-- MORE Realistic. MORE Tactical. MORE Aggressive. -- Fight the DOOM with Realistic style weapons. The new project "CALL OF DOOM: TARKOV" has begun.
Escape from hell with 90 firearms. Custom weapon MOD for DOOM (1993). **Please make sure to read the download page as it contains important information about the mod's execution and gameplay. If you do it the wrong way, you will not only not be able to play the game properly, but you won't even be able to run this mod.**
A new "Random Weapon Mode" has been added.
In this mode, players start the game with one random weapon.
Additionally, by installing the "Weapon Reset add-on(created by DevilBlackDeath)" included with the patch, players will be able to reset their weapons and equipment every time they move to the next map.
While players may start in Underhalls with the PKM LMG, it's also possible they'll start in Icon of Sin with just the Makarov pistol.
This mode is for those looking for a new challenge.
Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when trying to switch to another weapon between firing the last AT4 and discarding it.
However, if players perform the same action after applying the patch, the game will not crash, but the out-of-ammo AT4 will remain in the inventory. (Until a smarter technical solution is found)
This update does not affect your DOOM save data.
1.0.2 - Feature Improvements
I have added name tags to items to help you properly use the very useful and innovative add-ons "Gearbox(Inventory Management)" and "Use To Pickup".
This change allows players to see accurate information about items even when using these add-ons. I think it will also be easier to collect ammo pouches.
1.0.1 - Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when pressing "Fire mode select" and then aiming while using a revolver weapon.
Additionally, there was a possibility that some weapons that did not have full-auto functionality would have slight glitches due to the non-existent Fire Select being used, so we made some changes to the program.
As a result of all the fuss over $250, my jokey mod has unintentionally gotten the attention of so many gamers.
Do you really think a $0 mod like this can provide a better experience than a $250 game?
This "Call of DOOM" was originally a MOD created just for me, who has been playing DOOM since 1993, so that I could enjoy it for another 10 years without getting tired of it.
Someone once told me that they wanted to play that mod, so I'm making the COD mod available for download here. This is not a volunteer project for the development of some DOOM community.
Nor is it an evacuation shelter for people who have escape from Escape from TARKOV.
(By the way, sorry to seem to be going against popular opinion, but I'm a true believer that the EFT team should be given a $25,000 lunch.)
This MOD is like a personal toy box that I have prepared for my own use. Only people who find this toy box fun should play this.
I ignore all external criticism. If you have any criticisms about the contents of this mod, please shut up and renovate this toy box with your own hands into an even better product, or play another great game.
(The reason I'm a little angry is because I've seen many cases where modders have abandoned their projects after being attacked by greedy users or bossy critics.)
Also, please refrain from requesting new features or anything else unless you can provide the technology to make it happen.
Anything not included in this mod is either something I don't consider necessary or something that is technically cumbersome to implement. Understand that while it is certainly free to say what you want, there is a onerous cost to actually implement that request. (Also, like in real work, I don't want to do additional work based on someone's instructions.)
If you are expecting the following from this mod, please quietly walk away.
-Great experience that rivals $250 games
-Perfect EFT total conversion mod
-Head-explodingly complex and difficult experience like "hideous destructor"
-A benevolent mod author who will always help you like a mother
Its time to understand who are the true believers?
I’m sorry you feel that way.
I hope that this very boring and self-centered article will be of some sort of talisman to me.
Only those who understand these things should proceed.
Welcome to Call of DOOM.
It seems to contradict my explanation earlier, but this MOD is very simple.
DOOM players who install this mod will be able to fight using realistic firearms and equipment instead of losing fictional weapons like plasma guns. Nothing more, nothing less.
This mod fits many custom maps without making your gameplay too easy, difficult or ruined.
Unlike vanilla DOOM, where you just had to shoot full auto rocket launchers and BFGs, this mod forces players to think seriously about the ideal gunfight.
There will be 90 guns that differ not only in appearance but also in performance.
However, players can only carry a maximum of 4 long guns and 2 pistols. (If the player has a backpack)
In order to pick up a new weapon, you must drop your current weapon at the risk of never being able to retrieve it again.
You can't always pick up good ammo, so carrying only high-end weapons may not be the best option.
Although not as complex and difficult as the real Escape from TARKOV, this mod still requires you to understand the capabilities of the weapons before using them, if possible.
The various items you can acquire are all used only for your survival.
In the world of DOOM, money and treasure are all worthless. Because there is no one left on earth who will do business with you.
(*Originally I was planning to introduce a trader who would sell items to me, but being able to buy weapons using the internet in Hell was so disjointed that it was ultimately removed.)
This MOD is not a beta version, but a completed version Ver1.0.
There is a possibility that new weapons and items will be added in the future, but I don't think there will be any dramatic updates that add major features.
Once again, if you want new features, please modify the mod yourself instead of requesting it from me.
I don't want to go through very tedious, time-consuming and painful work on something that I personally don't need at all. Some mysterious users criticized this low-spec version, calling it "poor quality!"
If you are looking for a lower spec version of this mod to run on a potato PC or smartphone, please pray that some passionate user will take on this tedious task for me.
I don't want to be asked too many simple questions, so I will provide as much detail as possible about the information you need to play this mod.
(In fact, there are aliens everywhere who ignore every sentence and then ask, "What's the name of the game?")
If you don't have DOOM or are looking for a way to play this mod for free, please read our separate tutorial article below.
This custom weapon MOD is for "DOOM (1993)".
If you don't have any, you need to get this game first.
If you already own DOOM, please make sure you have the following:
1:not Potato PC
The file size is large and there are many animations, so please play on PC.
It's difficult to enjoy this mod on low-spec PCs and smartphones that have a lot of lag.
2:latest GZDoom engine
This mod only supports GZDOOM.
If you run it with another engine, unexpected problems will occur.
Also, this mod is for single player. Multiplayer is not supported.
It is possible to run this mod using Zandronum, but the weapon graphics may appear out of alignment.
(There are no plans to do any additional work for engines other than GZDOOM.)
