**** 6/13 Ver0.85d2 FILE UPDATED ****
This MOD adds 70 Call of Duty Style Guns to your "Brutal DOOM" and "Project Brutality".
And you can summon friendly soldiers or girlfriends using Satellite Phone.
PLEASE WATCH detailed information and Videos.
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The Community Page will deliver information such as the next update notice.
You have requests or BUG reports, please write it on this Community Page.
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I love all supporters! Thank you very much!
** UPDATE information
-Fixed BUG of Dual Weapons.
-Adjusted the amount of ammunition dropped by the enemy.
-M320GLM can now give effective damage to Cyberdemon.
-By using Patch, it became possible to rob the WW2 Weapons from random appearing NAZIS.
(Ver0.85d2) -- NEW
- Ammunition BUG of ACR7.62 was fixed
- Medikit BUG that can be obtained from Shotgunguy was fixed
- The amount of acquisition of ".44 Magunum" and ".410 Gauge" has doubled.
- The amount of 7.62 x 39 mm bullet that can be obtained from Ammo BOX has decreased.
- The handling of the M1911 became a bit more difficult.
- "SCAR-L" and "Mk.46" are a little better in performance.
"Brutal DOOM" or "Project Brutality" is required to activate CALL OF DOOM.
BRUTAL DOOM v20b R(GZDOOM 3.0.0 ver)
Project Brutality 2.03
Project Brutality 3.0 test
In this MOD, I intentionally alter caliber and capacity for the two reasons "to make ammunition management easier" and "to make weapons useful".
There is DOOMIMP, who throws a fireball, saying to me of Gun shop employee, "The caliber and capacity of this MOD's gun is different from the real gun!"
9mm, 45ACP, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, .30 Mauser, 7.62mm Tokarev, 5.7mm FN, 4.6mm HK, 5.56mm NATO, 5.8x42mm, 7.62x39mm, 7.62x54mmR, 7.92mm Kurz, 7.62mm NATO, .30-06, 7.92mm Mauser, .338 Magnum, .50 BMG, 12gauge, 20gauge....
Perhaps some people say that it is fun to manage all of these bullets in their pants pocket, but my head hurts.
This is a "game".
Relax and enjoy.
![COD Manual1 HOWTO 1]()
![COD Manual1B HOWTO]()
![COD Manual2 CONTROLS]()
![COD Manual3 GUNS]()
![COD Manual5 FRIENDS]()
: O
SUPER COOL! I love the description images that explain the mechanics, I find them helpful and enjoyable to look at.
Definitely starting my next playthrough with this mod. Thank you making and sharing it man! : D
Thank you very much!!
do I need the hell on earth start pack patch if I want to play it?
cause I can't remember if I used the patch or not ever since I started using my new setup
I love the time and effort put into the description, it looks pretty professional. It's such a fun mod to play, and with so many weapons at that.
But I have a couple things to address:
Was there a new Girlfriend/Waifu implemented? Because after testing, I couldn't find a new one.
The guns sound like they're firing two shots at once but they're not. It can be pretty grating to hear.
Thank you for comment.
I'm sorry, Ver0.85 does not yet have a new girlfriend.
However, in the next update, with an excellent animator effort, 3 new girlfriends will be implemented.
And the sprites of the first and second "Black hood Girl" and "Sniper Girl" will also be remade.
I have a few things to suggest if I may:
After starting up, I keep getting an error to do with the MP40.
The Grenade Launcher doesn't work against the Cyberdemon.
Toning down the ammo drops, popcorn enemies (zombiemen) drop too much ammo at once.
Weapons need balancing some more, that M1911 is utterly lethal for example.
Will you be adding magazines/clips/drums discarding? (Like how bullet casings stay on the floor)
Any plans for the (actual) Death Machine (Or War Machine) off CoD?
What is "MP40 error"? please tell me in detail.
For Cyberdemon, "blast damage" to Cyberdemon is invalidated with original DOOM and BRUTAL DOOM.
If I give M320 GLM effective performance against Cyberdemon it becomes a weapon that is too strong for other enemy monsters.
About Ammo drops, when you kill an enemy by the explosion originally with BRUTAL DOOM, there is a phenomenon of dropping two or more guns. I think that it is due to it.
As for M1911, since magazine capacity is inferior to other hand guns, it has high power.
The range is short.
As for "magazines / clips / drums discarding", it is not plan at present.
It is because it makes it difficult to distinguish whether it is an item or garbage.
As for the "minigun", it is not planned at present.
