Bird's Eye Games
1 member DeveloperSmall indie team with a focus on large-scale games.
A developer of stealth mods including sell lemonade.
No games, mods, engines, software or hardware appear to be published or in development by chip_factory. We suggest you add games, mods, engines and hardware you are developing here (or update existing games, mods, engines and hardware on the site which should be linked with this Developer).
If this profile is not used to publish or develop games, mods, engines, software or hardware we recommend you contact us and we will move it to the groups section and this page will display a blog instead.
Proscenium is a collective of dedicated developers and artists with a passion for new gaming technology and virtual reality.
Croteam is an interactive entertainment development company located in Zagreb, Croatia.
Hi!, welcome to the group. This is a group of one developer of mods. For now, I only working In a mod for Victoria 2 Heart of Darkness called Powa Limon...
A developer of classic first person shooter mods including Wrath of Magic :Farewell Edition, Legend: Farewell Edition, Hexen:Marine Mod and others.
This is a group that houses all CCS made MOD's. GEN.ZOOL is the main leader, and you want to join you can simply ask. I will then ask some basic question...