3:Any custom map mod
You can also use this MOD to play custom maps other than the original DOOM.
There are as many MODs for DOOM as there are stars, so as long as you don't get bored with DOOM itself, you can play DOOM for the rest of your life.
However, it probably won't fit complex mods that make significant changes to player abilities or weapons.
This COD MOD can be adapted to many custom map mods, but is not intended for use with other advanced conversion mods.
When you download a MOD, there are 4 files included to run the MOD.
-FileA1 [(001)_CodTarkov_FileA_BrutalDOOM.pk3]
The game will start with "Sergeant_Mark_IV's Brutal DOOM (v21)" applied. Basically, this COD MOD is designed with this version in mind. Can be combined with most custom map mods.
However, it may not be compatible with newer custom map mods that include more advanced changes, so in that case, please use "Vanilla DOOM".
-FileA2 [(001)_CodTarkov_FileA_VanillaDOOM.pk3]
You can play in an environment close to the original DOOM, which does not include Brutal DOOM. Please use this if you want to use COD MOD in combination with other monster change MODs or advanced custom map MODs.
By the way, it is possible to play with just vanilla DOOM without mixing other mods, but I don't recommend it because the monsters are weak and boring.
-FileB [ZZD_CodTarkov_FileB_Graphics.wad]
This file contains a large number of flipbooks to display your gun. If this file is not loaded, the player will become a buggy invisible man.
-FileC [ZZD_CodTarkov_FileC_MainData.wad]
This file contains essential programs and sounds to launch the mod.
For file A, please choose whether to use "Brutal DOOM" or "Vanilla DOOM". Both cannot be started at the same time.
By loading all Files A-B-C into GZDOOM, the game with the COD MOD applied will start.
Be sure to load in the order of A - B - C.
If you load them in the wrong order, the game will not launch.
Select 3 files with the Ctrl key, then grab "FileA" and drop it on GZDOOM.exe.
By doing this, the three files should be loaded correctly in order starting from A.
Even if you launch a custom map MOD at the same time, be sure to grab and drop FileA.
(Alternatively, use Autoloading with a shortcut.)
If you grab and drop B or C, or if any of the files are missing, the game will not start or the mod will not be applied correctly.
The latest GZDOOM engine allows for more advanced 3D graphics support, but as a result, strange errors and crashes can occur if your computer is not capable of handling them.
Also, in rare cases, switches and doors in older custom maps may no longer function properly. (I've seen this bug in WADs like "Community Chest 2" and "Hell Core 2.0")
If you are experiencing lags, crashes, or bugs in your game, the following steps may help:
1)Use an older version of GZDOOM
If your computer is experiencing critical bugs and crashes that prevent you from playing the game at all, the simplest solution is to use an older version of GZDOOM. I haven't done a thorough gameplay test, but it looks like you'll be fine with "GZDoom 3.8.2 Vintage".
GZDoom 3.8.2 Vintage
2)Change the API to OPEN GL mode.(Option > set video mode > Preferred Rendering API)
GZDOOM 4 supports the Vulkan API, which is more performant than OpenGL, but this puts a heavier load on your computer than previous GZDOOM versions.
If your game is crashing, switching the API to OPEN GL in your options settings may resolve your gameplay issues. If this doesn't solve your issue, you may want to try using an older version of GZDOOM.
3)Switch to "Default" compatibility mode (Option > Compatibility Options > Compatibility mode)
If you come across an older custom map WAD that doesn't play the way the creator intended, you may be able to use this option to switch to something like "Default" and it will likely work.
Additionally, if compatibility mode is set to "DOOM" or "ZDOOM 2.0", a bug appears to occur that allows enemies to see the player through walls. Unless you have a special reason and knowledge, it may be wise not to change it from "Default".
If you are familiar with DOOM mods, you can skip this section.
Also, if you have played the previous MOD "Call of Doom: Black Warfare", you can carry over the key settings as is to this MOD.
This mod requires additional key settings, so when you start this mod for the first time, please open the options menu to complete the settings.
When it comes to flashlights, you can choose between low-quality or high-quality light.
A high-quality flashlight will give you as realistic lighting as modern games, but the game will lag unless you use a high-spec PC.
Furthermore, since the flashlight uses what is equipped on the player's body, it is possible to use the light even if you have a weapon that does not have it attached.
Once you have completed the required key settings, turn on "Mouse Look" in Mouse Options.
The weapons in this mod do not have an auto-aim function, so you must always aim at the enemy with your own hands.
Please turn off the "Alternative HUD" extension of ZDOOM. This COD MOD is not compatible with Alternative HUD or other custom HUD MODs. (Either way, as long as your HUD looks similar to the screenshots on this page, you're good to go.)
Also, although it is not necessary, turning on "Allow crouch" and "Allow jump" in the game options in advance will make the game easier to play. (Many custom map creators prohibit crouching to make it difficult for players)
Before starting the game, you can choose your player class. This choice does not change the player's physical abilities, but it does change the equipment they initially have.
-[UAC Marine]
In DOOM (1993), the Beretta pistol is always the only weapon given to players when they start the game.
Even in 2024, DOOMGUY is still only given the Beretta pistol.
You start the game as a master scavenger with a backpack and a few low-grade weapons.
Start the game as a mercenary equipped with American or European weapons.
For users who prefer P2W, "DX Edition" or "P2W Edition" is also available. This is a feature, not a DLC.
You start the game as a mercenary equipped with Russian weapons.
A higher edition similar to USEC is also available.
It's a more painful mode than UAC Marine, giving you only the weakest Makarov pistol and limiting the player's inventory.
-[Unlimited Weapon Mode]
In this mode, your inventory is unlimited and you can acquire the weapons you find one after another.
It may be fun at first, but your pockets will become chaotic with all the weapons. Imagine having 90 weapons stuffed in your pocket and having to use them properly.
I don't think such gameplay is a good thing, but this mode was added because many users requested unlimited inventory.