The reason is that Minigun is the original weapon in BRUTAL DOOM, and because Minigun is too convenient, almost all you need to use 70 weapons is lost.
"can't add non-weapon mp40 to weapon slots" is the error.
It comes up as soon as I start a game.
Blast damage is, but the sheer explosive impact isn't. It's a bit odd having a 40mm be useless against the strongest enemy.
I meant that you pick up so much ammo at once (30 rounds per zombieman kill) is a lot.
It two shots pinkies and it hits as hard as a point blank shotgun blast.
I imagined it as a selectable item to which you won't be able to move at all whilst wielding, more of a portable turret.
I have not seen the MP40 error message.
The MP40 is replaces as the basis for making other WW 2 weapons appear, so the player never picks up. (MP40-II uses different data)
Do you use a cheat code that includes "a command to have the MP40 owned by the player"?
I've uploaded a fix file that reflects your some opinion now.
However, M1911 has not changed so much. It is not much fun for me that M1911 is weakened.
Your idea for "DEATH MACHINE" may be implemented in a future update.
Thank you.
No, it just happens when I make a new game. It's there, but it doesn't affect gameplay as far as I'm aware however.
I see.
As of now, there are no countermeasures to me.
I'm sorry, you only have to ignore that error message.
I think its good either way. very, very fun. my one thing with the mod is the health system. often found myself dying unnecessary deaths just because I couldn't figure out what was a health pick up or because there just wasn't any at all. maybe its a glitch do to my mod load order or just me not understanding what I was doing. either way this is the type of mod I wish I could see more of and this one is very fun and with a little more polishing will be perfect. anyways thanks for the mod and keep up the great work.
nice mod
Cool mod. Just wish it had launchers too for one of the weapon slots...
Thank you for comment.
If weapons increase in future updates, "launchers slot" may be implemented.
I noticed that nazis don't seem to spawn in as often with regular zombies do they still show up or do the only appear on the secret doom 2 levels?
When activating this mod with "Project Brutality", it had a bad influence on the enemy appearance program, so it was removed once.
Now I uploaded a modified file containing Patch to restore random NAZI.
I can't play this with custom-maps.
Allways getting the error
Script error, "zzbrutalxcod_bcoding_b3V85b.wad:DECORATE" line 386:
Unexpected 'HERO' in definition of 'RGAPlayer_HERO'
This error is caused by the order in which files are selected.
Please select "BRUTAL DOOM data" => "CALL OF DOOM data" in that order and start up.
You can not start up unless BRUTAL DOOM data is loaded in GZDOOM.exe first.
Please try it.
Me Too Arrowood Still Im Using The Latest Version Of GZDOOM But It Caused Problems
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I tried that drag n drop method, same issue, selecting the files in that order you say.
How do i create a .bat file with gzdoom? I´m loosing my mind
I would suggest allowing most of the equipment to be used as an inventory instead of a separate keybind (specially for laptops with a more limited set of keys).
Also, would it be possible for you to make a universal version that could be played with a variety of monster only mods so this can be played without project brutality or brutal doom? It would be fun to combine this with things like colorful hell or smooth doom or even the DRLA monster pack.
Thank you for your comment.
It is not impossible for me to update other equipments to put in "inventory slot".
However, since "Stun Grenade" already uses "inventory slot", if put other equipments in the "inventory slot", players may be troublesome to switch and may cause misoperation.
Since key operations can be changed at any time with OPTION, if can not use KEYPAD, better assign some alphabet keys instead.
Regarding the combination with other custom MOD, you can start with this version of CALL OF DOOM if the MOD only changes monster.
After selecting the files "Brutal DOOM" and "CALL OF DOOM", please select the monster change MOD you want to use and start the game.
Then you can use the weapon of CALL OF DOOM to fight against the changed monster.
"Regarding the combination with other custom MOD, you can start with this version of CALL OF DOOM if the MOD only changes monster."
Thank you for mentioning that, I didn't even consider it. I'm pretty excited, as it means I could mix CoD up with all sorts of monster mods and have even more possible ways to enjoy this mod. : O
*presses the download button 87000 times*
I have a question, for some reason when I use the maps of chaos and load the pit (which I think is map 10?), there are default project brutality rifles that I can pick up, but I Can't switch from them to other weapons nor can I reload them.
ALso the m1911, while pretty meaty in real life, seems a bit OP in here. A big advantage it had was raw stopping power, so much so it could stop a person running at full speed, but not so much with penetration.
