This mod adds 5 new factions to the native game, each one with their particularities. Elephants, Gunpowder and Repeating Crossbows have been added. - Braetynian Kingdom : Brittany / Britain inspired, with fierce warriors like Heavy Knights, Berserkers and Saboteurs (GP) - Sudestrian Kingdom : Byzantine inspired, with the best Gunpowder Units (Musketeers, Harquebusiers), Cataphracts and Legionnaires - Empire of Xothay : Japan/China inspired, with Hatamotos (Elite Infantry with a Pistol), Samuraï and Chukonus (Repeating Crossbow) - Phoessanid Empire : India inspired, with Cornacs (Elephants), Meharists (Camels) and Harquebusiers (GP) - Jumne Realm : Nord's Northern Rivals, with Drengr (Heavy Elite Infantry) and the best light cavalry. This mod is based on Tocan's Calradia and consequently includes most of its elements, including the Dark Knights invasion (gunpowder advised ;-) )


This is the fullversion of the V3 of Calradia's Borderlands, called "The New Worlds" :) Prepare to conquer the hugest Calradia ever :p

Calradia's Borderlands V3 : The New Worlds
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Guest - - 698,114 comments

Can't wait to play as New Zendar and Trapagea

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DouwFR Author
DouwFR - - 108 comments

these were my first factions in my testing sessions :D

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Guest - - 698,114 comments

so excited
oh and btw i hope winged hussars are here
Niech żyje polska
also making a cossack or maybe turkic faction would be cool
keep up the good work

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Vhermithrax - - 6 comments

Unfortunately there was no resources online for making of armour with wings for them, so they had to be made looking more like an early type of cavarly for now. Maybe in the future updates they will get wings.
But they have guns like realy hussars ;)

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Guest - - 698,114 comments

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