By the way, players are not given any rights to purchase and freely customize their favorite weapons in the shop before starting DOOM.
The only equipment you can use is what you find on the battlefield using your feet. DOOM is originally a game like this.
The HUD is so simple that I hardly need to explain it.
"Escape from TARKOV" doesn't display any important information about the gun, such as magazine capacity or ammo used, but since this is DOOM, the necessary information is always displayed at the bottom of the screen.
If you don't need such a friendly HUD, you can hide it. However, I think it would be extremely difficult to fight over 1000 DOOM enemies in such a state.
I think there are many players who find it troublesome to use Wikipedia to look up information about guns one by one, so by pressing the "View weapon spec sheet" key you can immediately check the information on the guns you own.
It's not something you should necessarily read, but this MOD has weapon groups that look similar but have different performance, such as the AK family and AR family, so make use of this information while you don't know anything about guns. It might be a little more fun if you do.
The other thing you constantly need to do besides shoot your enemies and survive is choosing which weapons to carry.
You can only carry 3 primary weapons (+1 if you get a backpack) and 2 secondary pistols.
Dropped weapons can be picked up again, but equipment dropped to the bottom of a valley or weapons left on the previous map cannot be recovered. There are no convenient hideouts in this game where you can safely store more weapons than you can carry.
There are as many choices as there are weapons that appear. Always think carefully so you don't regret losing rare weapons.
When you drop a weapon, the cartridges loaded in the magazine are automatically returned to your inventory.
Even if you throw away an LMG that is loaded with many cartridges, the ammo box will be used for future use.
If you are very low on ammo, try unloading guns dropped by dead enemies. You can get extra ammo.
The 90 weapons are divided into 6 levels of rarity, with lower quality weapons being easier to find and higher quality weapons being harder to find.
It is possible to fight bosses with only low-quality weapons, but unless you are looking for special suffering, it is better to actively exchange them if you find a weapon that is more rare than your own.
This isn't really mod-related advice, but if you see a top-ranked weapon in a very easy-to-reach spot, it's either a very brutal trap or a sign that a big battle is about to begin.
By knowing the capabilities of weapons, you can also use different tactics than in vanilla DOOM.
You can also use silenced weapons to avoid large-scale battles, or take out the most powerful bosses from a distance with a powerful sniper rifle. It's also fun to throw a bunch of grenades into the hole where the enemy is waiting, or throw a stun grenade into the window of the enemy's house.
By the way, before the critics start talking, I would like to say that the balance of the weapons in this mod is intentionally unfair.
Most weapons have performance according to their rarity, but there are some weapons that are powerful despite their low rarity, and there are also weapons that are difficult to use despite their high rarity.
This expresses the chaotic worldview of TARKOV, where all kinds of weapons from various eras and countries are used on the battlefield.
You may find yourself getting too much or too little ammo in-game, but that's more due to the design of the custom map you're playing than a problem with the mod. I tried to adjust the balance so that I could play DOOM for 10 years, but if you really don't like it, you can always use the editing tools to change the numbers.
"Reload" is such an important feature that it is necessary to write this article.
In this mod you have to collect different adapted ammunition for each gun, like in Escape from TARKOV. Even the most commonly used shotgun in DOOM is divided into models that use 12GA shells, 20GA shells, and 23mm shells.
Of course, it is possible to beat the game without thinking too much about it and just using weapons with plenty of bullets, but understanding the performance of guns and ammunition will make it easier to plan your strategy.
Regarding the reload action, most weapons have different motions when the magazine is completely empty and when it is not. When most weapons run out of ammo, reloading is slow because a new cartridge must be loaded into the chamber.
If a cartridge is already loaded in the chamber and you reload it again, the magazine capacity will increase by +1. In the case of M4, 30 becomes 31. This is a real gun feature, not a bug.
There are some weapons that cannot be +1. Open bolt type weapons like the PPSh-41 and weapons that require the bolt to be opened for reloading like the Mosin Rifle and SKS cannot be given +1.
Also, with the Real Life MP5, it is difficult for the shooter to load a full magazine without opening the bolt, which can cause damage to the gun. As the spec was reproduced in CoD:MW2019, this mod's MP5 also requires a lot of HK slaps every time you reload.
The shotgun is the most important weapon in DOOM. This mod's shotgun is still very powerful, but has the drawback of being extremely slow to reload.
Although some shotguns can be reloaded using a detachable magazine, most shotguns require you to carefully load each shell one by one. It's wise to do an extra reload to get +1 whenever possible.
All you have to do is learn by actually using various guns.
Whether you love or hate the act of reloading guns, most deaths in games with this mod occur while reloading.
Even when you're reloading hard, monsters won't stop biting you. If you get surrounded by a horde of pinky demons while reloading your LMG, you're guaranteed to die.
Here are some useful workarounds so that you don't give up too soon and start using the infinite ammo cheat code.
1: Use a stun grenade.
Stun grenades do little damage, but can temporarily confuse most non-boss enemies.
Reloading will be interrupted, but by stunning an enemy with a stun grenade, the player can switch to another weapon or have a chance to escape.
Stun grenades are also very useful when you encounter an enemy ambush. Most players, myself included, will panic when faced with a large number of enemies unexpectedly, but using a stun grenade can buy you time to regain your composure.
2: Drop a weapon.
Dropping weapons is primarily used to replace your weapon with a newly found weapon, but it can also be used to counterattack enemies while reloading.
Dropping your weapon allows you to draw a secondary weapon very quickly. A quick draw of a powerful magnum, trusty machine pistol, or crazy sawed-off shotgun will save you from most dangers. Also, if the weapon you throw hits an enemy, that enemy will fall or flinch, giving you a chance to fight back.
It is more effective when used with stun grenades.
However, be careful not to drop your precious weapons into the lava pool.
3: Melee attack.
Monsters larger than human-type enemies are harder to defeat, but you can also attack them with a knife that you can draw at any time.
As a side effect of Melee attack, gun reload can be canceled. If an enemy appears while you are performing a tactical reload, you will be able to counterattack a little faster by doing this.
