Initially developed and released by Gearbox Software in 2001, second Half-Life add-on, Half-Life: Blue Shift is a return to the Black Mesa Research Facility and another look at the Incident's consequences from the eyes of Gordon Freeman's best friend - Barney Calhoun. In 2012, Crowbar Collective has delighted Half-Life fans with release of the magnificent Half-Life remake, but there are still no released remakes for add-ons. This is when we are coming in - HECU Collective are developing the Black Mesa: Blue Shift - a free remake with use of Black Mesa resources and style. We will try to stay as close to the original Blue Shift and Black Mesa as possible. Our mod will be releasing partially, chapter by chapter, so those who are not patient for the full release will finally have something to play!

Report RSS Chapter 5: Focal Point - December 2023 Article

We are back with some impressive progress and news about Focal Point!

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Focal Point December 2023 Article

Hello! It's been a whole year since Captive Freight release, yet it feels like it was just yesterday! It's been an incredible year filled with emotions and extraordinary challenges.

This anniversary marked a significant milestone in our journey. We've faced significant challenges and differences along the way. However, through our perseverance and teamwork, we've overcome all the obstacles. On this special day, we are thrilled to present you a lot of exciting news! We worked tirelessly to bring the most captivating and engaging Blue Shift chapter to life.

Our team is passionately working on Focal Point with tremendous enthusiasm. From gameplay to storyline, every aspect of the project is under scrutiny and careful analysis. We're refining details, implementing fresh ideas, and utilizing cutting-edge technologies to create the most captivating experience for you.

Currently, we can say that chapter 5 is about 60% done. It's a significant milestone, but there's still a lot work ahead. We meticulously review community feedback, make adjustments and enhancements to ensure the unique and interesting Xen experience for everyone.

All of us embarked on this project without prior experience in making anything that could even remotely match the serene beauty of Black Mesa's Xen. As we delved into the creation of our initial levels, we found ourselves navigating uncharted territories, immersing ourselves in a world of learning and exploration. The early stages of creating those levels were akin to stepping into a realm of unexplored creativity. We were venturing into unknown landscapes where every stroke of design, and every concept we conjured became a lesson itself. As for the release...

We are aiming for the summer 2024.

However, enough words – it's time for us to delve into the most intriguing parts of our article - soundtrack, screenshots, textures, models, in other words - visual stuff!


Let's start with some materials showcase. Maps can't look good without good texture work. These are some of the enviroment surfaces for later parts of Focal Point - dirt, rock, moss.

Xen MaterialXen Material

Xen MaterialXen Material

We won't be showing only the beautiful part of xen - some gross infestation will be used in both Focal Point and Power Struggle:

Xen MaterialXen Material


Listen to another great ambient soundtrack from Daver while you go through the rest of the article:

Cover Art by Skwallie


The work our mappers have done so far for chapter 5 is incredible. It may be huge and beautiful, but it's not gonna be a cakewalk for you - make sure you're ready for this! Here's plenty of screenshots for you!

Focal Point

Focal PointFocal Point

Focal PointFocal Point

Woah, it's so vast, but the air there is so thick it's kinda hard to breath... Let's go outside for some fresh xenian air...

Focal Point

If you were still wondering why it takes us so long to make this chapter, take a look at single map scale:

Focal Point bs_c4m0c size


Of course we're also making a ton of custom models! You're gonna see these plants on your way to the focal device:

Xen PlantXen Plant

You're going to find some "ancient" human tech from their first expeditions to the borderworld!

H.E.V. Mark III

Do you remember that one part right before the Lambda Complex in Black Mesa where Xenians deployed a giant alien turret? We neither, because it was cut in the remake. But we're gonna be restoring some of this cut stuff - you all deserve experiencing it in Source!

Xen Turret

In addition to the restored cut content, we will add at least 5 brand new creatures for Focal Point! We won't spoil everything to you right away, but we'll tease some of them in this article.

Meet the Shellsquid! More dangerous, very strong and scary monster that can hit you from very long distances with powerful projectiles:


Looks like there's something deep in the water...

Lurking in the Deep

Improving Previous Chapters

At the same time, part of our team that doesn't have to work on Focal Point is going through previous chapters and making some enhancements here and there. As example - new get-up animation and improved lighting for Rosenberg's container scene:

New Get-Up animation for Captive Freight

Improved lighting in Rosenberg's Container Scene

Patreon-exclusive content

As always, we have some stuff for our Patreon supporters too! This time it'll be concept art of another xen plant, W.I.P. model based on it, new living xen inhabitant model and another cool updated animation. Go take a look at everything on our Patreon!

That's all for today, folks!

Thank you for your boundless support and belief in us. We're grateful for every moment we can share with you and promise even more thrilling news in the future! Have fun on this holiday season!


You can join and chat with us on Discord, VK and support us on Patreon where we post some exclusive content!

HECU Collective Discord ServerHECU Collective VK PageHECU Collective Patreon

Your support really matters to us.


