The originally released retail version of POSTAL 2 vastly differs from the later digital releases. Ever wanted to play it but got turned off by how badly it looks on modern resolutions? On this page, you'll find complete widescreen patches for the base game, expansions, and popular mods!


Widescreen fixes (and more) for version 1409 of POSTAL 2 and its expansions.

STP, AW and AWP - Widescreen Patch (v1.0)
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Guest - - 698,138 comments

¿It is compatible with the original Eternal Damnation mod?

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ManChrzan Author
ManChrzan - - 154 comments

No, ED has a completely different HUD man.
It supports only P2 STP and AW for now.

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Segasensei - - 3 comments

This works fine, but the viewmodelFOV of the AR15 seems a bit too large in comparison to the original 4:3 aspect ratio, however the petition seems a bit "zoomed in".

Could there be a version with viewmodel FOVs identical to the ones in 4:3, or is it not possible ?

Edit : I'm playing on Share The Pain, which I got with the Fudge Pack a while back.

Sorry for the bad english and thanks for your work

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ManChrzan Author
ManChrzan - - 154 comments

Yes, it's possible. I'll probably take care of this when I get back to my yet-to-be-named P2STP overhaul project. Currently I am too busy with other stuff so it will have to wait.

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ManChrzan Author
ManChrzan - - 154 comments

New version just dropped, you can now even customize the viewmodel fov and offset to your liking :)

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Guest - - 698,138 comments

The hud fix works fine in mp at first,but it broken again when I changed a gamemode
It works fine at singleplayer though

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ManChrzan Author
ManChrzan - - 154 comments

some game modes have a different HUD class, so that's why. I'd need to edit MP HUD.

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