It is especially good to remember this operation when using weapons with long reloads such as shotguns and LMGs.
4: Switch weapon.
If the crisis is not serious enough to require the above operations, please remain calm and switch to another weapon.
However, there is an extra motion to stop reloading the weapon and change to another weapon, so it will be a little slow until you can start a counterattack. If you need to counterattack an enemy as quickly as possible without dropping a weapon, use a secondary weapon that draws quickly.
There are a ton of other mods for DOOM out there, and you're sure to find some that add useful or unique features to this COD mod.
It is impossible for me to check whether all of them are compatible with COD MOD, but I will introduce two important add-ons that I was particularly impressed with.
(Also, it goes without saying, but I'm not the author of these add-ons, so please don't ask me any technical questions. If you have any questions, please contact the add-on author directly. In any case, please be sure to understand the add-on's description before using it.)
Even I often forget what weapon I have and press random keys while playing COD mod. This tool is a near complete solution to that problem.
This is an advanced tool that allows you to properly manage your weapons and ammunition, and by opening the weapon selection menu you can see at a glance what weapons you currently have and how many bullets you have remaining. Of course, weapon icons are properly displayed there, making it intuitive to switch between weapons. No need to remember which slot your weapon is in.
No complicated operations are required, just launch this add-on along with your COD MOD and you will automatically be able to manage your inventory the way you want. You can start using the add-on right away without any complicated settings, but you can also make more detailed changes using the options.
Even if you use unlimited weapons mode or cheats to acquire a large number of weapons, this clever add-on system will automatically organize them for you to view. You can always pull out the right AK rifle from your oversized pocket.
There is also an option to choose whether to pause the game when you open the menu (this is set to OFF when you first start the game).
I haven't stress tested it, but at least in my gameplay I was able to use this addon without any issues, so I highly recommend it.
However, it requires a fairly recent version of GZDOOM (GZDoom 4.5 or higher), and will not run on other DOOM engines.
Gearbox v0.7.2 - download page
A must-have addon for players looking for a more TARKOV-like gameplay. With this addon, you can only pick up items when you press the USE key.
Of course, even small magazines or medicines on the floor cannot be picked up without using the USE key each time. Your gameplay will be significantly inconvenienced, but this is a great add-on if you want to experience gameplay closer to TARKOV.
By the way, when I used this add-on, I found my fingers to be quite tired, but on the other hand, I found it fun to loot weapons and ammunition from dead soldiers. This addon is interesting if you are looking for more hardcore gameplay beyond just making enemies stronger and the player weaker.
This add-on also has options that allow you to set very detailed controls, including a feature that lets you push away unwanted items in areas with lots of clutter.
This mod also requires the latest GZDOOM whenever possible.
A known issue is that when using this addon with COD MOD, "something transparent" always appears over the weapons and ammunition, and the player cannot pick it up unless they double-click it. This is because the Spawners that place random weapons and ammo on the map are considered items.
I could technically remove this object, but doing so would make it incompatible with advanced custom map mods that trigger events on item acquisition, so I have no choice but to leave it in.(The object also includes the ability to detect when the player picks up an item.)
Please run this add-on in GZDOOM without unzipping the Zip file. (If you unzip it, the files will be scattered.)
"Use To Pickup" - download page
Use To Pickup user manual
Unless you use this mod in the wrong way or combine it with other incompatible mods, you will be able to explore the world of Call of Doom: TARKOV to the end.
However, DOOM not only allows for a large number of mods, but also has a large number of cheat codes and options, which can introduce bugs.
It's very unfortunate that players who set non-conforming options would say, "This mod is full of bugs!", so I'll list the known bugs below as far as I know.
-When playing this MOD on a mobile phone, gunshots and explosion sounds may be interrupted or corrupted and may not play properly. In any case, this mod includes a lot of flipbooks, so it's likely to make your phone hot enough to fry bacon.
This MOD does not support gameplay on mobile phones.
-Also, even when playing games on a PC, if the sound device is not appropriate, gunshots and explosions can sound very noisy.
In any case, this mod makes gunfire sound more realistic to make it more modern, so it's louder than vanilla DOOM. It's best not to turn up the sound volume too loud.
-This is a feature, not a bug, but the "Brutal Deathmatch" menu that appears in episode selection in the Brutal DOOM version is not valid in GZDOOM. I don't do any support for multiplayer games and have no knowledge whatsoever.
-When the video mode is set to anything other than 1920x1080, gun pickup messages and spec sheet images appear strangely shrunken. People who play this mod on a monitor with a different size than the PC monitor I'm using will probably say, "Please tell me how to fix it!" and that's what I want to say as well. I don't know the appropriate way to deal with it.(If anyone knows a solution to this, please let me know.)
-This is a problem that only occurs when this mod is started using Zandronum, and the dot appears slightly off center when aiming. This mod is originally a single-player mod for GZDOOM, so I don't know how to solve it. (Please let me know if there is an easy solution for Zandronum other than the extremely tedious method of creating new versions with all the sprites re-modified.)
-Using cheats like "notarget" "anubis" and "IDBEHOLDI" that break the enemy's ability to properly track the player will also prevent the invisible fairy that manages your inventory from doing its job properly. If you are abandoned by the Inventory Fairy, you will be permanently unable to pick up new weapons.
-The console cheat "resurrect" is a hotbed of bugs. Please do not try to forcefully change the fate of players. Accept the game over. (I once had a kid yell at me to make this cheat work properly. I hope he keeps quiet this time.)
-Although I haven't confirmed all of them, other irregular console cheats may also break the mod. Please do everything at your own risk. Once again, as long as you follow your morals as a normal player, this mod will work fine.
I will write here about unknown bugs that have been reported by other users but have never occurred in my gameplay and for which I have no idea what the cause is.
- Conflicts with other mods
- Uses an engine other than the latest GZDOOM v4.12.2 (2024-04-28)
- Some advanced settings in GZDOOM are interfering with the mod's functionality (or a bug in GZDOOM)
- Uses a controller other than keyboard and mouse
I suspect one of these is causing the bug, but either way, I don't see these bugs when I do the same things, so I don't know how to fix it right now.