HECU Collective

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 61)
marcus4 - - 2 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

thank you blue shift devs

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
MyGamepedia - - 58 comments

I can already feel the gameplay at 5 fps...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
flamesoff - - 51 comments

It's unfortunate that they haven't utilized Source 2 engine at least.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

how are they even supposed to use source 2 when the mod is based off of black mesa source

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
MyGamepedia - - 58 comments

It seems to me that even with everything necessary - porting would be painful.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
RIMAS_HECU - - 80 comments

not true , our xen levels are more stable

Reply Good karma+4 votes
MyGamepedia - - 58 comments

that's a whole 1 fps more :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
tinyhaggis - - 19 comments

That happens when your PC is using integrated graphics. You might wanna upgrade to a GTX 960 or something.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
D3ads - - 3,791 comments

I always enjoy seeing an update from you guys, you all do such fantastic quality work! I love all the little details like the old HEV suit, and as a fan of the Xen turret in Forget About Freeman, I whole-heartedly approve of it's comeback! Beautiful stuff everyone, looking forward to more! 🔥

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
AkJackHd - - 4 comments

Wonderful, cannot wait for the amazing attention to detail in chapter as well!, love the work you all do and i spend time just staring down the maps after having played them, just noclipping around, more to explore for me! <3

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,550 comments

Absolutely phenomenal work all around! It seems every chapter release is just going to polish the prior ones at this rate!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
kalidrone - - 1,452 comments

Wow... And this isn't even counting the remaining "Power Struggle" chapter, looking VERY forward to redelving into BM: Blue Shift in its full entirety eventually. heh heh ^^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Very noice

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
IamDev1l - - 1 comments

Beautiful masterpiece, splendid! <3

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Aynekko - - 680 comments

Xen looks insane.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
BrutusUltimatum - - 7 comments

Woah!!! Mod of the year right here! Can't wait!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
ThgilNeerg - - 2 comments

Looking good! Cant wait!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Apocryphox - - 98 comments

If this mod don't get the Mod of the Year award, i am not willing to trust humanity anymore.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
wmf776759 - - 478 comments

2024 SUMMER.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Slaport - - 18 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Eliguy777 - - 2 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

The happy brain chemicals
That's the stuff.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
poloscmsa - - 39 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
andrewГО - - 818 comments

отличные новости,увидимся летом-осенью 2024 года

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
neophus - - 588 comments

Amazing ! good work !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
_origami_ - - 218 comments

HECU Collective mogs Triple A dev's effortlessly.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Looks great! Once more a complete playthrough when it releases in the summer, i guess... :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Will this mod come to steam?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Good stuff

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
21Nikt21 - - 15 comments

Fantastic stuff!
Also, I like the subtle Ivan the Space Biker reference (the HEV suit color).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Gordonfreeman42 - - 31 comments

Something so amazing about all of this new stuff the devs are adding is that it all ties in really well to the base game, so everything here can be considered canon

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Lesss Goooo! 🗣️

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
23-down - - 3,597 comments

Guys this newspost truly has been a master piece of art. Thank you folks for that and your continued devotion to the community and your fantastic remaster of Blue Shift.
I'm particular impressed with that underwater teaser. I wonder what it is that lurks down there. Could it be the cut monster from Half-Life Alyx - the Jelly Blobber? Either way I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Looking forward to summer.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,197 comments

amazing cant wait for new chapter ,great work guys you are gods

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SweetRamona - - 5,147 comments

Looks fantastic! 😸

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
/TheWolf - - 850 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Really amazing work you're putting in. Chapters 1 to 4 were great. Your dedication is very much appreciated. Looking forward to chapter 5 and beyond!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Your work is truly incredible. The chapters already available have completely amazed me, it's really impressive! Honestly, well done. We're all looking forward to what's next, but take all time that you need to made it ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Looks awesome. Can't wait to get to try this next summer :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,197 comments

I just finished Black Mesa Half Life yesterday. It was just epic!
I can't wait to play Blue Shift!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
andrewГО - - 818 comments

Хм,а что если:техническая бета BM Blue Shift Xen главы Focal Point с демонстрацией первой карты или первых 2-х карт из 5-ти ? или сколько их там всего в 5 главе будет? Типа выпускать ксен по частям ,пускай это не 5 глав Black-вского ксена а одна...
А может видео демонстрацию....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,197 comments

Amazing!! Can't wait

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
G_Sergeant - - 114 comments

Lovely stuff, eager to play this

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Yiple_moddb - - 2 comments

By the way, can you add the text language and/or dubbing of languages ​​such as Spanish or other languages? You can do the dubbing by finding discord users as dubbing actors

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
unfunny - - 11 comments

plot twist: barney breaks the hev mark 3 thingy or smth like that and wears it for protection
plot twist 2: barney is too dumb and doesnt get it
plot twist 3: the glass is unbreakable

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

Looking forward to playing this.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Shadow_864 - - 398 comments

H.E.V. Mark III
From my point of view, the original Blue Shift didn't have H.E.V. Mark III suit in the chapter "Focal Point"
Because in the original Blue Shift I seen dead scientists in H.E.V. Mark IV suit in the chapter "Focal Point", namely these are the Xen explorers

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LIL-PIF Creator
LIL-PIF - - 151 comments

It didn't make sense that the first expedition team already had Mark IV at that time

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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