Powered by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare technology, Call of Duty: World at War brings an uncensored edge to combat, as soldiers face the most harrowing and climatic European and Pacific battles in which an enemy, who knows no surrender and no retreat, will fight to the last breath, unleashing an arsenal of lethal surprising tactics. Peril and danger lurk throughout the battlefield as players combat the unknown risk of the new chaos of battle.

From the remains of Russia and the ruins of Berlin, to the beach and jungles of the deadly Pacific Theater, the volatile action takes on added depth as players employ new features that previously were only-available in multiplayer, including perks, rankings and online stats in up-to full four-player cooperative gameplay. New infantry and vehicle-based weapons, like the potent flamethrower, bring the battlefield ablaze.

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16 years of Frontlines


Call of Duty Frontlines celebrates 16 years since its first release on ModDB.

It was a long and incredible journey, where it became the only one to be considered the Best Call of Duty mod in the World 3 times in its history, it was given the nickname EPIC MOD by the renowned FPS website BashandSlash and it was recommended to play it alongside instead of Modern Warfare 2 from 2009 by the also renowned website LowPings.

It was where the first Battle Royale in the history of Call of Duty was made, the first medic system, the first help system today present in practically every Coop / Battle Royale game on the planet, it was where the Alcatraz map became popular, it was where the Forever System of changing the game with each play was born, it was where the War Server was created, it was where dozens of Gametypes now popular in FPS were created and perfected and it was the basis for the creation of Call of Duty Rio.

The truth is that all of today's FPS/TPS would never be the same without Call of Duty Frontlines.

And everything was done for free by just one person in their free time here in Brazil, mainly with the intention of having fun with friends. And for over 16 years these same friends have continued to play it regularly.

Congratulations Frontlines! The widest, the most complete and for many the best FPS ever made. But certainly the most copied in history.

Thank you to all the Soldiers who donated their blood over the years. Rest assured that you were part of an incredible story that will be remembered forever.

Steam & IndieDB

Steam & IndieDB

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Call of Duty Rio Year in Review 2023

Brazil / Brasil 4 comments

Our Year in Review with released maps + upcoming maps. We are running for MOTY 2023 and would be amazing having your votes once again!

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Call of Duty Rio at TOP 100 on MOTY 2022

Brazil / Brasil 1 comment

We are at TOP 100 on Mod of the Year 2022! Please vote for us!

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Call of Duty Rio 3.0 Released

Brazil / Brasil 1 comment

A brand new version with 24 maps, new factions and lots more! Enjoy!

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PsyWarVeteran - - 1,965 comments

Still one of the best CoD games out there.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Chris_P_Bacon77 - - 12 comments

Seems like it would make sense to collaborate and put all the mods that make the pacific mod better or make it a authentic experience into one big folder and just let the player download that instead of downloading six or seven mods separately. Most people just want to get into the action.

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FeReise - - 311 comments

Unfortunately, it's impossible to combine Vendetta, Ring of Steel, and Fall of Berlin mod together due to conflicts and errors between each mod's texture and model files. And I had mentioned in the Pacific Theater's article that the Pacific 1.6 mod is compatible with our mods above (put it in same folder with each mods + replace the older 1.5 version).

However, all I can say now is the updated Pacific 1.6 will be included in the upcoming Vendetta 2.2 version and also the future Fall of Berlin 3.4 updated, please stay tuned ;)

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Guest - - 698,194 comments

call of duty world at war

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dimaz29 - - 24 comments

thats good

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whatcorey - - 24 comments

frontlines 1.2 mod does not work

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LevTaylor - - 534 comments

I Love Viktor Reznov!

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ShogunAssassin50 - - 506 comments

i am amazed they are still updating and putting add ons for this game. and not making fun of COD fans...but i wonder why COD still has soo many fans that think its the greatest yet BF3 is really....just going to put COD where COD put MOH before the latest one came out. lets face it, COD is still a game from the early 2000's. its never going to get an upgrade like Battlefield. hell...BFBC2 did that already even though ppl didnt even notice (it was probably because ppl thought it was just a comedy game like the first BC game was)

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Wilkopotamus - - 93 comments

this comment aged like fine Wine

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Guest - - 698,194 comments

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