-When moving to the next map with the flashlight on, the flashlight can no longer be turned on.
The SD Flashlight will reset when you move to the next map. You should be able to turn it back on by pressing the flashlight key again, but if it doesn't, then some feature or mod is breaking the player's control of the switch.
HD flashlights have more advanced programming that means the flashlight will stay on when you move to the next map, but if your flashlight goes out and you can't turn it back on, there may be an issue with GZDOOM or the device.
This bug has not occurred in my environment.
-Firing a gun while viewing a gun's spec sheet will break the gun's functionality.
One user has reported that this issue occurs with significant frequency, but so far I have not seen any other users experience the same bug.
The spec sheet is a simple program that hides when the player fires or presses AltFire, making the gun usable again. In fact, destroying a gun is a much more difficult operation.
I suspect this is probably a bug caused by the settings of GZDOOM or the controller that the player is using, but if anyone else has experienced the same bug and knows the cause, please let me know.
I'm not the kindest person to go around asking each user "tell me why you love the Call of DOOM?" and I don't really want to be asked the same question over and over again, so I I have written here as much information as possible.
I won't charge you a cent, but I don't want to do work for $0 either. I only do the work that I feel is necessary.
You are free to edit this mod however you like, or create other custom mods.
Please do not request new features unless you have the knowledge and skills to implement it directly.
For example, "Please make a MOD that features TARKOV characters!" or "Please make a flea market function or a function that allows you to freely customize weapons!". Although it's free to say, it's a very tedious and time-consuming request to fulfill.
I'm not going to do it, so you either hope someone else with the passion does it, or you make it yourself.
Similarly, I ignore the criticisms of well-spoken critics. Don't expect a $250 experience for a $0 Toy Box MOD.
If you are not satisfied with this mod, please use the power of critics to actually make it better or escape to another great game.
Now that I've finished this work, I can finally play DOOM for myself. Please don't disturb me too much.
I'm not saying you should become a true DOOM believer like me, but I do think it would be good if more people became aware of the game DOOM and started playing it. (If you don't enjoy it, you can just leave quietly.)
Thank you.
This is the coolest mod you can imagine!!!!
Dear author, do not pay attention to criticism. These are jerks, not critics. It’s easy to give them advice from the couch. Personally, I don’t understand anything about programming and I sincerely admire your work. I've been your fan since the first CODoom
Arrowood, good luck in your life and building mods!!!!!! ))))))
Long live Arrowood!! Long live Call of Doom!!
Best wishes to you from Germany and Russia
Look, I understand what you're saying. I feel like I don't want help on things sometimes too. It's just that when you share your stuff (which is fantastic, don't get me wrong, I have no issues honestly) just don't expect people to just stay quiet and enjoy the mod. That's not really how it works. I'm not gonna tell you how to run your mod or address any issues, it's just that this is the Internet. You can just ignore the feedback, just don't get upset when you receive it, it's gonna happen at some point. However, don't let stuff like this discourage you from doing what you love/enjoy doing.
That being said, Holy hot balls this mod is freaking sweet. Once again, I have no issues. Runs perfectly with the "Hell from Earth" mod.
I hope the ks-23 gets barrikada slugs at some point in the future
This is the Tarkov we need at home Mom! Anyway nice mod, I wonder if u can make the infinite ammo option works with reload, other than that it is already good.
Use the command : " sv_unlimited_pickup 300 ", and take as many ammo as you can find. At the same time, recharging is maintained
Tks, will try that now.
In addition, the command " summon backpack ", since the backpack allows you to take additional weapons
Have a nice game, bro ;)
Hail The glorious Arrowood
Great MOD! I have a request I hope you could fulfill, and also put it in the other MOD:
Can you put the ammo icon(s) next to the weapon's ammo indicator? With so many weapons it is really hard to tell what uses what.
Technically, it can be achieved immediately. However, that request is a feature that I have considered and excluded.
I certainly think it would be easier to understand if the ammunition icon was displayed. However, this goes against the trend of modern shooter games where simple HUDs are preferred, and in fact, as you get used to the game, the icons can become a nuisance.
It would be ideal if there was an option to show/hide the player at any time they like, but unfortunately I didn't have the skills to create that.
In the case of the real "Escape from TARKOV", it is far more complex and requires a huge amount of learning than this MOD. For now, I would like you to consider the fact that you can easily experience such "intentional unkindness" with this MOD as part of the fun.
In fact, by learning the differences between AKs through your experience with this mod, you'll have the right to despise all those lying TV newscasters who call any gun an AK47.
I left a bad review yesterday about your description, and I regret it now : since then I read what you wrote in description of your other Call Of Doom mod about some reactions you had to deal with and I get you really had hard time with some malevolent **** from the Doom community. So, I am still not a fan of the description, but at least I understand why you wrote it. Wish that your mod is successful and that you can feel form of rewarding in the process and not just anger.
First of all, thank you for taking the time to find out more about me and understand why I had to go to the trouble of writing such a baffling claim. (However, it would have been better if you realized this before lecturing me.)
I think your statement is very valid if you are paying me $250, but in reality it is $0.
There were people who really wanted to eat the bread that I made as an amateur, so I just gave it away for free. If someone said to me, "This bread should be saltier!" I would say, "I only make this bread for people who like this flavor. I'm not a baker. If you like salty bread, you should either salt it yourself or eat a different kind of bread." Is this what you call “selfishness”?
Of course, there are some people who say, "I'll give you my bread for free, so let me know what you think!" But most of the time it's information gathering or advertising to start a service that will get you to pay $250.
But I'm not going to make you pay me $250 forever, and I consider my job done, so I just want to spend all my time playing after this.
While you were playing other games, I continued working on the mod after I got home from work for my friends who were waiting and saying, "I want to play this mod soon!". Now that I've finally completed the work for my friends, I have some free time for myself.