Perhaps against enemies it has a better chance to stun, but not so much armor penetration?
also I wouldn't mind weaker weapons, it would make it more fun to have runs where you have weapons that require more patience or careful use of ammo, but its up to people.
Thank you for comment.
Since I have not played "maps of chaos" yet, I will consider measures for that trouble after I play it later.
Regarding the performance of the real gun M1911, I know it in detail as if I had compulsory education,
To be honest, 45 ACP is considerably less advantageous compared to 9mm.
The magazine capacity is low, its range is short, and the actual stopping power of 45 ACP is not so noticeable. (Especially against the human body)
I hope that "45 caliber myth" will shine even in the world of the game alone.
For the automatic Luger, couldn't the C-96 full auto carbine be used?
I know the back 2 fronts mod has a lot of neat world war 2 era weapons that could probably be implemented using the same methods as existing
And is it possible to have an addon that is only the girlfriends? I am wanting to try it with other weapon mods to see what happens and because its honestly a lot of fun
Normal 9mm Semi-Auto P08 is too weak against monsters, so I can not find reasons to use, so "Prototype Automatic Luger" instead appeared.
However,In the future update, many variation models will appear for one gun.
For example, the following model will be added in the future for C96.
RED NINE - C96 converted to 9mm caliber
Type17 - C96 converted to .45ACP caliber
M1932 MP - C96 converted to Full-Auto
DL-44 - C96 converted to Blaster
Although girlfriends MOD will be released even by itself, it will be after completion of CALL OF DOOM. sorry.
No need to apologize! It seems to be fair to me.
Also the idea of all the new variants seems fun
yea i get that rifle switch too. i just disable the auto-switch on pick up so it doesnt affect me switching from my current weapon.
This work whit zandronum? (Tell me yes please, I cant use GZDOOM)
This mod can be started with zandronum.
Does "you can not use GZDOOM" mean that you can not start the game with an error at startup?
There is a script BUG in "BRUTAL DOOM".
"Blood.txt" containing an incorrect description may prevent the GZDOOM from starting up.
I am publishing Brutal DOOM's modified file "BRUTAL DOOM v20b R (" GZDoom 3.0.0 "Ver)", so please try using it.
Very very cool!!! thanks! :)
Gzdoom 1.9.1 is necessary to play with doom 2 final doom ?
Usually, original DOOM is necessary to start up the game.
It is the same for any DOOM engine.
If you do not have DOOM you can buy it with Steam.
Or download the free "FREE DOOM", you can use it as a substitute for the original DOOM.
I've played about 25 maps so far with this mod and its fantastic. I have to say that the new updates that came in 0.85 were spot on, as the damage balance, limited slots to carry weapons and the new content make a huge difference. Having a lot of fun playing this! :D
I did notice one minor bug: The name for the PPSH-41 says that its M4A1 via "Options -> HUD Options -> Display Nametag -> Both".
Nametag should not look.
Thank you for playing!
Haha, alright fair enough. I guess I was looking places I was not supposed to.
Still its easy to fix. In the file W_PPSH, in 'actor "M4A1" : RGUWeapon', it just needs this line:
tag "PPSh41"
Thats all. No need to rename every piece of the weapon (which would be time consuming, I see, yes). I already did it for my copy of the mod, so its ok.
I've got to admit, the m1911 is fun, even if it doesn't launch bodies back that way in real life. Still though, a .45ACP is a big slug and does tend to knock most folks down. I'd lessen the distance they fly back, but not that they fly back. Damage is fine.
Thank you for comment.
.45ACP has a characteristic that it is good with a silencer.
Because the bullet is heavy and the flight sound is quieter than 9mm, it is still favored by special forces.
I'd like to make an update that takes advantage of this feature.
Isn't something like cold-loaded ammo designed to be fired at sub-sonic speeds?
is there any chance of being able to pickup all weapons? for thos of use who want to carry it all?
Thank you for comment.
When CALL OF DOOM becomes "Ver 1", I plan to release "Weapon unlimited version" at the same time.
Deserves a playthrough for sure!
I have to say i never get tired of M1 reloading sound!
Arrowood is it possible that on the next update you will make this one compatible to smooth doom?
Arrowood is it possible that on the next update you will make this one compatible to smooth doom?
Weapon Wheel Compability?
"Thank you for comment.
When CALL OF DOOM becomes "Ver 1", I plan to release "Weapon unlimited version" at the same time."
Will Desperately wait for "Weapon unlimited version"