0.3
- Fixed critical issue with Apocalypse Weekend being stuck on the first level.
- Added AWP mod support.
; 0.2
- Camera and Viewmodel FOV now adjusts itself accordingly to resolution.
- FOV changed by the console command will stay permanently.
- Fixed scaling and positioning of all other HUD elements.
- Added Apocalypse Weekend support.
; 0.1
- Fixed bloodsplats posiotoning on HUD.
- Added more resolutions to Video options.
¿It is compatible with the original Eternal Damnation mod?
No, ED has a completely different HUD man.
It supports only P2 STP and AW for now.
This works fine, but the viewmodelFOV of the AR15 seems a bit too large in comparison to the original 4:3 aspect ratio, however the petition seems a bit "zoomed in".
Could there be a version with viewmodel FOVs identical to the ones in 4:3, or is it not possible ?
Edit : I'm playing on Share The Pain, which I got with the Fudge Pack a while back.
Sorry for the bad english and thanks for your work
Yes, it's possible. I'll probably take care of this when I get back to my yet-to-be-named P2STP overhaul project. Currently I am too busy with other stuff so it will have to wait.
New version just dropped, you can now even customize the viewmodel fov and offset to your liking :)
The hud fix works fine in mp at first,but it broken again when I changed a gamemode
It works fine at singleplayer though
some game modes have a different HUD class, so that's why. I'd need to edit MP HUD.