You suddenly showed up and criticized this guy without paying him anything, saying, "Hey, support me! Work!"
I know you meant no malice. But really, it's the same thing for me. That's why you wrote a comment and immediately got some BADs. (I didn't want to have any conversation with you so I pressed the delete button, but I didn't press the BAD button)
After the $250 EFT received massive criticism from players all over the world, my mod received unintended attention as "There's a daredevil guy making a completely free EFT!". But I was more of a "true believer" who really thought the EFT team should be paid $250,000. This fan-made mod was created with the idea that players would like both TARKOV and DOOM games even more.
Therefore, I had no choice but to write this notice because there was a possibility that a lot of heavy players who like to strongly criticize TARKOV and are looking for a replacement would gather. I quickly realized that I was likely to receive a lot of impossible requests and arrogant criticism. I'd rather have peace for myself forever than put too much pressure on this mod and see the number of people playing it increase uncontrollably.
This mod is not designed for you, so there is no need for you to play it. There are many other great pastimes out there.
I think you wanted to get my attention by criticizing me loudly and make me reflect. On the other hand, I wrote that long spell because I really wanted to exclude people like that, so I happily hit the delete key with a "Gotcha!"
Just as you know me and are still dissatisfied with my texts, I don't find your other comments enjoyable at all either. I also read your other comments to get to know you, and I don't think I would want to be friends with someone who calls someone's work "crap", although it may be a joke.
That word is the one I hate the most during my long mod career, and it's one that has been thrown at me many times by various people.
If you really want to be a good critic, be careful with your words. Unless you pay the person $250.
that's all.
(I didn't get the $250, but I spent a lot of time replying to this)
That's an elaborated answer :) And appreciate you spent time to do it. As I said, I regret my words and after reading the description of what happened to you, I felt stupid.
And you are right I am not mr nice guy and not always pleasant in the comments, and will never pretend to be. But, on the other hand, also encourage some people. I am straight forward, partially by mindset, and partially maybe because I am french, and this cultural : i say what I think, nice and not nice. But anyway sorry if I hurt you.
But you are right on one point when you said "you wanted to get my attention by criticizing me loudly and make me reflect"
Just like you, I am an old school boomer, and what I like in the modding scene, it is a 0$ business, with a mindset that reminds me when we were young in the 90s, before everything became a matter of money in video games. Passion, a form of art, dedication. Therefore I fully understand why you, as an artist, say that you owe us, players, nothing. Apart one thing : respect. And this is what I was ****** off about when reading your description. I felt no respect.
Now, considering the experience you had with the community, I understand why you did it, and as I said, really regret my remarks. Hope you will get good feedbacks on this mod and it will bring peace with the relationship you have with the community.
Playing this with the Ashes 2063 and Afterglow maps is just the best experience this mod has to offer, almost got flipped off with the unheard edition, nice one.
While playing with Megawad Hellbound, I pressed P to examine the weapon I found, after which the fire and aim keys stopped working. Perhaps this is an isolated case, or some kind of bug. GZDoom 4.11.3. Otherwise, I didn't find any bugs and enjoy your mod. Thank you !!
Do you know which weapon it happened when you tried to investigate it?
AK - 74, but I think it's not about a specific weapon
So far I've tried swinging the AK-74 around wildly and haven't been able to reproduce the bug.
To explain the system, by pressing the "View weapon spec sheet key" while holding a weapon in the "InHand" state, the weapon will transition to the "Weaponlooking" state. In this state, the spec sheet will continue to be displayed for an unlimited time.
If you press the same key again in this state, or if the fire, aim, reload, knife, or grenade key is pressed, it will enter the "WeaponlookEND" state, hide the spec sheet, and return to the "InHand" state. Given this, it seems like the bug you encountered was tied to one of Weaponlook's states.
However, since there are almost no states in which you refuse the player's instructions, it is currently a mystery as to which state you were stuck in.
Since you know more about console cheats than I do, I'm thinking that one of the console cheats you used while playing may have caused that error.
My speculation is that I don't use console cheats very often, but if there was a console cheat that would speed up the player's gun control, for example, the weapon status check function might be skipped.
Well, please let me know when you figure out the steps to reproduce the bug. Assembling the weapon spec sheet was the last thing I did, so there may be bugs that I overlooked.
Have been spending 10+hours only picking up the floor ammo boxes while wondering the map to find exit, try to memorize all type of ammos without watching the system text stating what ammo did i pick up, yes this mod have a learning curve just like kovtar. also letting system to respawn the items every few seconds to see what weapon does included in the mods without looking for cheatsheet, man i love this mods so much
YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Thank you so much Arrowood good sir. So very appreciated.This has made my day so much better !!!!! You make Daisy proud hehehehehe :)
Amazing Arrowood! Your mod is greats
Btw can you make the low sprite like call of doom, because my pc have small space
Very fun and high quality mod!
I couldn't help to notice these weapons where directly ported from GMOD's TFA, ARCCW and ARC9 base addons.
So my question is, as the ARC9 EFT addon base keeps adding more weapons, will you eventually replace the COD looking ones with these?
I mean, to match the full Tarkov style and not to have an amalgamation between it, cod and random TFA base looking guns.
Welcome back Arrowood !!! Nice to see that you finally released your newest mod and I am already having fun with it. As for what people are saying don't pay any attention to them, actions speaks more than words and your mods are always in the 10 top mods as popular in Moddb for YEARS !!!
HEY THERE.. how are you all doing?
I made 2 videos with this AWESOME mod!
It's absolutely crazy!
I accidentally spelled your name wrong..
ARROWOOD it should be but I wrote DARKWOOD.. I'm so sorry
First one being a highly realistic tactical shooter and the other a tactical horror shooter experience.
Have fun watching!
you cant play when i play i can but at some moment my screen the image freeze but not the game i can shot but cant see me moving
Hi all! Arrowood, congratulations on updating the modification! What are the changes?
I can skip the long reload animation of the SKS(full reload) by pressing the melee attack and be loaded and ready to shoot instantly
the weapon is great , can you make LIGHT Edition CALL of DOOM:TARKOV ?
A small drawback: for the MCX Spear the clip size is 20+1, although the magazine itself is designed for 25+1 ( error in the weapon characteristics viewing section)
I have to say this is the only game/mod that my finger-trigger getting numb since most of the weapons are now just single fire use LOL.
BD21 has still have some weird/odd bugs like:
1) The Chaingun Dude if he's too close on the wall when you kill him, it will not drop a weapon. (best solution is to use a headshot)
2) The Shotgunguy using a powerful shotgun against him such as the M1897 Trenchgun, sometimes he will drop 2 weapons
3) The Pinky mysteriously can bite you from a distance and around 70-90% plays the animation of missing arm and still attack you.
4) Mancubus always wander around the maps and appears earlier because he is not in "sleep" mode like the other monsters.
Note: is advisable to kill him with weapons that dismember his arms, his arms turns to ammo.
5) When you throw hand-grenades on Knight or Baron he will be "kicked" back, turning off the Vanilla Monsters option, will instead make him "kicked in the nut" and that will make him enraged so be careful !
If these "bugs" bothering you, switch the "Vanilla Monsters" option off in the Brutal Doom Options---> BD Level Options.
It affects 3,4,5
I know you mean no harm, but it annoys me a little when you say it as if I use BD21 because I like bugs.
The tweaks and bug fixes to BD21 base to fit COD mod were done by my partner, who is no longer with us.
I know that a test version of BD22 has been released, but it is not yet a finished product and I don't know what kind of bugs it may have. Any new bug fixes and tweaks I make to this file will be mostly reset when the final version of BD22 is released in the future.
Rather than entrusting the fate of my mod to such an unstable and unknown file, it is more reliable to use a file that has been confirmed to work properly with COD mod, although it still has minor bugs.
If you can fix the "sad BD21" bugs or make new improvements for BD22, I'd always welcome it.
I had no intention to say it in a meaning that you use this version because you like bugs and I am sorry if I make you feel this way. I am well aware that you can't use BD22 since is a beta version of course so the best choice was to stick to BD21, I was just under the impression that the last BD21 bugs had being fixed but it seems not. I wasn't judging you, I was just feeling sad that you were forced to use this version.
I will try and see if I can fix those weird bugs although the most simple solution is just to disable "Vanilla Monsters"
To be honest, I'm not even the creator of Brutal DOOM, so I find it annoying when people ask me questions or make requests about it.
I'm not trying to create an evolved version of Brutal DOOM like "Project Brutality", I just like fighting BD monsters so I'm using this as the base file.
I hate to say this, but I think your comments are often too sensitive about mods. I assume you think that reporting the bugs you find will help me, but the truth is, more often than not I think, "Stop making me do extra work."
If someone finds a critical bug I'll make it a priority to fix it, but if they start talking about improving the feature, it's endless.(Once you send it to me as a comment, it becomes a "request.")
I had changed my post, sorry if I make it sound like is your business to fix the BD bugs.
Unless is a specific bug that somehow affects the game-play of your mod greatly, right ?
I thought that enemies that drop 2 weapons instead of 1 would affect the balance but if you are fine with it, then I am fine with it too ;) More weapons to choose from LOL.
If I can fix them myself these "bugs" or weird behavior, I will do so. For example the hand-grenades cause different behaviors against monsters, depending if you play your game with Vanilla Monsters option on/off. When you throw your grenades on weak monsters like Zombies and Imps they get "kicked" and on Barons they get "kicked in the nut" or just pushed back.
When I checked the code for the hand-grenades I found it has the "damagetype "Kick" so I removed that. Just to be clear this is just my own personal opinion and preference, nothing more.
Anyways from now on I will post you only critical bugs, sorry for the upset that I caused you and please try to be calm, is very understandable that is quite stressful to work on a mod and on your own nonetheless.
One again thanks for coming back and bringing us this awesome new mod and above all else stay healthy.
Best regards.
I know you mean no harm and that you mean all well.
However, I'm sure you wouldn't feel very good if someone repeatedly gave you detailed feedback about the everyday activities that you enjoy doing.
At this stage I'm not really asking for any enthusiastic feedback and would like people to feel free to customize this mod at their own risk.
I consider it lucky if I see two shotguns drop, and I believe that monsters should feel pain when hit with heavy iron chunks, so I use "Kick" type grenades.
Anyway, I appreciate your kindness in always caring about this COD MOD, but right now I'd rather have a quiet break.
Thank you.
Hello comrades. Tests regarding the attack button bug have been completed. I will briefly describe the solutions to the problem
01. An error may appear when using console commands, especially " sv_pickup xxx ". If you need additional ammo, I advise you to enter the commands " summon backpack / give backpack or give ammo ". This will give you more ammo and will not affect the game code
02. An error occurs when selecting the " unlimited mode ". There is no particular point in carrying all the weapons; you will have to look for the right weapon for a long time, therefore, it is easier to indicate the specific required samples in the console. For example, " give AK103 ", " give RPD ", " give MP5 "
03. An error may occur spontaneously for another reason. For example, you view the characteristics of a weapon through the P key. If you press the attack / secondary fire button at this time, you may encounter the problem of these buttons jamming. Don't save the game, just load your previous save. It's also not worth saving the game when you enable the pickup command
04. Other reasons are related to the game code itself
I'm not overly confident in the quality of my mods, but I honestly suspect that the bugs you're seeing are caused by the fact that you're making a lot of changes to DOOM.
Inaccurate bug reports will confuse many players who have nothing to do with it.
In the environment you're playing in, it seems like most of the condition checks I have programmed into each weapon aren't working.
For example, if the player uses Fire or Altfire while displaying a weapon spec sheet, the check function will perform the operation "clear the spec sheet and allow the weapon to fire." So other players besides you can view the spec sheet without any issues.
Also, selecting unlimited mode will not cause any errors.
The bug you are reporting is unusual and rather mysterious. I suspect that the device you are using, mods, console cheats, etc. are the cause of this mysterious bug. Or, it could be that a console cheat or option you're using to refill weapons or ammo is breaking the triggers on the weapon spec sheet.
In fact, I think there would be a lot more fuss if the bug you're reporting was something that happened to everyone. In particular, if there was such a serious bug in the weapon spec sheet, which is essential to playing this mod, many more users would be angry.
Also, while you are free to use console cheats at your own risk, please do not encourage other players to use console cheats.
I don't know if you read the mod description properly, but using console cheats will cause a lot of bugs. I don't want more people like you to claim that using console cheats broke the game.
I understand that you are commenting with the intention of supporting me, but if things continue like this, it will only cause unnecessary confusion for other users.
I would like you to carefully verify whether the bug really occurs in a completely vanilla version of the game, with no modifications made to the game and no console cheats used.
At this stage, I have tried various actions using this mod but have not seen the bug, nor have other people seen the bug when playing it either.
Again, it's not that I have a lot of confidence in my work, I just want to be careful about any information that may confuse other players.
I am in no way disparaging your work. The funny thing is that I only used the command once. I would not have attached any importance to this error if I had not been told that it occurs without cheats. I’m just sharing my observations, and playing with or without cheats is everyone’s business. I don’t encourage anyone or anything. On the contrary, I gave recommendations to those for whom there is not enough ammo in the game. Perhaps the problem is in the hardware, but don’t look for any negativity in my theses
Because of your observations I have carefully reviewed the weapon program and run various tests, but have not found any traps that would interfere with your Fire or AltFire.
If you actually took a look inside this mod with a WAD editing tool, you'd see nothing there that would cause the complex bugs you claim, just simple commands. The only command written is "When the spec sheet is displayed, if you press Fire or AltFire, the spec sheet will disappear and the weapon will become usable again," and it cannot do anything else.
I'm also investigating this carefully because I don't want to be embarrassed later. As a result, I can only reply that this bug is most likely caused by "something" outside of the mod.
First of all, I know you are reporting this in good faith, but as the author, I need to take the time and be more careful.
I have seriously tried to find a solution to the bug to help you, and I've spent a lot of time thinking about this reply now. Weapon spec sheets are an important part of playing this game, so I really want to help those of you who are experiencing serious bugs.
However, no matter how much we investigate, our current conclusion is that it is unlikely that the simple and boring program of this MOD could cause such a complex bug. It's possible that this is due to some GZDOOM or BrutalDOOM option that I haven't checked, but I don't know anything yet.
It is true that I am tired right now, but I do not bear any resentment or ill will towards you.
The reason I'm rejecting your advice about console cheats for now is because I have no idea what causes this bug, and as the author I can't recommend cheats whose safety has not been confirmed.
It would be great if all players who use console cheats would realize that they are doing so at their own risk, but unfortunately, in past releases there have been users who used abusive language to request improvements to bugs related to console cheats.
As a MOD author, I want to solve serious bugs, but I can't properly deal with elements or cheats outside of the MOD.
Anyway, I appreciate you playing and enjoying the mod, but please understand that I have not found a way to work around this bug at the moment.
(I need some rest and time for myself, I've already used up way too much of it at this point.)
Thank you, comrades.
By the way, if you want to share the same feelings as me, watch the trailer below on repeat for an hour. Well, that's about it.
I appreciate you providing extensive answers. Personally, I will throw a stone at anyone who tells me that your mods are not of excellent quality. Remembering the game in " Call of Doom : Black Warfare ", I can’t remember similar errors. If you add regular backpacks or summon ammo, then there should be no bugs. I don't want to be a spammer or mislead anyone, but I believe that those people who do not call for anything in the game will not read my messages
Only abortion victims who are only capable of barking in all directions will use profanity. I don't like to criticize anyone or belittle someone's achievements. If at least some of the modifications were similar to yours, there would be heaven on Earth. I believe that some errors could be caused by an out-of-date GZDoom version or device. I play your mods from my smartphone and tablet, and they work wonderfully
In the first days of " Tarkov's " appearance, I left my review of it on the site of friends from Russia. I don’t think many people have done this on any resources. The only thing you can wish for is new additions to your mods in terms of increasing the number of weapons ;)
I just apologize for your time, I don’t want to harm anyone because of my meticulousness
P. S. : Vielen Dank für Ihr Video ;) Thx for the Trailer
semi-auto rate of fire seems to be a little bit goofed, sometimes you can crank out a few shots then it seems to get "sticky" i dont know if this is intentional to simulate bad conditioned guns like Fallout, but it kind of interferes when you pull your sidearm out and your rythmn gets thrown out of wack. oddly enough on the semi-auto shotgun this doesnt happen.
Yo man!
Having a problem playing the mod. Your previous mod was working fine (the COD BW one), but this one keeps giving me the "out of video memory, couldn't create vulkan image" error. Latest GZDoom, fresh drivers.
RX 580
16 GB ddr3
i5 7600k
(for example, brutal doom is working fine, no crashes)
I'm using it (or trying, lol) with maps of chaos, but I crash eventually on normal maps as well.
try to set your video settings to OPENGL or OPENGLES
for whatever reason the latest GZDoom set Vulcan by default
man you're a genius. Never had problems in older versions :<
1) If you have only 1 AT-4 and shoot it and then immediately try to press any other weapon slot key, the game will abort.
2) For some reason backpack doesn't give you stunt grenades, unless is intentional.
Hi, Arrowood!
Your mod is epic!
Thank you very much for your effort.
I've been playing your mods for several years already.
One thing I would like to know about this one. Could you please tell me all 6 rarity levels from lowest to highest?
Many thanks.
Hi, Evilgrifon
I believe the levels are arranged like this:
1. ⚪️ Common
2. 🟢 Uncommon
3. 🔵 Rare
4. 🟣 Epic
5. 🟠 Legendary
6. 🟡 Ultimate
If I'm wrong, let them correct me